Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Youth and technical progress in agro-industrial production – we invite!

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth and the technical progress in agro-industrial production”, which will be held on May 17-18, 2021 at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.

Молодь і технічний прогрес в АПВ - запрошуємо!

Bright memory of Alexander Ivanovich Spolnik

We are sad to announce that on March 13, 2021, at the age of 75, the head of the Department of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics of KhNTUA, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Ivanovych Spolnik passed away. This is a huge loss for our university and the entire scientific community of Ukraine.

Світлої пам'яті Олександра Івановича Спольніка

VI Intra-university scientific-practical conference on the results of industrial practice of students majoring in 071 “Accounting and Taxation” and 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”

On October 13, 2020, the Department of Accounting and Auditing of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management hosted the traditional Intra-University scientific-practical conference on the results of industrial practice of students majoring in 071 “Accounting and Taxation” and 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”.


About department

Mechatronics – a branch of science and technology based on the systematic integration of precision mechanics, sensors of the environment and the object itself, energy sources, actuators, amplifiers, computing devices (computers and microprocessors). Mechatronics is one of the newest engineering specialties in the world. Mechatronics is one of the ten most popular and promising technical specialties in the world.


For entrants

Information on the conditions of admission to the specialty can be found at the link


Educational practice of students majoring in 076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”

The practical component of the educational process occupies a leading place in the training of specialists in entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange activities. In the educational-professional program, it is realized through the acquisition of relevant competencies in practical classes and the process of training and industrial practice. The practice also allows achieving such program learning outcomes as:

Навчальна практика студентів спеціальності 076 «Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність»

The first (bachelor’s) level

Educational and professional program “Road transport” first (bachelor’s) level of higher education by specialty: 274 Road transport field of knowledge: 27 Transport qualification: Bachelor of Road Transport


Student scientific-practical conference 2020

On April 2, 2020, a student scientific-practical conference “Problems of energy supply and energy saving in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine” was held at the ECT Research Institute.


The competition of student videos has ended

The Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA and the Department of Organization of Educational Work of Students summed up today the results of the creative competition for the best student video presentation, which was announced earlier. Under the terms of the competition, students had to show in their videos the diverse and multifaceted life of our university and its educational and research departments, showing a creative approach and creativity.

Завершився конкурс студентських відеороликів

Bantkovskyi Viacheslav

Education • 1978-1983 – Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty “Mechanization of Agriculture”, • 2000-2001 – the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, Master of Agricultural Mechanization, • 2016-2017 – the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, specialty “Economics”, • In July 2008, by the decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Repair of Tractors, Cars and Agricultural Machinery. Career • from November 1, 1983, he worked as a junior researcher, • since January 1986 – assistant, • since December 1995 – senior lecturer, • since April 2007 – associate professor. Educational activities • Teaches the discipline “Economics of Machine-Building Enterprise”, conducts practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines “Design of production processes and enterprises”, “Technological systems of repair production”, “Metals and welding in construction”, “Repair of machines”, for students of NIS TS, NNI MSM full-time and part-time study, • is the head of qualification works for EQL “Master”, constantly participates in the development of educational and methodical literature (textbooks, manuals, guidelines for laboratory, practical work, independent work of students); Research activities • The results of scientific work are constantly reported at international scientific-practical conferences, both national and international, published in professional publications; • Has more than 170 publications of scientific, educational-methodical and journalistic-educational direction, 78 scientific works, 6 textbooks, 10 textbooks and reference books with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 3 copyright certificates for inventions, and 5 Patents of Ukraine for utility models; • manages research work of students, constantly raises the professional level of the expert, actively transfers the last scientific achievements in the educational process; • He is a member of the organizing committees of professional student competitions in the disciplines “Machine Repair” and “Nanotechnology and Materials Science in Mechanical Engineering”. The main topic of scientific work “Research of problems of technical and economic and organizational efficiency of service and repair of equipment at the enterprises of technical service”. • He is the author of a standard and working program in the discipline “Economics of Machine-Building Enterprise”, introduced into the educational process an electronic educational and methodological complex of the discipline, constantly updates replenish and supports NMCD materials of this discipline in the distance learning system “Moodle”. • Member of the jury of the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of professional skills among students of vocational (professional and technical) education in the profession “Electric welder manual welding” in 2018 and expert I (selection) stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of professional skills “World Skills Ukraine” in the field of “Welding work “in 2019. International activities • Conducts, as a member of the organizing committee, active work on the organization and holding of the annual International Forums of Student Youth “Youth and Agricultural Machinery in the XXI Century”. Social activities • Regularly performs educational, advisory and career guidance work in the fortified territories of 4 village councils of Krasnograd district of Kharkiv region (Berezivka village, Natalino village, Petrovka village, Popivka village) within the framework of the “Native village” program. Awards • Diploma of the Inspectorate of State Technical Supervision of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2007); • Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2008); • Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers (2018).

