Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Nikolaenko Natalia

Education and career 1987 – Kharkiv State Institute of Culture, specialty – Library science and bibliography. 1987-1995 – worked in the library of the Kharkiv State Institute of Culture. 1995-2004 – worked in the library of the National University of Internal Affairs of Kharkiv. 2004-2017 – Director of the Scientific Library of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy. 2013-2016 – postgraduate study at the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture. Since 2017 – Director of the Scientific Library of KhNTUA, Assistant of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Ніколаєнко Наталія Миколаївна

Discover e-books from ScienceDirect

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine provides the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with access to ScienceDirect eBooks, Elsevier’s leading collection of scientific e-books.

Відкрийте для себе електронні книги з ScienceDirect

Ensuring the quality of education

The Sector for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture was established to provide consulting, coordination, and internal control over the quality of education at the university in cooperation with the Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching, Educational and Methodological department, student self-government bodies and other structural subdivisions.


Congratulations to the European champion

Today our university was visited by the European champion in sumo wrestling among youth and adults Demid Karachenkov, who recently returned from the European Championship and brought two significant awards from there. In the men’s competition (weight category up to 85 kg) Demid defeated a rival from Russia and won a gold medal, and in the youth competition in the weight category, up to 85 kg won a bronze medal.

Congratulations to the European champion

KNTUA is a leader in innovation in education

In the conditions of quarantine restrictions introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on October 12-14, 2020 the exhibitions “Innovation in modern education” and “World Edu” took place. This year, for the first time in twenty years, the exhibitions were held in a mixed format (online, remotely, in absentia).

ХНТУСГ – лідер інновацій в  освіті

Student spring-2021. Results of the competition.

On June 16, the XXVI City Student Amateur Art Competition “Student Spring – 2021” and the award ceremony took place in Kharkiv. The best employees of higher education institutions of the city of Kharkiv were also awarded for long-term cooperation and high-quality preparation of the organization and holding of the competition “Student Spring – 2021”. Among them is the head of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of KhNTUA – Maryna Mazorenko. The diploma was presented to her by Oleksiy Chubarov, Director of the Department for Family, Youth, and Sports of the Kharkiv City Council.

Студентська весна-2021. Підсумки конкурсу.

Department of Economics and Marketing

The Department of Economics and Marketing at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture was founded in 1948, when the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture opened a department to provide economic training for future engineers. “Economics and organizations of agricultural production”.


Rector of KhNTUА awarded “Slobozhanska Slava”

On the eve of the New Year, a significant event took place at our university, which will undoubtedly go down in the history of KhNTUA. For outstanding merits in the development of the Kharkiv region and a significant contribution to the development of science and education of Kharkiv region, the rector of the University O. Nanka was awarded the honorary award of the Kharkiv Regional Council “Slobozhanska Slava”.

Ректору ХНТУСГ вручено відзнаку "Слобожанська Слава"

Specialty 133 “Industrial Engineering”

Level of higher education “Bachelor” Educational program “Engineering of processing and food production” Curriculum on the basis of Complete General Secondary Education (2019) Curriculum на основі on the basis of Diploma of a junior specialist (2019)


Student agro-debates took place at the university

Creation of agrarian holdings and small farms, development of the market of agricultural lands and agribusiness … These and other topical issues of today became the subject of agro-debates organized by the student parliament of KhNTUA, trade union committee, and the committee on youth and sports of the university.

Student agro-debates took place at the university

Bright memory of Ivan Prokopenko

Today, at the age of 86, a prominent scientist and pedagogue, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine Ivan Prokopenko died.

Світлій пам'яті Івана Федоровича Прокопенка