Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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International Day of Women and Girls in Science

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Rector of the University O. Nanka and the Vice-Rector for Research V. Melnyk send their congratulations. See video appeal.


Once again about the unification of Kharkiv universities

During a recent press conference held at the Kharkiv Press Club, the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka once again commented on the situation surrounding the government’s decision to establish the State Biotechnology University and a possible merger of four Kharkiv universities, and also announced the vision of the KNTUA administration regarding such a merger.

Ще раз про об'єднання харківських університетів

A significant part of students of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture combines their studies with public and volunteer activities. The university management encourages such activities, considering it as an important element of patriotic education of young people and the formation of an active life position in them.

Волонтерська діяльність наших студентів

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We remember the brightest events in the life of our university. And there have been a lot of them in recent years. One of such events was the opening of a case study and research laboratory at the University (based on the Institute of MSM), which is still successfully operating and developing.

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Employees of the KhNTUА Media Communications Division participated in an online media brunch for Land Insight media outlets under the USAID Agricultural and Rural Development Program (AGRO). During the event, key changes in land relations were discussed, which can be expected with the adoption of bills №2194 and №3295 and prospects for the adoption of these laws.


With gratitude about Alma Mater…

The trade union of agro-industrial complex workers of Zolochiv district of Kharkiv region took a good initiative. To the 90th anniversary of our university, the head of the union Valentyna Ivanova decided to tell about former university graduates who work or have worked in Zolochiv district in management positions and have made a significant contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex..

Із вдячністю про Альма-матер...

Semen Novikov on NV radio

As we have already informed, a graduate of our university, European champion in Greco-Roman wrestling up to 87 kg and two-time world champion Semen Novikov was recognized as the best athlete of Ukraine in 2020 according to XSPORT . In this regard, Semen has been communicating a lot with journalists lately, sharing “recipes” for his success and plans for the future.

Семен Новіков на радіо НВ

Elsevier Summer Academy invites you to webinars

Dear scientists! Elsevier will hold a series of webinars in Ukrainian and English as part of the Elsevier Summer Academy project during July-August. Information about webinars is available on the Elsevier Online Training Hub platform by calling: On this platform you can view the webinars in the record after they are held.

Літня академія Elsevier запрошує на вебінари

Sports achievements of KNTUA students

The journalist Alexander Sharikov told about them in the final issue of “Sports News”. In particular, he said that a pupil of the Kharkiv Sports Boarding Lyceum, and now a student of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Andriy Kulyk, became the vice-champion of Europe in Greco-Roman wrestling among athletes under 23 years old. At the championship, he won a silver medal and the well-deserved title of “Master of Sports of Ukraine of international class”.

Спортивні досягнення студентів ХНТУСГ


Today the rector of our university Oleksandr Nanka celebrates his jubilee birthday. He is 60! This means that in his life comes the time of true masculine maturity and wisdom, which will certainly bear its generous fruits, including in the field of university education and science.


Cooperation with representatives of the academic community

 11 березня 2021 р. здобувачі вищої освіти за спеціальністю 101 «Екологія» і 201 «Агрономія» та викладачі кафедри агротехнологій та екології зустрілися зі стейкхолдерами-представниками академічної спільноти. На початку зустрічі зі словами привітання виступили директор ННІ МСМ, доктор техн. наук, професор В.М. Власовець і завідувач кафедри агротехнологій та екології, заслужений діяч науки і техніки, доктор с.-г. наук, професор В.К. Пузік. Вони наголосили, що подібна робота є системною, оскільки освітня програма – це динамічний документ, який покликаний підвищити ефективність і конкурентоздатність її слухачів на сьогоднішньому ринку праці.

Співпраця з представниками академічної спільноти

Topical interview with the chairman of the student parliament

As we have already informed, today the elections of the chairman of the student parliament took place at our university, as a result of which the fourth-year student of the Institute of Business, Management, and Law Maryna Romanashenko was elected the head of the student self-government body. We offer a short interview with Maryna, in which she shared her plans for the development of student government at KhNTUA.

Актуальне інтерв'ю з головою студентського парламенту

Both work and practice

Spring fieldwork, as well as practical classes for students, have started in the training and research farm of KhNTUSG. Currently, due to quarantine restrictions, students undergo practical training in absentia to continue it in the summer in the field. Professor VM Vlasovets and associate professor A. Gorbanyov tell students about the features of agricultural work, which is carried out in one of the fields of education and research economy of the university.

Фундамент для сучасного агробізнесу