Бантковський В’ячеслав Анатолійович

Kryshtop Yevhen

Education 2001 – graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy of Kharkiv State Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev and qualified as an agronomist. 2002 – received a diploma with honors from Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev, majoring in Agronomy, received a master’s degree in crop production. 2020 – received a diploma with honors from Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev, majoring in 101 “Ecology” and received a professional qualification “Master of Ecology”. Career 2004 – 2007 – graduate student of the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seed Production of KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2008 – junior researcher of DBT 6.07.55 KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2009 – Lecturer at the Department of Ecology and Biotechnology, KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2009 – defended his dissertation on the specialty 06.01.05 “Plant Breeding”, dissertation topic: “Remote hybridization and its modification by low temperature”. 2010 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Biotechnology, KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2013 – Acting Associate Professor of Ecology and Biotechnology KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2014 – 2020 – Associate Professor of Ecology and Biotechnology, KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2015 – received the title of associate professor of ecology and biotechnology. From September 2020 – Associate Professor of Agrotechnology and Ecology KhNTUAo. Social activities From 2010 to 2016 – Deputy Dean for Research and Education of the Faculty of Agrochemistry and Soil Science of KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev in the field of training “Ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of nature.” Head of the student research group “Actual problems of ecology and biotechnology” from 2017 – 2020. Full member of the public association “Professional Association of Ecologists of Ukraine” at the level of participation COMMUNICATION, decision № 48 of November 30, 2020, certificate № 08122021-B. Research activities Author and co-author of 90 scientific and educational works, including 2 monographs and 5 textbooks. The direction of scientific work is agroecological substantiation of the technology of growing safflower culture (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in the conditions of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Participation in research topics:   The executor of the initial scientific theme “Development and improvement of the methodology of ecological assessment of the state of plant products and the state of soils” in 2012-2016, state registration number 0112U005595; The executor of the initial scientific topic “Develop and scientifically substantiate agroecological bases for obtaining quality and safe crop products in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine” in 2016-2020, state registration number 0117U002513. Research topic: “Agroecological substantiation of the technology of growing safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in the conditions of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine”. Research and professional interests: agricultural sciences, biotechnology in crop production, ecological biotechnology, alternative energy sources, environmental protection technologies, etc. Scientific publications in periodicals that are included in scientometric databases recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, in particular, Scopus or Web of Science Core Collection L. Pusik Studying the loss of mass by cauliflower depending on agrobiological factors, varietal features, and package technique // L. Pusik, V. Pusik, V. Vlasovets, L. Gaevaya, А. Rozhkov, N. Lyubymova, I. Safronska, О. Romanashenko, Y. Kryshtop, E. Hryn / Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies. – 2019,   № 2/11 (98), P. 22 – 31. DOI: Davydenko K. Situation and perspectives of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) in Ukraine: focus on the eastern border // K. Davydenko, V. Borysova, O. Shcherbak, Y. Kryshtop, V. Meshkova / Baltic Forestry. – 2019,  № 25 (2). р. 193 – 202. DOI: L. Pusik Study of mass losses of cauliflower at storage depending on a packing way // L. Pusik, V. Pusik, V. Vlasovets, L. Gaevaya, А. Rozhkov, N. Lyubymova, I. Safronska, О. Romanashenko, Y. Kryshtop, E. Hryn / Eureka: Life Sciences. – 2019,  № 2, P. 3 – 11. DOI: Scientific publications in scientific publications included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (for the last five years) Пузік В.К.  Вивчення жирно-кислотного складу олії з насіння сафлору, культивованого в умовах Східного Лісостепу, і перспективи його використання // В.К. Пузік, Є.А. Криштоп, В.В. Волощенко / Вісник ХНАУ, Серія: Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання, 2015, № 2, С. 133–141. Мироненко Л.С. Перспективи використання олії насіння сафлору у харчових та косметичних продуктах // Л.С. Мироненко, В.К. Тимченко, Є.А. Криштоп  / Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту «ХПІ»: зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип.: Інноваційні дослідження у наукових роботах студентів. – Харків: НТУ «ХПІ», 2016. – № 29 (1201). – С. 62–65. Криштоп Є.А. Сучасні наукові напрями у вирощуванні культури сафлору красильного (Carthamus tinctorius L.) // Є.А. Криштоп,  Е.В. Ведмедева / Вісник ЦНЗ АПВ Харківської області. – 2017. Вип. 23. –  С. 23–37. Мироненко Л.С. Дослідження та аналіз технологічних властивостей насіння сафлору вітчизняних сортів // Л.С. Мироненко, Є.А. Криштоп,  Л.І. Григорова та ін. / Вісник Нац. техн. ун-ту «ХПІ»: зб. наук. пр. Темат. вип.: Інноваційні дослідження у наукових роботах студентів. – Харків: НТУ «ХПІ», 2019. – № 15 (1340). – С. 61–65. Полянський О.С. Особливості використання зв’язуючих матеріалів при виготовленні паливних брикетів підвищеної якості // О.С. Полянський, О.В. Дьяконов, В.І. Д’яконов, І.М. Бузіна, Є.А. Криштоп,  В.В. Волощенко / Вісник ХНТУСГ імені Петра Василенка, 2019. – С. 3–13. Гриньова Я.Г. Проблеми забруднення навколишнього середовища важкими металами та шляхи їх подолання // Я.Г. Гриньова, Є.А. Криштоп / Інженерія природокористування. – 2021. – №1(19). – С.111 – 119. Awards and prizes Winner of the II regional competition “The best young scientist of Kharkiv region” in the nomination “Chemistry and Biology” (2007). Winner of the competition “Higher School of Kharkiv Region – the best names” in the nomination “Young Scientist” (2010). Winner of the scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine (2010 – 2012). Certification training Institute of Vegetable and Melon NAAS of Ukraine on the topic “Methods of Biotechnology”, December 11, 2017, certificate № 7. Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University (according to the approved individual plan – the basics of teaching courses: “Technology”, “Urban Ecology”, “Environmental Protection Technologies”, “Utilization and Disposal of Agrosphere Waste”), certificate of advanced training series PC № 219, from January 08, 2020

Kryshtop Yevhen


2018 – Spolnik O. awarded a diploma from the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for conscientious work, exemplary performance of official duties, high scientific achievements, and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities.
