Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Congratulations on the Constitution Day of Ukraine

The Rectorate and the Trade Union Committee of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture congratulate the staff and students of the University on the Constitution Day of Ukraine. These greetings are joined by the Department of Public and Private Law of KhNTUA, as well as our friends and partners from other institutions of higher education.

Вітання з Днем Конституції України

The IV International Educational School on Sustainable Mobility has started

On April 21, 2021, the IV Spring School on Sustainable Mobility “The Impact of the Pandemic on Mobility” began its work. This event, not for the first time, was attended by students majoring in 275 “Transport Technology” and teachers of the Department of Transport Technology and Logistics, Faculty of Technological Systems and Logistics: prof. Shramenko N., docent Berezhna N., Assoc. Gorodetskaya T. and Senior teacher Kutya O. as well as representatives of other free economic zones and transport specialists.

Стартувала IV Міжнародна освітня школа зі сталої мобільності


The Department of Media Communications and the Department of Organization of Educational Work of Students remind us that currently, our university is holding a competition for the best student video-presentation about the multifaceted life of our university and its educational and scientific departments. The organizing committee of the competition has already received several interesting works that will take part in the competition. Therefore, we invite other students and student groups to participate in this creative competition and we remind you that one person or creative group can submit only one work to the competition.

Увага творчий конкурс!!!

Liashenko Serhii

Education • 1980 – graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty “Mechanization of agriculture”, qualification mechanical engineer. • 2002 – defended of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on “Mathematical models of rotors in diagnostic systems of rotating components of agricultural machinery”, specialty 05.05.02 – Mathematical modeling and computational methods. • 2004 – awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety. • 2015 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on “Automation of control processes of technological departments of sugar production based on neural network approach”, specialty 05.13.07 – Automation of control processes. • 2019 – awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Life Safety and Law. Career • 1980 – 1992 – junior researcher, assistant of the Department of Occupational Safety of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. • 1992 – 2003 – Senior Lecturer of Department of Life Safety of Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture. • 2003 – 2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture • 2003-2014 – Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Distance Learning of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. • since 2018 – Professor of Department of Life Safety and Law of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Educational activity • Since 2020 a member of Association for Сomputing Machinery, Member Number 3504825 • Teaches courses Occupational Safety, Occupational Safety in a branch Research activity • Since 2016 a member of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of Doctoral and Candidate’s Dissertations (V. Dahl East Ukrainian National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – Member of the Permanent Specialized Academic Council. 05.13.07 – automation of management processes • Since 2016 – the official opponent of 1 doctoral and 4 candidate dissertations. • 1980-2019 – leader and executor of 14 research work in the field of occupational safety and automation of control processes of technological processes in agricultural production. • the author of 1 textbook approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. • has 2 copyright certificates and 1 patent. Publications • The authors of more than 160 scientific works in a domestic professional and foreign scientific periodicals, including: 120 scientific articles in professional journals (of which articles are indexed in Scopus – 3); • textbook – 1.

Liashenko Serhii


11.02.2021р. 1st-year students ESI MSM during the educational and introductory practice in the discipline “Technology of livestock production” (supervisor Ph.D., Associate Professor Nagornyi S.) visited Dergachiv Children’s and Youth Equestrian sports school of Dergachiv district of Kharkiv region, breeding breeder for breeding Ukrainian horses KhDZVA , where they got acquainted with the technology of keeping and training sport horses, as well as classic equestrian sports (show jumping and dressage).


Keeping up with the times

On October 26, 2020, Tetyana Vlasenko, Olena Dudnyk, Victoria Kralia, Maria Maiboroda, and Alyona Piven, teachers of the Department of Business Production and Management of KhNTUSG, took part in the round table “Rural Development in Ukraine”, which took place online with the participation of international consultants project German-Ukrainian aggro political dialogue.

