Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Latvia offers scholarships to students and researchers for teaching, research and participation in summer schools in higher educational institutions of the country for 2021/2022 academic year.

The news page of the Ministry of Education and Science of February 8 informs that within the framework of the signed Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Latvia in the field of education, science, youth, and sports the State Agency for Educational Development of Latvia offers Ukrainian students, applicants and scientists research in higher education institutions in Latvia and participation in summer schools in the 2021/2022 academic year.

Латвія пропонує стипендії студентам та науковцям для навчання, досліджень та участі в літніх школах у вищих навчальних закладах країни на 2021/2022 н.р.

A meeting of the Academic Council was held

From today, the university is moving to a distance form of work and study. This decision was made at a meeting of the Academic Council of the University, which took place online under the chairmanship of the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka.

Відбулося засідання Вченої ради

The rector’s report was approved unanimously

Today a meeting of the labor collective took place in KhNTUA, at which the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka made a report on the implementation of the terms of the contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the implementation of the provisions of the University Charter. The meeting was held in the conference hall of the university, where representatives of the administration were present, and most members of the staff participated in the meeting remotely via video. According to the first vice-rector of the university M. Lysychenko, the rector’s report was previously sent in the electronic form to the representatives of the structural units of the university and they already had the opportunity to get acquainted with it. Therefore, about 20 minutes were allotted for the rector’s report.

Звіт ректора затвердили одноголосно

Makarenko Mykola

Education and career 1978 – graduated with honors from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with a degree in “Mechanization of Agriculture”. 1978 – Senior Laboratory Assistant, Department of Tractors and Cars. 1979 – Assistant Professor of “Tractors and Cars”. 1981 – 1983 – service in the Soviet Army as deputy. company commander. 1984 – senior researcher at the branch of the department “Tractors and Cars” at UkrNDIA. 1985 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Tractors and Cars”. 2006 – 2011 part-time senior researcher of the Kharkiv branch of UkrNDIPVT. L. Burned. 2008 to present – part-time research consultant and deputy editor-in-chief. 2008 to present – Associate Professor of “Tractors and Cars” the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities Improvement of gas exchange systems of two-stroke engines with crank chamber purge. Research and development of air cleaners for internal combustion engines. Development and research of properties of block-modular machine-tractor units. Development of automatic control systems for machine-tractor units. Investigation of the influence of combined agricultural machines on the stability of movement and shunting qualities of machine-tractor units. Improving the means of problem-based learning using creative tasks. Development of a multi-stage structure of an interactive electronic textbook for studying the design of tractors and cars. Advisory scientific and cognitive work and practical advice to specialists through the media. Scientific publications, patents, grants He is the author and co-author of 27 educational and practical textbooks and manuals, including 4 with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Author of 47 scientific papers published in professional journals. Author of 10 copyright certificates of the USSR and 2 patents of Ukraine. Co-authored 7 electronic textbooks and manuals for the study of modern tractors and cars, including 1 in conjunction with the SMC “Agroosvita” commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Awards 1983 – “Builder of Baikonur”. 2005 – “Excellent Technical Service”. 2008 – a diploma from the Regional State Administration. 2013 – diploma and certificate from SHELL for winning the international competition for the best article on lubricants. 2019 – obtaining certificates within the Ukrainian-German project FABU on training within the basic knowledge of CLAAS technology.

