Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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About the department

The Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management was founded in 1948 as the Department of Economics and Organization of Agricultural Production to provide organizational and economic training of specialists for agriculture under the leadership of Associate Professor Pavel Lukyanov, who headed the department until 1965.


Opening of the John Deere Training Center

Today, October 2, 2018, the John Deere Training Center was opened on the basis of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. The opening was made possible by the cooperation of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems with the official dealer of John Deere in Ukraine – the company “Agristar”.


Meeting of the Academic Council of the University

Today in the assembly hall of the university began a scheduled meeting of the Academic Council of the University, which addressed several important issues. First of all, the members of the Academic Council voted for the presentation of T. Fesenko   o the academic title of Professor of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies and A. Voitov to the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Woodworking Technologies and System Engineering of the Forest Complex.

Засідання Вченої ради університету


Education and career 1980 – graduated from Poltava Agricultural Institute with a degree in “Mechanization of Agriculture”. 1980 – first an engineer for mechanization of labor-intensive processes in animal husbandry, and later a mechanic of the garage of the state farm “Kremenchug”, Omelnyk village, Kremenchug district, Poltava region. 1982 – drafted into the Soviet Army. 1983 – foreman of the tractor brigade of the state farm “Kremenchug”. 1984 – admission to graduate school of Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 1987 – first a junior researcher, and then a researcher at the Department of “Operation of the machine-tractor fleet” KhIMEA. 1992 – Assistant of the Department “Operation of machine-tractor park” KhIMEA. 2000 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Operation of Machine and Tractor Park” KhIMEA, at that time Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (KhSTUA, Kharkiv, Ukraine); 2001 – doctoral student of KhSTUA. 2004 – Leading Research Fellow of KhSTUA, now Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture (KhNTUA, Kharkiv, Ukraine), hereinafter KhNTUA. 2011 and still – Professor of the Department of Machine-Tractor Fleet Operation, now the optimization of technological systems named after T. Yevsyukov. 2016 to present – Vice-Rector for Research of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Peter. Today:

Мельник Віктор Іванович

Rating of agrarian free economic zones of Ukraine following the results of 2020

Annual information educational resource “” publishes consolidated rating of higher education institutions of Ukraine , for which the most authoritative among experts and mass media national ratings of educational institutions of Ukraine are used as initial data: “Top-200 Ukraine”, “Scopus”, “External Evaluation Ball for Contract” and others. Each of them reflects different evaluation criteria for higher education institutions in Ukraine, but in general allows us to see their place among other free educational institutions and the changes that have taken place over the past year. Currently, it is a rating of 2020, which includes almost 240 both public and private higher education institutions in Ukraine.

Рейтинг аграрних ЗВО України за підсумками 2020 року


RESEARCH LABORATORY “SUBSTANTIATION OF INNOVATIVE AGROTECHNOLOGIES” It was established in 2006 under the leadership of Professor Hryhoriy Maznev.


Research activities

The research activity of the department of equipment and engineering of processing and food productions is directed on the research of organizational-technical and technological bases of increase of efficiency of storage and processing of products of a vegetable and animal origin in the conditions of modern forms of development of innovative models of agroindustrial production. :



The European Commission has officially announced the opening of a new Erasmus + Program for 2021-2027. The activities of the Program will focus on three areas – education and professional development; young people; sports.


Grants for students from the Scholarship program

The Scholarship social program offers grants for students of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. The purpose of our social program is to encourage and stimulate talented Ukrainian students, develop and increase the level of financial literacy and entrepreneurship among our youth. We also try to prove that knowledge can be profitable long before graduation. Наразі відкрито 8 номінацій:

Гранти для студентів від програми  Scholarship

About the department

The Department of Materials Technology was founded during the organization of HIMA in 1930. In different years the department was headed by associate professors N. Komar, A. Petrovskyi, M. Chupis, M. Ivanov, A. Zhukov, M. Dubko, Yu. Smirnov, M. Tatarintsev, professor I. Kuvarzin, associate professor P. Huzhin, professor M. Pylypenko.


Scientific schools and developments

Scientific schools and developments of the department reliability, durability and technical service of machines named after V. Anilovych School “Problems of reliability of machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production”
