Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Educational and practical lectures for students and teachers to study the features of construction and operation of modern equipment “John Deere”

On Tuesday, October 23, 2018, on the basis of the educational and scientific center “ John Deere Training Center “, which operates at the department “ Tractors and Cars ” of management systems of KhNTUА the cycle of educational and practical lectures for students of a technical profile and teachers on studying of features of construction and operation of modern equipment “ John Deere ” is begun.


Rating of agrarian free economic zones of Ukraine following the results of 2020

Annual information educational resource “” publishes consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine , for which the most authoritative among experts and mass media national ratings of educational institutions of Ukraine are used as initial data: “Top-200 Ukraine”, “Scopus”, “External Evaluation Ball for Contract” and others. Each of them reflects different evaluation criteria for higher education institutions in Ukraine, but in general allows us to see their place among other free educational institutions and the changes that have taken place over the past year. Currently, it is a rating of 2020, which includes almost 240 both public and private higher education institutions in Ukraine.

Рейтинг аграрних ЗВО України за підсумками 2020 року


The presence of quarantine does not ensure the constant operation of machines and units of the agro-industrial complex. They do not cease to wear out, break down and require timely diagnosis of the technical condition, the choice of rational modes of operation, and quality service.


Puzik Volodymyr

Education and career 1968 – adjuster of instrumentation and automation Kirov Sugar Plant, Sumy region. 1967 – service in the Soviet Army. 1970 – Sumy CHP driver of steam boilers. 1975 – graduated from Kharkiv Agricultural Institute named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 1975 – graduate student of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production of Kharkiv Agricultural University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 1977 – Senior Researcher of the Agroecological Laboratory at the Department of Breeding and Seed Production of Kharkiv Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 1982 – Assistant Professor of Breeding and Seed Production, Kharkiv Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 1984 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Breeding and Seed Production, Kharkiv Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 1987 – Associate Professor of Breeding and Seed Production, Kharkiv Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 1991 – Vice-Rector for Advanced Training of Kharkiv Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2007 – the first vice-rector of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2010 – Rector of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2017 – Head of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. 2010 – to this day, Dr. A. Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAASU. Research activities 2004 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agriculture. Sciences on the topic: “Allelopathic action of exometabolites of cultivated cereals in agrophytocenoses”. International activities 1986 – one year of study at the Department of French Language, Moscow. 1988 – Royal S.-. Phnom Penh Institute, Cambodia. Teacher of genetics, breeding and seed production, crop production. 1993 – internship at the House Dusse training center, Reyland-Palatinate, Germany. 1998 – Internship at the University of Idaho, USA 2010 – internship at the Royal University of Stockholm, Sweden. Foreign publications: SCOPUS

Вчена рада ННІ МСМ

A meeting of the labor collective took place

Today at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture a meeting of the staff was held, which considered the following issues: 1) On summarizing the implementation of the Collective Agreement between the administration and the trade union organization of the university; 2) On making changes to the charter of the university by presenting it in a new edition, and 3) Miscellaneous.

A meeting of the labor collective took place

Gurskyi Petro

Education and career Education 1980 – Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry: specialty “Machines and apparatus of food production”, mechanical engineer; 1993 – Ukrainian State Agrarian University: specialty “Pedagogy”, engineer-teacher; 2008 – Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade: specialty 05.18.16 – food technology, candidate of technical sciences.

Гурський Петро Васильович

In the former Zolochiv district of the Kharkiv region (now Bogudukhiv district), almost half of all heads of farms and agricultural enterprises are graduates of our university and still maintain a warm and friendly relationship with them. We recently wrote about one of such graduates, Anatolii Tsylyuryk, who is the Tsylyuryk peasant farm’s founder and head of the council of agricultural producers of Zolochiv region: see “WE WERE TAUGHT TO BE HUMANS …” At the same time, during Anatoliy Vasyliovych’s meeting with university representatives, he invited them to visit his farm and meet with the management of Zolochiv United territorial community to discuss possible ways of cooperation in training qualified personnel.

