Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Scientific and practical seminars “Optimal technical and technological solutions in crop production”

On September 20, 2018, with the active participation of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, a scientific-practical seminar was held based on the KhNTUSG training center for farm engineers and farmers on the efficient operation of modern agricultural machinery. in the conditions of the Eastern region of Ukraine “Optimal technical and technological solutions in crop production” with demo demonstrations of equipment. The seminar was held to provide modern knowledge and skills for students of agricultural, technical, and environmental profile. The event was moderated by the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems Vlasovets Vitalii , who greeted the participants and noted that the holiday is always bright impressions and new experiences, new events and new meetings, and today’s seminar is a combination project theory and practice. The seminar was opened by the rector of KNTUA Nanka Oleksandr and the deputy director of the Department of the agro-industrial development of the Kharkiv regional state administration – the head of the department of agricultural production Panfilov Kostiantyn . He noted that with increasing the efficiency of machinery and the introduction of modern agricultural technologies it is possible to increase grain yields three times.



Practice occupies an important place in the training of highly qualified personnel. Students’ practice is an integral part of the training of specialists at the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. It is aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge acquired by students during their studies, acquisition, and improvement of practical skills and abilities defined by the educational-professional training program for the relevant educational program.


Career guidance work of the Department of Accounting and Auditing on the eve of the Open Day at the University

Throughout almost all of 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers of the Department of Accounting and Auditing were not able to meet for “live” communication with potential entrants to our university. This period was filled with the development of distance communication with schoolchildren and college students. But it is worth noting that everyone was looking forward to a face-to-face meeting, especially with college students and their teachers – our colleagues, because for many years of cooperation there is a tradition of combining career guidance with training in the form of brain-rings, intellectual competitions, quizzes and more.

Career guidance work of the Department of Accounting and Auditing on the eve of the Open Day at the University


Education 1985 he graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (KhIMEА), specialty “Electrification and Automation of Agriculture”, qualification: electrical engineer. From 1987 to 1990 he studied at the All-Union Research Institute of Electrification of Agriculture. 1991 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.20.02 – electrification of agricultural production. In 1994 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. From 1998 to 2001 he studied for a doctorate at the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (KhSTUА). 2006 Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.09.16 – electrical technologies and electrical equipment in the agro-industrial complex KhSTUA 2007 conferring the academic title of professor.

Лисиченко Микола Леонідович

Lysychenko Mykola

Education 1985 he graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (KhIMEА), specialty “Electrification and Automation of Agriculture”, qualification: electrical engineer. From 1987 to 1990 he studied at the All-Union Research Institute of Electrification of Agriculture. 1991 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.20.02 – electrification of agricultural production. In 1994 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. From 1998 to 2001 he studied for a doctorate at the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (KhSTUА). 2006 Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.09.16 – electrical technologies and electrical equipment in the agro-industrial complex KhSTUA 2007 conferring the academic title of professor.

Лисиченко Микола Леонідович

Research activities

The research activity of the department of equipment and engineering of processing and food productions is directed on the research of organizational-technical and technological bases of increase of efficiency of storage and processing of products of a vegetable and animal origin in the conditions of modern forms of development of innovative models of agroindustrial production. :



At a seminar I recently attended on the Gender Theory course, a question arose during the discussion that divided the teaching audience. One of the participants, who stated that the theory of gender and feminism is the fate of women and something like their inferiority complex, heard quite harsh statements from others present. However, his “support group” made ironic remarks that the feminist movement in the nineteenth century meant, above all, that women began to smoke, write books and wear trousers, and in everyday life, they sought to relieve themselves of the responsibilities they imposed on their traditional role in a patriarchal society and in which there were a certain meaning and justice. And also that only a woman is allowed to be a feminist, and a man can sympathize the most. But the most interesting thing is that in the end, the opponent who most clearly and meaningfully tried to express the opposite position on this issue was a friend of the same anti-feminist who linked the dispute. He desperately wanted to prove that feminist men had a right to exist. At the same time, the young teacher appealed mainly to the universality of research talent and, most importantly, to the desire of some men to play the role of a woman and the ability to do so very successfully, immersing themselves in their subconscious and secret impulses. The controversy that erupted made me want to summarize my views on this issue, in response to similar statements in similar situations. Moreover, the terms “gender theory” and “feminism” were used by all participants in the discussion as almost identical, and this suggests the need to emphasize this. Probably, this issue can also be useful for discussion in practical classes with students.


