Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Happy Birthday!

Today Vadym Bredikhin, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Excellence in Education of Ukraine and Excellence in Agrarian Education of Ukraine, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, our colleague, Director of the Research Institute of Processing and Food Production, celebrates his birthday.


In a good way, dear graduates!

On June 23, 2021, the defense of qualification work for obtaining the degree of higher education “Bachelor” by students of the Institute of Business and Management in the specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” full-time and part-time.

У добру путь, дорогі випускники!

Journey to Odessa

Teachers of the Department of Transport Technologies and Logistics Natalia Berezhnaya and Olesya Kutya together with students on September 19 visited the International Black Sea Transport Forum 2019 (TRANS EXPO ODESSA 2019). This tour was organized to improve the quality of training in the specialty “Transport Technologies” and to study the disciplines “Interaction of modes of transport”, “Organization of international transport and customs control”, “Organization of freight transport”, “Organization of passenger transport” and “Organization of loading and unloading ”. The International Black Sea Transport Forum 2019 (TRANS EXPO ODESSA 2019) has united 4 international specialized exhibitions: “TransUkraine 2019”, “Trans Rail Ukraine 2019”, “Commercial and Municipal Transport 2019”. At the exhibition they had the opportunity to talk to representatives of foreign transport and maritime companies working with domestic and international transportation, shipbuilding and shipyards, manufacturers of suspension stock and components for railway transport, companies engaged in the design and construction of warehouses and storage equipment. They also had the opportunity to see how the container ship is moored, how it is unloaded and at the same time reloaded. How grain is transported by rail and transhipped to the ship. Thanks to a boat trip on the sea, we got acquainted with the process of loading and unloading cargo from ships on tractors.


Victory of students of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management at the International competition of student research papers

In June 2021 on the basis of Kremenchuk National University named after Mykhailo Ostrogradsky was held the International competition of student research papers in the specialty 141 “Electricity, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanics”, which was attended by students from 17 higher education institutions of Ukraine and 3 foreign educational institutions. 84 works were submitted to the competition, including from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.

Перемога студентів кафедри електропостачання та енергетичного менеджменту на Міжнародному конкурсі студентських наукових робіт

Businesslike and constructive

Today at the meeting of the Rector’s Office the reporting of the heads of the university departments on the work in 2020-2021 continued. This time the reports were compiled by representatives of the Institute of Technical Service and the Institute of Processing and Food Production, who were acquainted with the results of the work of their teams on key indicators. There are eight of them, but, of course, the activity of the departments is not limited to these indicators. Therefore, the heads of departments had something to report, supporting their reports with specific figures, graphs, and illustrations.

Businesslike and constructive

Dmytro Mazorenko is 80 years old!

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the famous scientist in the field of agricultural mechanization, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, a full member of the NAAS of Ukraine, a member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education Dmytro Mazorenko.

Дмитру Івановичу Мазоренку – 80!

Future lawyers are practicing

Industrial practice is an integral part of the process of training specialists in the specialty 081 “Law” at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. It focuses on students’ independent knowledge of legal processes and legal phenomena, as well as provides a close link between the theoretical training of future lawyers and their practical professional development. During the internship, students not only consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge gained in the study of general and special legal disciplines but also acquire skills and abilities of law enforcement.

Майбутні правники проходять практику

Publications of our scientists

Recently, the monograph “Current state and prospects for the development of administrative and legal regulation in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine” was published, prepared by Ph.D., Seniour Lecturer of the Department of Life Safety and Law G. Ivanov.

Видання наших науковців

Field Day 2021. Photo report

Today based on THE PLANT PRODUCTION INSTITUTE named after V.YA. YURIEV NAAS of Ukraine in the village of Elite, Kharkiv region, a traditional Field Day was held, dedicated to the promotion of selection and technological innovations in modern grain production. The program of the scientific-practical seminar.

День поля-2021. Фоторепортаж

The university received the Grand Prix for participation in the educational exhibition

On May 28, the XII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2021” ended, which took place in the Kyiv Palace of Sports simultaneously with the International Exhibition of Education Abroad “World Edu”. The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture traditionally took an active part in these events with his work.

Університет бере участь  у освітянській виставці