Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Scientific and practical seminars “Optimal technical and technological solutions in crop production”

On September 20, 2018, with the active participation of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, a scientific-practical seminar was held based on the KhNTUSG training center for farm engineers and farmers on the efficient operation of modern agricultural machinery. in the conditions of the Eastern region of Ukraine “Optimal technical and technological solutions in crop production” with demo demonstrations of equipment. The seminar was held to provide modern knowledge and skills for students of agricultural, technical, and environmental profile. The event was moderated by the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems Vlasovets Vitalii , who greeted the participants and noted that the holiday is always bright impressions and new experiences, new events and new meetings, and today’s seminar is a combination project theory and practice. The seminar was opened by the rector of KNTUA Nanka Oleksandr and the deputy director of the Department of the agro-industrial development of the Kharkiv regional state administration – the head of the department of agricultural production Panfilov Kostiantyn . He noted that with increasing the efficiency of machinery and the introduction of modern agricultural technologies it is possible to increase grain yields three times.


Scientific circles

Civil Security Section (the head Kiriienko M.) Section of Environmental Protection Technologies (the head Vambol S.) Student clubs Civil protection (the head Cherepnov I.) Protection labor (the head Zadorozhnia V.) Security of technological processes (the head Liashenko S.) Security of road movement (the head Vynokurov M.) Technologies of protection environment (the head Vambol S.) Engineering ecology(the head Fesenko A.) List of students 1 Bludova A. Ovcharenko Ye. Kis O. Kaliuzhna H. Lytovchenko A. Kryvovyd Vlada 2 Kalashnyk N. Vodianytskyi M. Ivanov A. Kalashnik N. Baliuk Andrii 3 Lepekhyn  D. Zubko V. Lemishko D. Mikla Ihor 4 Marenych O. Kurylko Yu. Voloshyna A. Mishnov Denys 5 Koliesnichenko V. Kulish V. Sokol O.S Butova Yeva 6 Lytvynenko V. Baieva D. Lyskonoh A. Beketska 7 Burlaka V. Makhomiet Daria 8 Usychenko D. Prashcheruk Mariia 9 Pylypenko R. Morozov Mykyta  


Welcome new students. The introductory campaign is still ongoing

After the publication of the rating lists of entrants recommended for enrollment in the budget, the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA again reached the strings of entrants. This time with the original documents required for admission to the university. In principle, they can already be welcomed with admission, although the official order of enrollment in the university will be issued by August 9 this year, and the transfer to vacant positions of the state order will take place by August 19.

Вітаємо нових студентів.  Вступна кампанія ще триває


     On December 22, 2020 at 10.00 in the conference hall of KhNTUSG (44 Alchevskikh Street) under the chairmanship of Rector O. Nanka a regular online meeting of the Academic Council of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, which addressed a number of important issues. At the beginning of the meeting, the rector of the University O. Nanka drew attention to the observance of certain quarantine restrictions during the event (presence in masks, proper distance between council members, etc.).


Saychuk Oleksandr

Education 2000 – Diploma with honors CDTUSG in the specialty “Machinery and equipment of agricultural production”, qualification “Mechanical Engineer”.  

Сайчук Олександр Васильович

The foundation for modern agribusiness

The rapid climate change that is taking place today requires agribusiness to make precise, balanced decisions. Optimal management for each square meter of field is not the future, but a requirement of time. Such management is successfully implemented by precision farming technologies. To date, there are comprehensive solutions from our partners – representatives of John Deere and Case IH. Students in the educational programs of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems are already studying them in classes and workshops conducted by representatives of leading companies in the industry. But there are a number of small and medium-sized farms, agricultural enterprises that use a wide range of different brands of units. For such farms, the equipment from the world leader in systems of exact agriculture – the Trimble company is most often used.

Фундамент для сучасного агробізнесу

Student scientific-practical conference 2020

On April 2, 2020, a student scientific-practical conference “Problems of energy supply and energy saving in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine” was held at the ECT Research Institute.


Entrants received the status of students

Today in the main building of the university, in the building on the street. Alchevskykh, 44 entrants received the status of students, there were announcements of orders for enrollment in the state budget for the bachelor’s degree and a meeting with the leadership of institutes and faculties. Young people gathered in the appropriate classrooms to get acquainted with the administration of the Institute and their faculty, their classmates and to get answers to organizational or household questions. At the beginning of the meeting, the representatives of the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA greeted the new students and announced the orders for enrollment in the university.

Entrants received the status of students


Dear friends and colleagues! Dear students, graduate students, teachers, and staff of the university! The year 2020, which has become a year of great hopes and great trials, is coming to an end. In connection with the educational reform, we have reached a new level of understanding of the main tasks and mission of our university in the modern educational space. At the same time, the spread of the coronavirus epidemic forced us to make significant adjustments to the plans and methods of educational work, which were partially carried out remotely. For the same reason, we had to cancel many mass events, including anniversaries, which were preparing for the 90th anniversary of our university.


In the former Zolochiv district of the Kharkiv region (now Bogudukhiv district), almost half of all heads of farms and agricultural enterprises are graduates of our university and still maintain a warm and friendly relationship with them. We recently wrote about one of such graduates, Anatolii Tsylyuryk, who is the Tsylyuryk peasant farm’s founder and head of the council of agricultural producers of Zolochiv region: see “WE WERE TAUGHT TO BE HUMANS …” At the same time, during Anatoliy Vasyliovych’s meeting with university representatives, he invited them to visit his farm and meet with the management of Zolochiv United territorial community to discuss possible ways of cooperation in training qualified personnel.

У пошуках нових форм співпраці


Dear graduate students and candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy! We invite you to take part inthe training «TOLERANCE – THE ART OF LIVING IN A WORLD OF DIFFERENCES».
