Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Issues of streamlining the organization and activities of local governments and district state administrations in connection with changes in the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine.

On December 6, 2020, the Law of Ukraine України 1009-IX “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Regulation of Certain Issues of Organization and Activity of Local Self-Government Bodies and District State Administrations” № 1009-IX of November 17, 2020 (hereinafter – Law № 1009- IX).

Питання впорядкування організації та діяльності органів місцевого самоврядування і районних державних адміністрацій у зв’язку із змінами в адміністративно-територіальному устрої України.

Moisieieva Nataliia

Education and career 1987 – M. Gorky Kharkiv State University (V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) specialty – Philology. Lecturer of Russian language and literature. 1993 – G. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, specialty – Ukrainian language and literature. 1993-2002 – Lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian and Slavonic Studies of KhIMEA-KhDTUA. 2002-2017 – Associate Professor of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication” KhNTUA. Since 2017 – Head of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Моісєєва Наталія Іванівна

Record-keeping department

The Department of Record Keeping of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University is an independent structural subdivision of the University, which operates by the University Charter and the Standard Regulations on the Record Keeping Department of the Free Economic Zone. The department of office work coordinates the activity of office work of the university, carries out the management and control over the quality of introduction of documentation of administrative activity and system of organizational and administrative documentation of educational and scientific institutes, faculty, chairs, structural divisions.


Syromyatnikov Petro

Education 1979 – diploma with honors of HIMESG in the specialty “Mechanization of Agriculture”, specialization – mechanical engineer of agriculture. 1981-1985 – postgraduate studies (by correspondence). 2006 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of repair of tractors, cars, and agricultural machinery. 2009 – received a qualification certificate of advisor to agricultural production of Ukraine on marketing, law, technology, ecology. Certification training 2009 – Poltava GAA of Ukraine, Institute of Postgraduate Education and Counseling; 2015 – NULES of Ukraine, Research Institute of Postgraduate Education; “Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity; 2019 – NULES of Ukraine, Research Institute of Postgraduate Education “Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity”. Career Since 1979 – junior researcher at the Department of Machine Repair KHIMEA; 1982 – senior researcher, responsible executor of self-supporting work with DKBSP of the plant “Sickle and Hammer” in Kharkiv, at the department “Repair of machines” KHIMEA; 1990 – assistant of the department “Repair of machines” KHIMEA; 1995 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Car Repair” CDTUSG; 2005 – transferred to the position of associate professor of the department of tractors, cars, and agricultural machines of the educational and scientific institute of technical service KhNTUA; 2006 – Associate Professor of Technological Systems of Repair Production KhNTUA; 2019 – Associate Professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk KhNTUA (part-time); 2019 – Head of the Center for Practice, Employment and Career of Student Youth KhNTUA; 2019 – Associate Member of the Ukrainian Association for Management Development and Business Education. Educational, teaching activities Teaches the following disciplines: Mobile vehicles in the agro-industrial complex; Installation and maintenance of machines for livestock; Technical systems in animal husbandry. Management of qualification works of masters. Management of student research papers of students, masters. Research activities more than 120 scientific articles, co-author of 10 textbooks and manuals with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, 20 scientific and methodical works, 3 inventions and 6 patents of Ukraine. Co-author of 2 monographs, National Standard of Ukraine SOU 29.32.4-37-532: 2007, 17 scientific publications in foreign publications. The direction of scientific activity: organization of production, logistical management of the production process of a modern enterprise; organization of logistics activities at agricultural enterprises; production logistics; project management in mechanical engineering. Awards

Сиромятніков Петро Степанович

Historical background

The Department of Mechatronics and Machine Parts was established in 2017 following the order of the Rector of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko № 01-08 / 249 dated 19.07.2017 by uniting specialists in the field of mechatronics, machine parts, and quality management systems based on the department of machine parts.



In order to create favorable conditions and increase the capacity for implementation of developments by higher education institutions and research institutions, increase the potential of innovative enterprises, production of competitive innovative and high-tech products, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed a draft Law of Ukraine “On Amendments in the field of technology transfer “. On January 20, 2021, it was approved at a meeting of the Government and in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Cabinet of Ministers will be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


Year of accreditation of educational programs

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation held a hearing on “The year of accreditation of educational programs under the new procedure: results, problems, prospects.” The event was attended by First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mykola Kyzym and Deputy Minister of Education and Science for European Integration Andriy Vitrenko.

Рік акредитації освітніх програм

Organization of the educational process

Regulations on planning and accounting of educational work and the main types of methodical, scientific, organizational and career guidance work of scientific and pedagogical workers Regulations on the individual curriculum of the applicant for higher education by bachelor’s and master’s degrees  Regulations on academic mobility of students and teachers. Regulations on academic mobility of students and teachers.       Regulations on the organization of the educational process. Regulations on conducting rector’s control of students’ knowledge. Regulations on the organization of current and semester control and certification of students with the use of distance technologies Regulations on the formation of a variable component of the curriculum of educational programs Regulations on checking scientific, educational-methodical, qualification and educational works for the presence of academic plagiarism. Regulations on the procedure for establishing and organizing the work of the examination commission for the certification of applicants for higher education. Regulations on the academic integrity of participants in the educational process Provisions on the recognition of learning outcomes obtained in non-formal education Regulations on scholarships for students, graduate students and doctoral students (entered into force on 01.09.2020) Regulations on the procedure for forming, maintaining and storing personal files of KhNTUA applicants Regulations on the procedure for expulsion, interruption of studies, renewal and transfer of persons studying at the university, as well as granting them academic leave Regulations on policies and procedures for resolving conflict situations of participants in the educational process Regulations on the development, structure and content of curricula and working curricula for higher education for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Temporary provision on the organization of the educational process with the use of remote technologies in quarantine Regulations on the educational – methodical complex of the discipline Regulations on the development, approval, monitoring, review and closure of educational programs. Regulations on the guarantor of the educational program Regulations on project groups and support groups Regulations on the organization and conduct of current and semester control, criteria for assessment of knowledge and appeal of the results of the final control of knowledge of applicants  Regulations on the center of practice, employment and career of student youth.   Regulations on practical training of students at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University Regulations on the transfer of students studying at the expense of individuals or legal entities to vacant places of the state order of KhNTUA.


Registration for the single entrance exam starts on May 11

From 9:00 on May 11 to 18:00 on June 3, the registration of entrants who plan to take the single entrance exam in a foreign language and the single professional entrance exam (EPI) for admission to study for a master’s degree will continue. This was reported by the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

11 травня стартує реєстрація на складання єдиного вступного іспиту