Students’ practice: new knowledge, new impressions

The harvest has begun in the Kharkiv region. According to the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, this year the agrarians of the region are to harvest grain and legumes on an area of ​​over 750 thousand hectares. Despite the fact that this year’s harvest began two weeks later than last year (due to weather conditions), farmers plan to harvest no worse than last year. It will be recalled that last year more than 3 million tons of grain and legumes were harvested in the Kharkiv region.

Практика студентів: нові знання, нові враження

Sport life

Calendar of games of the Ukrainian Rugby 15 Championship 2020 among the teams of the Premier League


The quality of education is modern, payment is affordable

As we have already informed, one of the priority activities of our university is the development of international cooperation, including the training of foreign nationals studying at KhNTUA in various specialties. If in 2017 the contingent of foreign students studying at our university numbered 119 people, in 2018 304 students were already studying, in 2019 – 348 foreign citizens, and at the end of 2020 – 300 foreigners from 21 countries.

Якість навчання – сучасна, оплата – доступна

Skoblo Tamara

Education 1958 Graduated with honors from the Mariupol Metallurgical Institute with a degree in Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals. Equipment of thermal shops 1967 She defended her dissertation “Research and development of new alloys for rolling rolls” at the Rostov Institute of Agricultural Engineering 1969 Awarded the title of senior researcher in the specialty “Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals” 1982 She defended her doctoral dissertation “Theoretical foundations of development and implementation of effective high-carbon alloys of rolled rolls and methods of their processing” at CNPchermet. IP Bardin (Moscow) June 1990 Awarded the title of Professor at the Department of Car Repair Career

Скобло Тамара Семенівна

Scientific specialty “Agroengineering” to be!

On May 26, 2021, a meeting of the scientific and methodological subcommittee 208 “Agroengineering” SMC 10 on agricultural sciences and food of the higher education sector of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was held under the chairmanship of the Director of the Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems Professor V. Vlasovets. The meeting was devoted to making changes to the draft list of scientific specialties in the fields of science (specialty “Agroengineering”), which is undergoing a stage of public discussion. The chairman substantiated the inclusion of the scientific specialty “Agroengineering” in such a list and presented proposals from the subsection. The following spoke: Yu. Borkhalenko (State Educational Institution “Agroosvita”), Professor of the Department of Agricultural Machines, Ph.D. V. Pastukhov (KhNTUA), V. Bratishko (NULES), R. Kirchuk (Lutsk NAU), V. Zubko (Sumy NAU), V. Bandura (Vinnytsia NAU), S. Kyurchev (Tavriya DAU).

Науковій спеціальності «Агроінженерія» бути!

