Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Results of the student youth forum – 2021

On March 25-26, 2021, our university hosted the annual 17-th International Youth Forum “Youth and Agricultural Machinery in the XXI Century”. At the plenary session, the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka greeted the participants of the forum and made an introductory speech, emphasizing that the main purpose of this educational event is to expand the scientific and technical horizons of young farmers and encourage them to participate in innovative work.

Підсумки форуму студентської молоді – 2021

About the department

A decision was made to open a new specialty in the field of machine building – “Equipment of the forest complex.” The initiators were the university administration and personally the dean of the faculty of technical service prof. O.Naumenko. The first enrollment of students in this specialty took place in 2003, and at the end of 2003 the Department of Forestry Equipment was established. Significant assistance in this was provided by the staff of the Department of Machine Repair and the Department of Mechanization of Livestock Farms under the leadership, respectively, of Professor A. Sidashenko and Professor I. Boyko. Associate Professor S. Ovsyanniikov was appointed the Head of the Department. The first teachers of the department were Doctor of Biological Sciences P. Badalov, candidate of agricultural sciences E. Chaplygin, V. Kurpik


About the department

The department was established in 2000 and trains specialists in the following specialties:


Optimal technical and technological solutions in crop production

On September 20, 2018, with the active participation of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, a scientific-practical seminar was held on the basis of the KhNTUSG training center for farm engineers and farmers on efficient operation of modern agricultural machinery. in the conditions of the Eastern region of Ukraine “Optimal technical and technological solutions in crop production” with demo demonstrations of equipment. The event was moderated by the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems Vlasovets Vitalii , who greeted the participants and noted that the holiday is always bright impressions and new experiences, new events and new meetings, and today’s seminar is a combination project theory and practice. The seminar was opened by the rector of KhNTUSG Nanka Oleksandr and the deputy director of the Department of agro-industrial development of the Kharkiv regional state administration – the head of the department of agricultural production Panfilov Kostiantyn . He noted that with the increase of efficiency of operation of equipment and introduction of modern agrotechnologies it is possible to increase grain yield three times.


About the department

The Department of Marketing and Media Communications was established on September 2, 2019, to strengthen the scientific and practical training of specialists in the specialty 075 “Marketing”. During the year of its existence, the department, thanks to the fruitful work of the team, took a place in the top three in the university ranking!


Press conference of the rector’s representatives

Today the Kharkiv Press Club hosted a press conference of representatives of the Rectorate of the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. P. Vasylenko, dedicated to the peculiarities of this year’s introductory campaign. The event was attended by the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work S. Zaika, Vice-Rector for scientific and pedagogical work, and International Relations Yu. Vitkovskyy, and also the executive secretary of the admission commission of KhNTUA S. Skofenko.

Press conference of the rector's representatives

The National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education was presented in Kharkiv

Today, June 24, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet presented the model of the National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education during the All-Ukrainian Strategic Session “Education of Ukraine – 30th National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education” in Kharkiv. The main goal of the event is the transformation of the national education system, the development of the New Ukrainian School, and the provision of quality and affordable education.

У Харкові презентували Національний технопарк з підвищення якості освіти

Piskachova Iryna

Education 1980 – graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, in specialty Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations 2000 – Candidate of Science Degree 2004 – defended PhD thesis in specialty 20.02.14 – Weapons and military equipment, received her scientific degree PhD 2006 – received the academic status of Senior Researcher in the specialty 20.02.14 – Weapons and military equipment Career 1984-1985 – Design Engineer of the Kharkiv plant “Monolit” 1985 – 1986 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of Kharkiv Higher Military School of Missile Forces. 1986-1998 – from positions of engineer to engineer – electronics of the 1st category on repair and maintenance of computer equipment of the computer center of the Kharkov Military University. 1998 – 2000 – Head of the study room of the department of electronic devices and microprocessor systems of the Kharkov Military University. 2000 – 2004 Junior Researcher at the Military Science Center at the Kharkiv Military University 2004 – 2007 Senior Researcher of the Research Department of Military Standardization and Product Quality of Defense Appointment of the Metrology and Standardization Management, Navigation and Topogeodetic, Support of the Joint Research Institute of the Armed Forces, Kharkiv 2008 – 2018 – Associate Professor at the Department of Computing Engineering and Control Systems of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. since 2018 works at Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture as an Associate Professor at the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies.  Research activities  She has more than 100 scientific and methodological publications, including 3 manuals, 36 R&D reports and 1 patent for the invention. Research interests  Information technology. Office packages, Math packages. Mathematical methods and models. Algorithmization and programming. Photoshop, CorelDraw. Reliability of software and hardware of microprocessor control systems. IoT. International activities 2017 р. – Secure and resilient computing for industry and human domains. Techniques, tools and assurance cases for security and resilient computing / Edited by Kharchenko V. S. – Department of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Aerospace University H.E. Zhukovsky “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. Participation in international projects

Піскачова Ірина Вікторівна

Final of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 24.11.2020 №1457 on holding the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in 2020/2021 academic year, and to support gifted student youth, creating conditions for their creative growth, activation of research work of students the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture has been designated as a basic educational institution.

Фінал Всеукраїнського конкурсу студентських наукових робіт

About the department

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism was established in 1991. In the system of higher education institutions of Ukraine the department was and remains unique.



Today, under the chairmanship of Acting Rector of KNTUА S. Zaika held a regular meeting of the Academic Council of the University, which addressed some important issues related to the organization of the educational process and research and educational activities of the institution. Due to quarantine restrictions, some members of the Academic Council participated in the meeting remotely through video channels, which, however, did not interfere with the constructive and fruitful work of the collegial body.



     On December 22, 2020 at 10.00 in the conference hall of KhNTUSG (44 Alchevskikh Street) under the chairmanship of Rector O. Nanka a regular online meeting of the Academic Council of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, which addressed a number of important issues. At the beginning of the meeting, the rector of the University O. Nanka drew attention to the observance of certain quarantine restrictions during the event (presence in masks, proper distance between council members, etc.).


The procedure for land auctions

According to Article 14 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Article 1 of the Land Code of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Land Code of Ukraine) land is the main national wealth, which is under the special protection of the state. Land ownership is guaranteed.

Порядок проведення земельних торгів