Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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The regular meeting of the Academic Council of The Petrо Vasilenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture was held on September 24, 2020 at 10.00 in the assembly hall of KNTUА (main building, 44 Alchevskikh Street). Important issues were considered here.


Volodymyr Zelenskyi: “We are fighting for our talented youth”

According to the official website of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky told how much the smartest pupils and students will receive by the decree on the establishment of presidential scholarships, awards, and grants. The best participants in the external independent evaluation will receive a monthly presidential scholarship of 10 thousand UAH. – a one-time prize of UAH 20,000, and the winners of international competitions – UAH 100,000. This was announced by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in his blog.

Володимир Зеленський: "Ми боремося за нашу талановиту молодь"

Future masters are preparing for the Unified Entrance Exam

The registration of entrants who plan to take the single entrance exam in a foreign language and the single professional entrance exam for admission to study for a master’s degree has been completed. According to the information entered into the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, 664 people registered to compile the EMI in a foreign language and enter the master’s program of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture.

Майбутні магістри готуються до ЄВІ і ЄФВВ.

About the Department

Level of educational services provided at the Department of Transport Technologies and Logistics (Click)  


His life is a feat!

Every year on the eve of May 9 at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture remembers and honors his former employees who were participants in the Great Patriotic War (and now – World War II) and their military exploits brought Victory closer. Both the dead and the living are remembered. Recently, as we have already written, Mykhailo Turchenko celebrated his 99th birthday.

Його життя -  подвиг!

KhNTUA staff joined the research project

Employees of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Ruslan Levkin and Viktor Kozoriz took part in the presentation of the analytical study “Index of European Integration Economic Progress of the Regions of Ukraine 2014-2019. Results for Kharkiv region “, which took place on May 19 in Kharkiv press club.

Співробітники ХНТУСГ долучились до дослідницького проекту

About the center

The Quality Management Center was established on January 1, 2010 (order of KhNTUA №01-08 / 331 of December 30, 2009) to develop, maintain, improve and develop the quality management system of the university, which is a tool to ensure implementation of the Mission, Vision, Goals and Policies of the University in order to increase the satisfaction of consumers of educational services and research.


Student government

1. In higher education institutions and their structural subdivisions there is student self-government, which is an integral part of public self-government of the respective educational institutions. Student government is the right and opportunity of students (cadets, except for military cadets) to decide on issues of education and life, protection of the rights and interests of students, as well as to participate in the management of higher education.


Regulations on the Center for Practice, Employment, and Career of Student

The Center for Internships, Employment, and Careers of Student of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture is a functional unit. It provides the organization of internships, promotes the employment of students and graduates of the university, their adaptation to practical activities. It establishes and maintains feedback with university graduates, monitors their careers, it also partners with employers, and selects students for internships and internships abroad.


Prospects for cooperation with Istanbul Technical University

As we have already informed, in early March this year delegation of KhNTUA consisting of the rector of the university O. Nanka, Vice-Rector for Research and Education and International Relations Yu. Vitkovskyi and the head of the training department for working with foreign citizens and stateless persons O. Azizov were in Turkey, where she held a series of working meetings with Turkish partners. One of such meetings took place at Istanbul Technical University, where representatives of KhNTUa met with their Turkish counterparts and discussed with them the development of Ukrainian-Turkish scientific-educational cooperation between universities, as well as preparations for the signing of the agreement.

Перспективи співпраці із Стамбульським Технічним Університетом

Priorities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2021

In 2021, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine plans to launch an electronic system for monitoring the employment of freelance graduates. This is stated in the report of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet on the implementation of the operational plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 2020 and the main goals for 2021.

Пріоритети МОН України на 2021 рік

Responsibility not only for yourself but also for others

In order not to infect yourself and not to infect others, it is necessary to understand that all people are interconnected by invisible social plexuses, and the infection moves in these ways. When a person takes care to prevent disease, not to infect others, he automatically protects himself better, that is: I will prevent infection, they will prevent infection, I will avoid infection, I and my family and friends will not be exposed to danger. Today we must be responsible not only for ourselves but also for others to avoid getting COVID-19. .

Відповідальність не тільки за себе, а і за інших

Melnyk Viktor

Education and career 1980 – graduated from Poltava Agricultural Institute with a degree in “Mechanization of Agriculture”. 1980 – first an engineer for mechanization of labor-intensive processes in animal husbandry, and later a mechanic of the garage of the state farm “Kremenchuk”, p. Omelnyk, Kremenchuk district, Poltava region. 1982 – drafted into the Soviet Army. 1983 – foreman of the tractor brigade of the state farm “Kremenchuk”. 1984 – admission to the graduate school of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (KhIMEA). 1987 – first a junior researcher, and then a researcher at the Department of “Operation of the machine-tractor fleet” KhIMEA. 1992 – Assistant of the Department “Operation of the machine-tractor park” KhIMEA. 2000 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Operation of Machine-Tractor Park” KhMEA, at that time Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (KhSTUA, Kharkiv, Ukraine); 2001 – doctoral student of KhDTUSG. 2004 – Leading Research Fellow of KhDTUSG, now the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture (KhNTUA, Kharkiv, Ukraine), hereinafter KhNTUSG. 2011 and still – Professor of the Department of Machine-Tractor Fleet Operation, now the optimization of technological systems named after T.P. Yevsyukova KhNTUA. From 2016 to present – Vice-Rector for Research of the Kharkiv Petro Vassylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Today:

Мельник Віктор Іванович

All-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works and Olympiads in the specialty

2019 рік All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline “Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurements” From April 24 to 26, 2019 based on the Faculty of Engineering and Energy of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline “Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurements” took place among higher education institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation.


Gender policy through the eyes of Ukrainian youth

The Department of Education and Science of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration has announced the holding of the 15th regional scientific competition of young scientists “GENDER POLICY IN THE EYES OF UKRAINIAN YOUTH”.

Гендерна політика очима української молоді