Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Lapchenko Anastasiia

Education and career. 2011 – V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, specialty – History. Historian, teacher of history and socio-political disciplines. 2013-2017 – postgraduate study at the Department of History of Ukraine V. Karazin Kharkiv National University. 2019 – Assistant of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities KhNTUA.

Лапченко Анастасія Сергіївна

Kulishenko Tamara

Education and career Higher legal education. Teaching experience: 12 years


Krutas Kostiantyn

Education and career 2018 – graduated from Kharkiv National Aerospace University. ME Zhukovsky, specialty “Rocket and space complexes, and aircraft”. 2019 – entered graduate school at Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities Improving the efficiency of agricultural machines and units by choosing the optimal wheel systems.

Krutas Kostiantyn

Contacts of the Faculty of TSL

Adress: Kharkiv, Jubilee Avenue, 65G Dean of the Faculty of TSL Kravtsov Andrii +380669251202 E-mail:


Sheptur Oleksandr

Education 1970 – graduated from Krasnograd Technical School of Agricultural Mechanization named after F.Ya. Tymoshenko, specialty “agricultural mechanization” qualification – mechanical technician. 1982 – graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture , specialty “Mechanization of agriculture”, qualification mechanical engineer. 1991 – defended of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.0.01 – Agricultural Mechanization. 1995 – awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. 2009 – awarded the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy. Career 1982 – 1991 – researcher of the scientific laboratory of the vibrating grain cleaning machines of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 1982 – 1991 – researcher of the scientific laboratory of the vibrating grain cleaning machines of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 1993 – Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial training. 2017 – 2020 – 1993 – Associate Professor of the Department of Agrotechnologies and Ecology. since 2021 – Head of the laboratory of Department of Life Safety and Law. Research activity The authors of more than 100 scientific works Interests are related to the study of seed cleaning processes of different crops.

Sheptur Oleksandr

Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities is special and unique among the Departments of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. It occupies a worthy place among the Departments of UNESCO in Ukraine. The Department was founded in May 1996, as a result of the signing of an agreement between the Director-General of UNESCO and the Rector of the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (now – KhNTUA). In 2008, as a result of merging with the Departments of Philosophy and History of Ukraine, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities was renamed. The Department provides humanitarian training for students of all specialties of the University.


The Department of language training invites

Dear colleagues! The Department of Language Training invites everyone to take part in the III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Science, Education, Innovations” (in foreign languages).

Кафедра мовної підготовки запрошує

The All-Ukrainian competition of creative works dedicated to the Civil Service Day is announced

KhNTUA students are invited to take part in the All-Ukrainian competition of creative works, which was launched in 2020 by the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service. The purpose of the All-Ukrainian competition of creative works among young people (hereinafter – the competition) was to create conditions for finding, supporting, and developing ambitious and motivated youth, expanding their participation in the formation and implementation of public policy and public administration, interest in the younger generation image of civil servants in society.

Оголошується Всеукраїнський конкурс творчих робіт до Дня державної служби

Announcement: information seminar

On April 9 at 11.00 the Department of media communications of KhNTUA will hold an online seminar on information support of the university in modern conditions.

Анонс: інформаційний семінар