У ногу з часом

Disciplines of the department

Bioenergy in agro-industrial complex Dealer Basics Processes, basics of construction and design of machines in animal husbandry Methods of designing machines for livestock Design and calculation of livestock machinery Theory and calculation of machines for animal husbandry Innovative livestock equipment Mathematical modeling of technical systems Installation and maintenance of livestock machinery Livestock production technology Technical systems and technologies of livestock farms Basics of animal husbandry animal as a bioobject Installation and commissioning of livestock equipment Intensification of technological processes in animal husbandry Livestock Livestock machinery and equipment Automated design of technological processes in animal husbandry Advanced technologies for the production and processing of livestock products Design and construction of agricultural enterprises Agribusiness Design Patent Science and Copyright Robotic systems and complexes Automated design of technological processes of agricultural enterprises Development of rural and agro-industrial facilities Livestock technical systems Mechanization of livestock agro-industrial processes Microprocessor systems in animal husbandry Forestry Environmental livestock machinery and equipment Modeling of biological processes and systems Fundamentals of design and construction



The Department of Economics and Marketing is a lowering department in the specialty “ECONOMICS”


Sementsov Volodymyr

Education 1986 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with a degree in “Mechanization of Agriculture”, received a qualification of mechanical engineer. 2006 – graduated from Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Mechanization of Agriculture”, received a master’s degree.  Career path 1981 – began his career at the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture) as a fleet driver. 1992 – 1998 – worked as a department assistant at the Mechanization of Livestock Farms Department (now the Department of Technical Systems and Technologies of Animal Husbandry named after B. Shabelnik). 1998 – 2008 – worked as Lab Supervisor of the Machine Parts Department. 2008 – transferred to the position of teaching assistant of Mechanization of Livestock Farms (now the Department of Technical Systems and Technologies of Animal Husbandry named after B. Shabelnik). 2008 – successfully defended his dissertation. Since 2012 – works as a Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technical Systems and Technologies of Animal Husbandry named after B.P. Shabelnyk, teaches 5 disciplines of the department. 2010 – 2013 – additionally held the position of Deputy Headmaster of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Distance and External Studying. 2015 – received the academic title of associate professor. Since 2014 – holds the position of the Deputy Headmaster of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems. Academic activity Teaching of the following disciplines: Machinery and Equipment for Animal Husbandry, Machine usage in Animal Husbandry, Installation and Commissioning of Machinery for Animal Husbandry. Scientific activity 46 publications, including 35 scientific and 11 educational and methodological, including scientific papers published in domestic and international peer-reviewed professional publications and publications in periodicals, which are included in the scientific-metric databases Scopus – 1.

Вчена рада ННІ МСМ

Manoilo Volodymyr

Education and career In 1976 he graduated from the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Technical School with a degree in Motor Roads and Airports. In 1984 he graduated from the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute with a degree in Automobiles and Automobile Industry. 1976 – 1978 service in the Soviet Army. 1978 – 1984 student of the automobile faculty of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute. 1984 – 1987 engineer of the department of internal combustion engines of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute. 1987 – 1992 junior researcher of the department of internal combustion engines of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute. 1992 – 2005 Assistant of the Department of Internal Combustion Engines of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute. In 2005 – 2007 he was transferred to the position of associate professor of the department of internal combustion engines of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute. 2007 – 2014 Associate Professor of Internal Combustion Engines of the Kharkiv Automobile and Road Institute. 2014 – 2015 Associate Professor of Automotive Engineering, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine. 2015 – 2019 Associate Professor of Tractors and Automobiles, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities 2001 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the topic: “Improvement of technical and economic characteristics of a tractor diesel engine using a wave pressure exchanger.” Scientific publications, patents, grants 93 scientific and educational works. 2 textbooks. 3 copyright certificates. 17 utility models and patents.

Manoilo Volodymyr

Round table “The role of statistics in society”

On November 5, 2020, at the initiative of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of KhNTUA, an interuniversity round table “The role of statistics in society” was held with the use of remote technologies and dedicated to the Day of Statistics in Ukraine. The round table was attended by students and teachers of Kharkiv V. Dokuchaev National Agrarian University and the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. The main purpose of the event was to deepen, strengthen, expand, and promote economic knowledge of statistics among students, as well as to inform the student community about the current state of national statistics.

Круглий стіл «Роль статистики в житті суспільства»

Sementsov Volodymyr

Education In 1986 he graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with a degree in “Mechanization of Agriculture”, received a qualification of a mechanical engineer.  

Вчена рада ННІ МСМ