Makarenko Mykola

Nataliya Kosulina

Education 1992 – received the diploma of Kharkiv Engineering and Pedagogical Institute in the specialty “Energy”; qualification – an engineer-teacher of power engineering disciplines 1999 – defended her thesis in specialty 05.20.02 – application of electrical technology in agricultural production 2007 – defended her doctoral dissertation in specialty 05.09.16 – electrical technologies and electrical equipment in the agrarian and industrial complex 2009 – received the title of professor Career 1992 – 2008 – Assistant of the Department of Electricity Utilization in agriculture; worked as an Assistant, Assistant Professor and Professor Since 2009, the Head of the Department of Techotronics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering Educational activities She teaches such subjects as theoretical fundamentals of electrical engineering, electromagnetic field theory, methodology of scientific research, systems of medical rehabilitation of biological objects, information electrical technologies in agrarian and industrial complex Research activities The Member of Specialized Scientific Council D 64.832.01 at Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, specialty 05.11.17 – biological and medical devices and systems Has over 100 scientific papers. 1 doctor of technical sciences and 4 PhDs have been prepared Official opponent of more than five dissertations Awards Awarded with the third degree diploma for the scientific work “The use of electromagnetic radiation of animal tissues for remote diagnosis of their condition” (2000) Awarded with the honorary diploma for many years of conscientious work, for a significant personal contribution of educational and scientific work in the preparation of highly qualified specialists for agricultural production on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the KhNTUA. Awarded with the diploma for major achievements in science (2003). Awarded with the diploma for participation in the district festival “Woman of the Year – 2007” in the nomination of “Woman – worker of education and science” Awarded with the diploma for significant contribution to the development of education and science, training of highly qualified specialists, high professionalism, for qualitative preparation and holding of the International scientific-practical and scientific-methodical conference “Energy saving and electric drive in agrarian and industrial complex” (2008) Awarded with the honorary diploma for a significant contribution to the development of agricultural education and science, high professionalism on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the KhNTUA Awarded with the diploma for making a creative atmosphere at the department and involving students in the development of devices that promote the development of electrical engineering (2015) Gratitude for diligent work, great professionalism of training highly qualified specialists, significant personal contribution to the development of education and science and on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the founding of Kharkiv Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture (2015) Gratitude for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity (2018) Number of publications More than 100 Patents Pat. 15435 Ukraine, IPC (2006) G03B41 / 00. Device for rapid diagnostics of a biological object of plant origin using gas-discharge imaging (Kirlian effect) / N. Kosulina, A. Cherenkov, L. Kuchin, Yu. Sverhun- issue 2005 11561; Statement 05.12.2005; Publ. July 17, 2006, Bul. №7. – 3 p.: ill. Pat. 18210 Ukraine, IPC (2006) G03B41 / 00. The method for determining the biotropic parameters of an electromagnetic field based on the Kirlian effect for pre-sowing seed treatment of cereals / N. Kosulina, A. Cherenkov, L. Kuchin, Yu. Sverhun- №a 2005 11569; Statement 05.12.2005; Publ. 11.15.2006, Bul. №11. – 4 p.: ill. Pat. 18211. Ukraine, IPC (2006) G03B41 / 00. The device for photographing and examining biological objects based on the Kirlian effect / N. Kosulina, A. Cherenkov, L. Kuchin, Yu. Sverhun.- Issue № а 2005 11572; Statement 05.12.2005; Publ. 11.15.2006, Bul. №11. – 4 p.: ill. Pat. 63603 Ukraine, IPC (2011.01) A61D19 / 00, A61D99 / 00. Method for increasing yield of fertile sperm after cryopreservation. M. Sorokin, A. Cherenkov, N. Kosulina, V. Horpinchenko. – № u2011 03956; Statement 01.04.2011; Publ. 10.10.2011, Bul. №19. – 4 p.: ill.

Косуліна Наталія Геннадіївна


Yesterday a new pilot project “Rector’s Field Meeting” was started. The purpose of the project is to analyze the work of the Institute and FTSL, discuss problems on the ground and make constructive decisions. The first meeting chaired by the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka took place at the  в ESI ECT.


About the department

The Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production was established by the order of the Rector on September 1, 1993, as the Department of Mechanization of Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products – a leading special department of the Faculty of Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products (now – Educational and Scientific Institute of Processing and Food Productions).



Dear colleagues! We would like to inform you that the XXI International Scientific Conference “MODERN PROBLEMS OF EARTH MECHANICS”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KNTUSG and the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician P. Vasylenko will be held online from 17 to 18 October 2020 in Kharkiv on the basis of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. The Organizing Committee invites scientists, specialists, leading specialists, practitioners and business leaders to take part in the conference.

Запрошуємо на ХХІ Міжнародну наукову конференцію