У пошуках нових форм співпраці

Lebediev Anatolii

Education and career In 1958 he graduated from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Wheeled and Tracked Machines. In 1964 he graduated from the Department of Automobile and Tractor Construction of KhPI. After graduating from the institute he worked as a master, head of the technical department of the shop, then – a researcher, director of the Eastern branch of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. Since 1973 – Associate Professor of “Tractors and Cars” of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. From 1978 to 2020 – Head of the Department “Tractors and Cars” Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities In 1964 he defended his dissertation on the specialty “cars and tractors”, whose scientific supervisor was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Medvedev, the founder of tractor construction in Ukraine. In 1982 he defended his doctoral dissertation in two specialties – “operation and repair of agricultural machinery”, “cars and tractors”. In 1985 he was awarded the academic title of professor. Head of the scientific school “Tractor Energy”, the scientific direction of which is the innovative development of tractor energy, the dynamics of tractor units, operational manufacturability of tractors. 8 doctoral and 35 candidate dissertations were defended under scientific supervision. Among the students are heads of departments of the Ministry of Ukraine, rectors of higher education institutions, the Minister of Science and Education of Guinea. Member of specialized councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture and Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University. To assist in the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of foreign tractors, leaders of the world tractor industry companies “John Deere” and “CASE”, for the first time in Ukraine created training centers at the department. The main task of the centers is to coordinate the training of users of modern foreign equipment, service managers, and sales managers, the opportunity for future professionals to gain high practical skills on modern equipment and with the help of advanced technologies.

Lebediev Anatolii

To participate in the conference it is necessary

On June 2, 2021, the third day of the All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science” lasted. Deputy Speaker of Education and Science of Ukraine for European Integration Andriy Vitrenko became the speaker of the section “Modern University as a platform for research”.

Сучасний університет як майданчик для досліджень

Invitation to participate in a scientific-practical conference

Dear colleagues! We invite you to participate in the II International scientific-practical conference “TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE AGRICULTURAL COMPLEX”, which will be held on the basis of the department “Technical service and systems in agro-industrial complex” “> 2020 по 27.11.2020 р. Conference site: Employees of higher education institutions, research institutions, degree seekers, doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates and students, specialists and managers of agricultural and processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of various organizational and legal forms, employees of public administration, education and local government are invited to participate in the conference; all who are interested in the issues of technical support of innovative technologies in the agro-industrial complex. During the conference it is planned to work in the following areas: 1. The current state, trends, and prospects for the development of innovative technologies in the agro-industrial complex. 2. Technical and technological support for the production and processing of crop and livestock products. 3. Intelligent technologies in agriculture. 4. Innovations in the technical service of machines and equipment of the agro-industrial complex. 5. Energy saving and renewable energy sources in agro-industrial technologies, ecology, and protection of natural resources. To participate in the conference you need to send to the e-mail address of the conference: – conference participant registration card (in electronic form); – materials of the report (for publication in the collection of Proceedings of the conference in electronic form) and/or scientific articles (for publication in the Scientific Bulletin of TSATU). The content of the reports should correspond to the theme of the conference. The language of the article is Ukrainian, Russian, or English. Original, previously unpublished materials will be considered. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to edit materials, reject those that do not meet the requirements or topics of the conference, and distribute them in sections. Reports submitted later than the deadline or not in accordance with requirements, will not be considered. Authors and supervisors (for students) are responsible for the content of the submitted materials, the accuracy of the data, and compliance with the principles of academic integrity. Submitted materials are posted on the conference website, their discussion is held at the conference forum. At the end of the conference, the conference materials are placed in free electronic access on the conference website in the form of pdf-layouts. According to the decision of the organizing committee of the conference and the editorial board, the conference materials (abstracts) will be published in the form of a collection of conference materials (pdf – the layout will be available on the conference website within one month from the end of the conference). Scientific articles of the participants will be published in the Scientific Bulletin of TSATU (professional publication). An electronic certificate of the conference participant will be sent to each author. Paper copies of the Proceedings of the conference are available on request. The conference will start on November 2 2020 Кінцевий термін подання матеріалів конференції – 27  листопада 2020 р. Discussion of materials and summarizing the conference is held at the conference forum. Requirements for materials and more detailed information for participants are provided on the conference website: Participation in the conference is free.

Запрошення до участі в науково-практичній конференції

The results of the laboratory “Agrospecekspert”

The purpose and main tasks of the laboratory “AGROSPECEXPERT” is to conduct research, perform research, provide scientific and technical services, manufacture of scientific and technical products to order of enterprises, organizations, institutions and firms, innovation, as well as providing conditions for quality training of specialists, in particular, specialists of the highest scientific qualification.

Результати діяльності лабораторії «Агроспецексперт»