Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Joint Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programs

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees program has announced a scholarship competition for full higher education in Europe at the master’s level . The master’s programs provide for a full scholarship (tuition, living expenses, textbooks, library, transfer, accommodation, insurance, etc.) to study at the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Programs.

Спільні магістерські програми Еразмус Мундус

Avetisian Viktor

Education 1970 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with a degree in “Mechanization of agricultural production” and received a diploma with honors as a mechanical engineer of agriculture. In 1993 he defended his dissertation on the specialty 05.20.03 “Operation, restoration and repair of agricultural machinery” on the topic “Restoration of the mirror of engine cylinder liners by the combined process of boring and surface plastic deformation” and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences. 1995 – received the academic title of associate professor of repair of tractors, cars and agricultural machinery. 2007 – received a doctorate.

Аветісян Віктор Казарович

The main activities of the Institute of Postgraduate Education

The main areas of work of the Institute of Postgraduate Education are: advanced training of managers, deputy managers and employees of enterprises of various industries, teachers of higher educational institutions of II-IV levels of accreditation in accredited areas of training at the university, namely:


Antoshchenkov Roman

Education and career: 2006 – graduated from Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Machinery and equipment for agricultural production.” 2010 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic: “Improving the efficiency of operation of combined tillage and seeding units.” 2011 – received the academic title of associate professor of tractors and cars. 2017 – appointed head of the Department of Mechatronics and Machine Parts. 2018 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the topic: “Dynamics and energy efficiency of multi-element agricultural units.” Educational, teaching activities: teaches disciplines in the state language at a high scientific and methodological level, conducts lectures and laboratory-practical classes in the following disciplines: “Mechatronics”, “Mechatronics APV”, “Analysis and synthesis of mechatronic systems”, “Robotic systems and complexes APV”, “Mechatronics machines and units » Scientific direction of work (Areas of interest): Mechatronics, tractor energy, dynamics and energy of mobile machines, data collection and processing systems, computer and microprocessor control systems, data processing. Research activities: Associated with research on dynamic and energy performance of mobile machines (cars, tractors, or agricultural units), which include indicators of stability, controllability, fuel consumption, operating modes. Scientific Secretary and Expert of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Expertise of Projects of Scientific Works, Scientific-Technical (Experimental) Developments of Young Scientists Working (Studying) in Universities and NUS, Belonging to the MES Management Section including smart, green and integrated transport; rocket and space industry, aerospace and shipbuilding; armaments and military equipment; research on the most important problems of nuclear physics, radiophysics, and astronomy. “ Scientific publications patents, grants: 119 publications, including 109 scientific (103 articles in professional journals, 1 monograph). 10 educational and methodical characters (1 textbook and 9 methodical instructions). 5 patents of Ukraine. Awards: diploma of the mayor, Kharkiv, 2007; Diploma of the winner of the district stage of the city competition “Young Man of the Year” in the nomination “Scientific Activity”, Kharkiv, 2012; the gratitude of the Director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Kharkiv, 2014; scholarship of the regional state administration in the field of science in the nomination: agricultural sciences – scholarship named after Oleksiy Nikanorovych Sokolovskyy for gifted young scientists, Kharkiv, 2016; Scholar of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists in 2018

Вчена рада ННІ МСМ

To enhance academic integrity

Today, August 26, 2021, at the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Procedure for revoking the decision on awarding a degree of higher education and awarding the appropriate qualification was adopted. “The government has made an important decision, namely – the creation of legal conditions that will encourage students to adhere to academic integrity and be held accountable in case of violations. It is important that from now on the procedure for deciding on revoking the degree or qualification of a specialist and the range of subjects authorized for such actions are clearly defined at the state level. We are talking exclusively about higher education institutions. I believe that the decision of the Government will contribute to the formation of responsibility of higher education in Ukraine and increase their competitiveness, “said Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet.

Для підвищення академічної доброчесності

The Ministry of Education and Science hosted a meeting of the Council for Agrarian Education

On July 19, 2021, a meeting of the Council for Agrarian Education took place. The event was attended by Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Roman Leshchenko, Chairman of the Council for Agrarian Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Alex Lissitsa, Chairman of UKRAGROOSVITA and Rector of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences Stanislav Nikolay agricultural education, directors of agricultural vocational colleges, academic institutes.

У МОН відбулося засідання Ради з питань аграрної освіти

Mykola Fedchuk gathers friends

And wherever fate threw the graduates of our university! For example, Mykola Fedchuk (a graduate of KhIMEA in 1971) after graduating from the Faculty of Mechanization was sent to work at the Odessa Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and then went to Chukotka.

