Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has approved the distribution of living expenses of the State budget between higher education institutions for the preparation of higher education applicants under the terms of the state order in 2021. Indicators of large-scale activity, indicators of international definition, indicators of scientific activity, and other important indicators that determine the activity of free economic zones were restored here. According to the ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2021 the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture received UAH 102,736,470.00 from the state budget, which is UAH 21,667,076.00. more, less in 2020.


The competition of student videos has ended

The Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA and the Department of Organization of Educational Work of Students summed up today the results of the creative competition for the best student video presentation, which was announced earlier. Under the terms of the competition, students had to show in their videos the diverse and multifaceted life of our university and its educational and research departments, showing a creative approach and creativity.

Завершився конкурс студентських відеороликів

About the ESI MMS

The institute cooperates with the heads of well-known domestic and foreign companies, concerns and holdings involved in the preparation and implementation of training programs, reorientation of curricula to increase the share of the practical component, large-scale implementation of internship programs with further employment in companies such as CASE, John Deere, Lemken, SOLLY +, Zeppelin, UPEC industrial group, PJSC Elvorti, agro-industrial company KERNEL, HTZ, Ukragrozapchastyna LLC, Privat Bank, and many others.



The diploma is awarded to the staff of the Department of Woodworking Technologies and Systems Engineering of the forest complex for the third place in the ranking of the university in 2019.


About the Department

Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities is special and unique among the Departments of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. It occupies a worthy place among the Departments of UNESCO in Ukraine. The Department was founded in May 1996, as a result of the signing of an agreement between the Director-General of UNESCO and the Rector of Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (now – KNTUA). In 2008, as a result of merging with the Departments of Philosophy and History of Ukraine, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities was renamed.



As you know, in late 2019, the European Commission published a new environmental agreement European Green Deal – a roadmap for measures developed by the government of the European Union to make Europe the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. A significant part of the program is the transformation of agriculture: a strategy for sustainable use of chemicals (reduction by 50-70% over the next 10 years of plant protection products) and reduction of CO2 emissions into the air. Besides, the strategy envisages several transformations, in particular for rural areas, modernization and changes in approaches to agricultural enterprises, a package of climate laws, the development of bioenergy, renewable energy, and organic products.


Joint Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programs

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees program has announced a scholarship competition for full higher education in Europe at the master’s level . The master’s programs provide for a full scholarship (tuition, living expenses, textbooks, library, transfer, accommodation, insurance, etc.) to study at the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Programs.

Спільні магістерські програми Еразмус Мундус

To the 90th anniversary of Kharkiv Tractor Plant

In October this year, the Kharkiv Tractor Plant, which has long been a leader in the tractor industry in Ukraine and a kind of business card of industrial Kharkiv, will celebrate its 90th anniversary. In this regard, we would like to remind you of the history of this tractor-building giant, which consists of several important stages of development and formation.

До 90-річчя ХТЗ

A new professional standard has been approved

The Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Agriculture dated 23.03.2021 № 610  approved the professional standard for the group of professions “Teachers of higher education institutions”. The draft professional standard was developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on its own initiative.

Затверджено новий професійний стандарт

Special attention is paid to student dormitories

On August 26, 2021, under the Decree of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Government approved the Concept of the State Targeted Social Program for the Restoration and Development of a Network of Dormitories for Residents of Higher Education Institutions for 2022–2026.

Студентським гуртожиткам особливу увагу

Saichuk Oleksandr

Education 2000 – Diploma with honors CDTUSG in the specialty “Machinery and equipment of agricultural production”, qualification “Mechanical Engineer”. 2001 – Diploma with honors KhDTUSG in the specialty “Mechanization of Agriculture”, qualification “Master in Mechanization of Agriculture” 2010 – defended his dissertation “Increasing the durability of parts by combined processing and alloying using a laser beam” for the degree of candidate of technical sciences and worked as an associate professor of technological systems of repair production. 2012 – received the academic title of associate professor of TSRV. 2018 – defended his dissertation “Theoretical and technological foundations of management of the structure and properties of cast iron for various functional purposes” for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Сайчук Олександр Васильович

The Ministry of Education and Science hosted a meeting of the Council for Agrarian Education

On July 19, 2021, a meeting of the Council for Agrarian Education took place. The event was attended by Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Roman Leshchenko, Chairman of the Council for Agrarian Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Alex Lissitsa, Chairman of UKRAGROOSVITA and Rector of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences Stanislav Nikolay agricultural education, directors of agricultural vocational colleges, academic institutes.

У МОН відбулося засідання Ради з питань аграрної освіти

Latvia offers scholarships to students and researchers for teaching, research and participation in summer schools in higher educational institutions of the country for 2021/2022 academic year.

The news page of the Ministry of Education and Science of February 8 informs that within the framework of the signed Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Latvia in the field of education, science, youth, and sports the State Agency for Educational Development of Latvia offers Ukrainian students, applicants and scientists research in higher education institutions in Latvia and participation in summer schools in the 2021/2022 academic year.

Латвія пропонує стипендії студентам та науковцям для навчання, досліджень та участі в літніх школах у вищих навчальних закладах країни на 2021/2022 н.р.


Dear colleagues! We would like to inform you that the XXI International Scientific Conference “MODERN PROBLEMS OF EARTH MECHANICS”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KNTUSG and the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician P. Vasylenko will be held online from 17 to 18 October 2020 in Kharkiv on the basis of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. The Organizing Committee invites scientists, specialists, leading specialists, practitioners and business leaders to take part in the conference.

Запрошуємо на ХХІ Міжнародну наукову конференцію  


The main results of the admission campaign of 2021, ratings of specialties and institutions of higher education. These and other issues were discussed during the online briefing of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhii Shkarlet on the topic: “Preliminary results of the introductory campaign 2021”.


Optimal technical and technological solutions in crop production

On September 20, 2018, with the active participation of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, a scientific-practical seminar was held on the basis of the KhNTUSG training center for farm engineers and farmers on efficient operation of modern agricultural machinery. in the conditions of the Eastern region of Ukraine “Optimal technical and technological solutions in crop production” with demo demonstrations of equipment. The event was moderated by the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems Vlasovets Vitalii , who greeted the participants and noted that the holiday is always bright impressions and new experiences, new events and new meetings, and today’s seminar is a combination project theory and practice. The seminar was opened by the rector of KhNTUSG Nanka Oleksandr and the deputy director of the Department of agro-industrial development of the Kharkiv regional state administration – the head of the department of agricultural production Panfilov Kostiantyn . He noted that with the increase of efficiency of operation of equipment and introduction of modern agrotechnologies it is possible to increase grain yield three times.
