Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Quality management system certification

Chronology, certificates 1) In February 2011, the QMS of the University was certified by the audit team of the Certification Body “GROWTH – DQS-Group” in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 with the receipt of an international certificate. The compliance of the implemented quality management system for the provision of educational services and research and development with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2008 has been confirmed.             2) In February 2014, the QMS of the University passed recertification, which was conducted by the audit group of the Certification Body “GROWTH – DQS-Group” for compliance with ISO 9001: 2008 with an international certificate with the logo of our university.                  3) On March 21-23, 2017, the QMS of the University successfully passed the second recertification, which was conducted by the audit team of the Certification Body “GROWTH – DQS-Group” for compliance with the requirements of the new version ISO 9001: 2015 with an international certificate with the logo of our university.                 4) On March 16-18, 2020, the QMS of the University successfully passed the third recertification, which was conducted by the audit team of the Certification Body of LLC “DKS CERTIFICATE UKRAINE” for compliance with ISO 9001: 2015 with an international certificate with the logo of our university.                  External audits of the quality management system of KhNTUA 1) The first supervisory audit (after certification 2011). On February 14-15, 2012 at the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture the auditors of the certification body of MCYA PRIROST LLC, a member of DQS-Group, conducted a supervisory audit of the quality management system (DQS GmbH Certificate, scope of activities: educational services and research, registration number 472114 QM08 dated 05.04.2011). According to the conclusions of the supervisory audit, the compliance of the system with the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2008 standard was established. The current quality management system of the university has a positive dynamics, is developing and improving. Recommended: confirm the validity of the certificate of conformity.


Department of Tractors and Cars (TC)

The department trains specialists for all technical branches of the economy. It has a long history of educational and scientific activity in Ukraine and the world.


Patent activity and agriculture

1. Preservation of human or animal bodies, or plants, or parts thereof; biocides; repellents or attractants; plant growth regulators (A01N). 2 . Gardening; growing vegetables, flowers, rice, fruits, grapes, hops, or seaweed; forestry; irrigation (A01G). 3 . Biocidal, repellent, attractant, or plant growth regulators (A01P). 4 . Livestock; poultry breeding; apiculture; pisciculture; fishing; rearing or breeding of animals not covered by other subclasses; new animal breeds (A01K). 5 . Tillage in agriculture or forestry; assemblies, parts, and appliances for agricultural machinery or implements in general (A01B).

Патентна діяльність і сільське господарство

Awards of the University at the XII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2021”

As we have already reported, on May 26-28, 2021, the XII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2021” was held in Kyiv, in which the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture and P. Vasylenko also took an active part. The exhibition has become a meaningful platform for discussing urgent issues of development of the national education system in the context of globalization challenges and demands, exchange of experience in innovation in modern education, including digital technologies to ensure quality education and increase attention to natural sciences in Ukraine. -technical research, establishing business contacts, etc.

Університет бере участь  у освітянській виставці

Road transport

The educational program is aimed at implementing the strategy within the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU (Chapter 17, Article 404, items e and g) and the Concept of the State Targeted Development Program agricultural sector for the period up to 2022 (approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 30, 2015 № 1437-r), namely – improving the competitiveness of the agricultural sector by improving the quality of agricultural products through adaptation of environmental standards of its production, wide combining precision farming systems with efficient use of road transport during harvesting and transportation to deep processing and storage points, accelerating the adaptation of agricultural market infrastructure to the world production structure by improving the transport logistics of farms and Ukrainian agricultural companies and facilitating access to EU products.


The second (master’s) level

Educational and professional program “Road transport” second (master’s) level of higher education by specialty: 274 Road transport field of knowledge: 27 Transport qualification: Master of Road Transport



The department has a research laboratory of vibrating grain cleaning machines, which has long been headed by world-renowned scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor P. Zaika. The team of teachers, researchers of the laboratory, graduate students, and students of the department is working on the problem of developing the theory and means of separation of difficult-to-separate seeds based on vibration technology.


Results of the monitoring of the 2020 introductory campaign

The State Quality Service of Education of Ukraine monitored (studied) the organization and conduct of the admission campaign by institutions of higher and professional higher education. A feature of this year’s monitoring was the issue of compliance with the requirements for the minimum price of contract training (indicative cost), set by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 160 institutions. In the introductory campaign of 2020, 1227 educational institutions were recruited for higher and (or) professional higher education, including 492 educational institutions that are separate structural units (SEUs) and have a separate account in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.

Результати моніторингу вступної кампанії 2020 року