Educational disciplines

Disciplines of the department № Subjects Institute where the discipline is taught Course Specialty Leading lecturer 1 Computer Science ЕCТ 1,3acc. 141 Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics Professor Mehel Yu. ЕCТ 1,3acc. 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies Associate Professor Kovalenko S. ТS 1 133 Industry engineering Associate Professor Levkin A. ТS 1 192 Construction and civil engineering Associate Professor Levkin A. ТS 1 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities Associate Professor Levkin A. ТS 1 204 Technology of production and processing of livestock products Associate Professor Levkin A. PFP 1 181 Food technology Associate Professor Chalyi I. PFP 1,3acc. 133 Industry engineering Associate Professor Chalyi I. 2 Biomedical informatics ЕCТ 1,3acc. 163 Biomedical engineering Professor Mehel Yu. 3 Informatics and computer technology ЕCТ 1,3acc. 123 Computer Engineering Associate Professor Kovalenko S. 4 Information systems and technologies BM 1,3acc. 051 Economy Associate Professor Chalyi I. BM 1,3acc. 071 Accounting and taxation Associate Professor Chalyi I. BM 1,3acc. 072 Finance, banking and insurance Associate Professor Chalyi I. BM 1,3acc. 073 Management Associate Professor Chalyi I. BM 1,3acc. 075 Marketing Associate Professor Chalyi I. BM 1,3acc. 281 Public administration and administration Associate Professor Chalyi I. BM 1,3acc. 242 Tourism Associate Professor Chalyi I. 5 Information and communication technologies ТSL 1,3acc. 275 Transport technologies Associate Professor Levkin A. ТSL 1,3acc. 205 Forestry Associate Professor Levkin A. ТSL 1,3acc. 187 Woodworking technologies Associate Professor Levkin A. 6 Algorithms and data structures ЕCТ 2 123 Computer Engineering Professor Putiatin V. 7 Basics of algorithmization and programming ЕCТ 2 163 Biomedical engineering Assistant Mikhnova O. 8 Structures and organization of data in the PC ЕCТ 2 123 Computer Engineering Associate Professor Kovalenko S. 9 Global Internet ЕCТ 2 123 Computer Engineering Associate Professor Kovalenko S. 10 Computer logic ЕCТ 1 123 Computer Engineering Associate Professor Kovalenko S. 11 Information technology in the industry PFP 4 181 Food technology Associate Professor Chalyi I. 12 Applied computer technology PFP 1 mast. 133 Industry engineering Associate Professor Chalyi I. 13 Research of operations in business ТS 3,3acc. 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities Associate Professor Levkin A. 14 Optimization of management decisions in business ТS 1mast. 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities Associate Professor Levkin A. 15 Economic and mathematical modeling BM 1,3acc. 051 Economy Associate Professor Kovalenko S. BМ 1,3acc. 071 Accounting and taxation Associate Professor Kovalenko S. BМ 1,3acc. 075 Marketing Associate Professor Kovalenko S. 16 Informatics and mathematical modeling ТS 4 133 Industry engineering Associate Professor Levkin A. ТSL 4 205 Forestry Associate Professor Levkin A. 17 Applied Mathematics ТS 2 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities Associate Professor Levkin A. 18 Optimization methods and models ЕCТ 2 141 Power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics Professor Putiatin V. BM 2,3acc. 051 Economy Associate Professor Kovalenko S. BМ 2,3acc. 071 Accounting and taxation Associate Professor Kovalenko S. BМ 2,3acc. 072 Finance, banking and insurance Associate Professor Kovalenko S. BМ 2,3acc. 075 Marketing Associate Professor Kovalenko S. 19 E-commerce BМ 1mast. 051 Economy Associate Professor Chalyi I. 20 E-government management and marketing BМ 1mast. 281 Public administration and administration Associate Professor Chalyi I. 21 Information systems and technologies in marketing BМ 1mast. 075 Marketing Associate Professor Chalyi I. 22 Information systems and technologies in the management of the organization BМ 1mast. 073 Management Professor Mehel Yu. 23 Economic management of enterprises and information systems in the economy BМ 1mast. 051 Economy Associate Professor Levkin A. 24 Economic Cybernetics BМ 1 051 Economy Assistant Mikhnova O. 25 Internet marketing BМ 1mast. 075 Marketing Associate Professor Chalyi I. 26 Modeling and information technology in public administration BМ 1mast. 281 Public administration and administration Professor Putiatin V. 27 Information resources and services in public administration BМ 1mast. 281 Public administration and administration Associate Professor Chalyi I. 28 E-government BМ 4 281 Public administration and administration Associate Professor Chalyi I. 29 E-commerce and public procurement ТS 1 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities Associate Professor Chalyi I. 30 Information Technology ММS 1 081 Low Associate Professor Chalyi I. 31 Decision theory KhNTUА Postgraduate students Professor Mehel Yu. 32 Mathematical modeling KhNTUА Postgraduate students Professor Putiatin V.