Микола Федчук збирає друзів

Disciplines of the department

Construction Mechanics Determination and control of reliability this year techniques Test and test reliability Dynamic strength and reliability of machines Operation of oil depots and the Armed Forces Machine operation and maintenance Computer diagnostics and machine condition monitoring Computer Reliability Modeling Quality management and control in mechanical engineering Mathematical modeling and statistics Research methods and organization Research Methodology Mechanics of materials and structures Modeling the reliability of structures Car reliability Machine and CIS reliability Machine reliability TK oil product supply Resistance of materials Optimal equipment design Transportation of dangerous goods Car design Design of technological processes of MOT machines Calculations when designing machines Development of quality management systems Theories of machine operation and design of technical systems Technical and operational parameters of vehicles and their diagnostics Technical Diagnostics Engineering geology, basics and foundations; Construction production base; Construction technology; Building Materials Science; Basics of computer-aided design in construction; Inspection and testing of buildings and structures; Water supply and drainage; Building structures; Engineering structures; Reinforced concrete and stone structures; Architecture of buildings and structures; Theory of elasticity; Organization of production; Geodesy; Heat supply and energy efficiency of buildings and structures; Regulatory framework for construction; Fundamentals of management of construction companies; Energy facilities.


Grants for students from the Scholarship program

The Scholarship social program offers grants for students of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. The purpose of our social program is to encourage and stimulate talented Ukrainian students, develop and increase the level of financial literacy and entrepreneurship among our youth. We also try to prove that knowledge can be profitable long before graduation. Наразі відкрито 8 номінацій:

Гранти для студентів від програми  Scholarship

Paliy Andriy

Education 1996 – 2000 – studies at the technical school of KhNTUA; 2002 – 2005 – studies at KhNTUA; 2005 – 2009 – postgraduate studies at the Institute of Animal Husbandry of NAAS; 2013 – defense of the candidate’s dissertation on the topic: “Improvement of technological methods of machine milking of high-yielding cows on industrial complexes”. He received a diploma of candidate of agricultural sciences in the specialty 06.02.04 – technology of production of livestock products; 2015 – 2017 – doctoral studies at KhNTUA; 2016 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk. 2018 – defense of a doctoral dissertation on “Substantiation, development and effectiveness of innovative technologies and technical solutions in dairy farming.” He received a doctor’s degree in agricultural sciences in the specialty 06.02.04 – technology of production of livestock products. Career 2000 – 2002 – conscript military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (branch commander); 2010 – accepted as a lecturer at the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk In 2016-2020 he worked as an associate professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk. since 2020 he has been working as a professor at the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Patent science and copyright; Technology of livestock production; Livestock; Management of master’s theses; He is a guarantor of the specialty OP “Technology of production and processing of livestock products” of the second (master’s) level of higher education (field of knowledge – 20 Agricultural Sciences and Food). Research activities Research interests – research and development of innovative technologies and technical means in dairy farming to ensure high quality products, increase milk production and preserve the dairy herd. He is a member of the specialized scientific council K 64.070.02 CDZVA for the defense of candidate’s dissertations in the specialty 06.02.04 – technology of production of livestock products. He is the author of 6 monographs, more than 300 scientific works, including 55 articles included in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus, more than 100 patents of Ukraine for utility models. Has 25 certificates of copyright registration for the work. He is a member of the editorial board of NTB IT NAAS. Awards gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2018); Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2019); gratitude of the director of the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2018); Diploma of the Society of Inventors and Rationalizers of the Kharkiv Regional Council (2019). International activities Internship and training: Poland; Denmark; Switzerland; USA. Teaching activities: China.

Палій Андрій Павлович

Paliy Anatoliy

Education 1996 – 2000 – studies at Lipkovatovka Agrarian College; 2001 – 2004 – studies at the Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy; 2005 – 2007 – postgraduate studies at the National Research Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”; 2007 – defense of the candidate’s dissertation on the topic: “Development and study of disinfectants for tuberculosis of farm animals”. Received a diploma of candidate of veterinary sciences in the specialty 16.00.03 – veterinary microbiology and virology; 2011 – 2013 – doctoral studies at NSC “IEKVM”; 2013 – defense of a doctoral dissertation on “Epizootological monitoring of bovine tuberculosis and scientific and experimental justification for the development and use of disinfectants.” He received a doctorate in veterinary sciences in the specialty 16.00.03 – veterinary microbiology, epizootiology, infectious diseases, and immunology. 2017 – awarded the academic title of senior researcher in veterinary microbiology, epizootiology, infectious diseases, and immunology. 2019 – awarded the academic title of Professor of 211 “Veterinary Medicine” Career 2016 – Head of the Laboratory of Veterinary Sanitation and Parasitology of NSC “IEKVM”; since 2020 he has been working as a professor at the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk (part-time). Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Biosafety and biosecurity in animal husbandry; Physiology with the basics of morphology; Biological value and quality of livestock products and its correction under different environmental conditions. Management of qualification works of masters. Research activities Research interests include scientific and practical support of epizootic welfare, biosafety, animal health and veterinary quality of livestock products. He is a member of the specialized scientific council D 64.359.01 NSC “IEKVM” for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialty 16.00.03 – veterinary microbiology, epizootiology, infectious diseases, and immunology. He is the author of 6 monographs, more than 270 scientific works, including 50 articles included in the international databases Web of Science and Scopus, 117 patents of Ukraine for utility models. He has 32 certificates of copyright registration for the work. Awards scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists (2015-2016); Laureate of the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and implementation of innovative technologies (2017); Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (2018); scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2019-2020). International activities Internship and training: Great Britain; Denmark; Italy; France.

Палій Анатолій Павлович