Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Disciplines of the department

  1. Bioenergy in agro-industrial complex
  2. Dealer Basics
  3. Processes, basics of construction and design of machines in animal husbandry
  4. Methods of designing machines for livestock
  5. Design and calculation of livestock machinery
  6. Theory and calculation of machines for animal husbandry
  7. Innovative livestock equipment
  8. Mathematical modeling of technical systems
  9. Installation and maintenance of livestock machinery
  10. Livestock production technology
  11. Technical systems and technologies of livestock farms
  12. Basics of animal husbandry animal as a bioobject
  13. Installation and commissioning of livestock equipment
  14. Intensification of technological processes in animal husbandry
  15. Livestock
  16. Livestock machinery and equipment
  17. Automated design of technological processes in animal husbandry
  18. Advanced technologies for the production and processing of livestock products
  19. Design and construction of agricultural enterprises
  20. Agribusiness Design
  21. Patent Science and Copyright
  22. Robotic systems and complexes
  23. Automated design of technological processes of agricultural enterprises
  24. Development of rural and agro-industrial facilities
  25. Livestock technical systems
  26. Mechanization of livestock agro-industrial processes
  27. Microprocessor systems in animal husbandry
  28. Forestry
  29. Environmental livestock machinery and equipment
  30. Modeling of biological processes and systems
  31. Fundamentals of design and construction