Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Kundenko Mykola

Education 1995 – diploma of a specialist with honors, Kharkiv State University of Agriculture, specialty “Electrification and automation of agriculture”, qualification – electrical engineer; Career 2003 – Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty – processes and equipment of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries. Dissertation topic: “Improvement of the process and equipment for pasteurization of milk by IR radiation”. 2005 – received a diploma of associate professor, associate professor of electrical engineering of agricultural production. 2013 – Doctor of Sciences, specialty 05.11.17 – Biological and medical devices and systems. Dissertation topic: “Molecular acoustic technology and electronic control systems in the technological process of animal reproduction.” 2015 – received a certificate of professor, professor of the Department of Integrated Electrical Technologies and Processes, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. 2018 – elected a full academician of the International Academy of Agrarian Education, Academician of the IAEA. 2019 – Advanced training: Training and methodical center for vocational training of workers and labor protection LLC “CS PRESS PLUS” (Kharkov). Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Electrified thermal processes and installations; Technological processes of APV enterprises; Biomedical devices, apparatus and complexes; Climatic equipment; Heat technology complexes and systems; Laboratory-analytical and diagnostic equipment; Medical equipment; Methods and means of automation of circuit design. Research activities Has more than 140 scientific publications, 7 of which are indexed in scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, author of monographs and manuals, has 6 patents and copyright certificates. Research interests: power engineering, biomedicine, biotechnology  

Кунденко Микола Петрович

Fesenko Tetiana

Education 1999 – Diploma of a Supervisor in specialization «Industrial and Civil Construction» (Diploma with honour), Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy. 2000 – Diploma of a Supervisor in specialization «Business Economics», Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy. 2009 – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in specialization 05.13.22 – Project and Program Management, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. 2013 – Docent at the Department of Project Management in Municipal Economy and Construction, Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine. 2019 – Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialization 05.13.22 – Project and Program Management, Odesa National Maritime University 2021 – Professor at the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Work experience 1999–2002 – civil engineer, Department of Capital Construction, construction company «ZHILSTROY-1». 2002–2005 – civil engineer, group leader, Department of Production and Technical design and technical supervision of construction, construction company «Bud-Modern». 2005–2007 – Team leader, Department of Perspective Development, Institute «Kharkiv PromstroyNIIproekt». 2007–2015 – Associate Professor Department Of Project Management in Municipal Services and Construction, O.M. Beketov National University Of Urban Economy in Kharkiv. 2015–2020 – Рrofessor, Head of the Department of Engineering and Architecture, Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council, Luhansk National Agrarian University (Kharkiv). From 2020 to the present – Рrofessor at the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Educational activities Lecture Course:

Фесенко Тетяна Григорівна


RESEARCH LABORATORY “SUBSTANTIATION OF INNOVATIVE AGROTECHNOLOGIES” It was established in 2006 under the leadership of Professor Hryhoriy Maznev.



As you know, in late 2019, the European Commission published a new environmental agreement European Green Deal – a roadmap for measures developed by the government of the European Union to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. A significant part of the program is the transformation of agriculture: a strategy for sustainable use of chemicals (reduction by 50-70% over the next 10 years of plant protection products) and reduction of CO2 emissions into the air. Besides, the strategy envisages several transformations, in particular for rural areas, modernization and changes in approaches to agricultural enterprises, a package of climate laws, the development of bioenergy, renewable energy, and organic products.


We present specialties

Imagine a mall. It has about 200 stores, each with thousands of items, and on the ground floor a large grocery store. During the day, this shopping center is “devastated” by hundreds of customers. But overnight, goods and products appear on store shelves again – magic! No less! All this magic is arranged by logisticians – specialists in traffic flow. Thanks to them, trains, ships, planes, and trucks with grain, potatoes, clothes, fuel, and others run all over the world. Goods are delivered to stores and passengers – to the destination on time. Logistics is both a practical and a scientific field that studies methods of optimizing the transportation of goods and people. The task of every transportation process, no matter how long, is to make sure that goods or passengers are delivered:

Презентуємо спеціальності


Dear friends and colleagues! Dear students, graduate students, teachers, and staff of the university! The year 2020, which has become a year of great hopes and great trials, is coming to an end. In connection with the educational reform, we have reached a new level of understanding of the main tasks and mission of our university in the modern educational space. At the same time, the spread of the coronavirus epidemic forced us to make significant adjustments to the plans and methods of educational work, which were partially carried out remotely. For the same reason, we had to cancel many mass events, including anniversaries, which were preparing for the 90th anniversary of our university.


We are developing international cooperation

On March 1, 2021, a delegation of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture consisting of Rector O. Nanka, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations Yu. Vitkovsky and Head of the Educational Department for Work with Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons O. Azizova paid a working visit to Gaziantep State University of the Republic of Turkey (GAUN), where she held a series of meetings with the university’s management and staff. In particular, the delegation of KhNTUA visited the three oldest and most powerful faculties of Gaziantep University: food processing, mechanization, and electrification. During the acquaintance with these faculties, a number of meetings were held with deans and staff. The delegation paid special attention to the logistics of laboratories.

Розвиваємо міжнародне співробітництво


The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has approved the distribution of living expenses of the State budget between higher education institutions for the preparation of higher education applicants under the terms of the state order in 2021. Indicators of large-scale activity, indicators of international definition, indicators of scientific activity, and other important indicators that determine the activity of free economic zones were restored here. According to the ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2021 the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture received UAH 102,736,470.00 from the state budget, which is UAH 21,667,076.00. more, less in 2020.


Educational work of the department

The educational work of the department is aimed at the practical training of students. It includes training practice in agronomy and practice in agricultural machinery management. As a result of the implementation of training programs in agricultural machinery management and the discipline “Technology of mechanized works” based on the Department of Agricultural Technology and Ecology, students gain skills and abilities to drive tractors, units, and self-propelled agricultural machines. Skills of management of agricultural machinery, technological adjustment of units, and performance of the basic mechanized works are received by students on the educational range of 12 hectares. Every year about 350 students of the university master the working profession “Tractor driver” of various categories and receive the relevant certificates. To ensure the educational process, sets of methodical materials on technological adjustment of machine-tractor units and management of agricultural machinery have been developed and published. Practice in agronomy is carried out based on the collection nursery and research fields of the department..
