Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en


On May 23, Mykola Lysychenko, the first vice-rector of our university and a 1985 graduate of KhIMEA, celebrates his birthday.


Consultation schedule

Name of lecture From which disciplines consultation When and where it is held Antoshchenkov R. Mechatronics AIP Analysis and synthesis of mechatronic systems Mechatronics of machines and units Mechatronics Mechatronics of motor transport Tuesday, Thursday 316 М Kolomiiets V. Details of machines Details of machines and PTM Monday 318 М Ridnyi R. Details of machines Details of machines and PTM Tuesday, Thursday 318 М Lukianenko V. Conformity assessment of products Quality and safety of AІP products Quality, standardization and certification Quality and examination of agricultural products Wednesday 318 М Fabrychnikova I. Standardization and certification this year products Взаємозамінність,, стандарт. і техн. вимірювання Взаємозамінність і техн. вимірювання Monday, Wednesday, Friday 317 М Kis V. Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurement Interchangeability and technical measurement Total quality management Tuesday 317 М Bohdanovych S. Details of machines Details of machines and PТМ Applied computer aided design in Creo Parametric Monday, Friday 316 М Halych I. Quality management Statistical methods of quality management of agricultural products Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements Monday, Wednesday, Friday 317 М Lukianenko O. Quality management Interchangeability and technical measurements Statistical methods of agricultural product quality management Вівторок, четвер 316 М Nykyforov A. Quality management Methodology and methods of standardization Total quality management Metrological quality assurance of products Wednesday, Friday 316 М


International cooperation

Teachers of the Department of Marketing and Media Communications regularly participate in international programs and conferences, including as co-organizers, in order to improve professional activity and skills, as well as the formation of long-term relationships with foreign organizations, universities, and schools.


Lukianenko Volodymyr

Education 1981 – graduated from Kirovograd Technical University of Agricultural Engineering with a degree in “Agricultural Machinery”. Career 1987 – Assistant of the Department of Agricultural Machinery. 1992 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. 1993 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Agricultural Machinery”. 2001 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the topic: “Substantiation of the parameters of the process of separation of rapeseed and colza on a vibrating machine.” 2003 – Associate Professor of “Agricultural Machinery”. 2004 – Head of the Department “Quality, Standardization, and Certification”. 2005 – Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology. 2016 – Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange. 2016 – Associate Professor of “Agricultural Machinery”. 2017 – present Associate Professor of “Mechatronics and the Machine Parts” Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities Teaches disciplines:

Lukianenko Volodymyr

051 Economics

Analysis and justification of business profitability, business planning and business diagnostics, project development, and evaluation of their effectiveness, economic justification of management, marketing, engineering decisions – these tasks are solved by economists.



Teachers of the Department of Mechatronics and Machine Parts are supervised by students of the Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems in the specialty 208 – “Agroengineering”, namely:


Happy Birthday!

Today, June 6, the director of the educational and scientific institute of Technical Service, doctor of technical sciences, professor Alexander Saichuk celebrates his 43rd birthday.

Вітаємо з Днем народження!

An information seminar was held

Today, April 9, a seminar on information support of the university in modern conditions was held. The event was held online on the Google Meet platform. It was attended by 25 people, including those responsible for information support of sites and pages of ESI, F TSL, colleges, representatives of the educational department and departments, other departments of the university.

Відбувся інформаційний семінар

The II All-Ukrainian Student Conference took place

April 30, 2021, was the II All-Ukrainian student scientific-practical conference ” Theory and practice of modern science through the eyes of young people who are already becoming traditional. The meeting was held online, which was previously set quarantine restrictions associated with the spread of the viral disease Covid-19. The conference was initiated by the Department of Agrology and Supply Chain Management of the Faculty of Technological Systems and Logistics. The conference was opened by the rector of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Nanka Alexander Vladimirovich. In his welcoming speech to the participants, he noted the exceptional role of creative youth in determining the trajectory of science. He stressed the urgency of creating communication platforms for students in the form of conferences. He expressed hope for the fruitful work of the conference participants, a constructive discussion on production, and solving current problems. Alexander Vladimirovich wished real good health and other benefits. The event was attended by over 100 participants, represented by the cities of Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, Kropyvnytskyi, Vovchansky. The list of attendees included representatives of higher and special higher educational institutions, namely: Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical School of Agriculture, Polissya National University, Kharkiv National University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zhytomyr Agrotechnical College, Vovchansky Vocational College of Kharkiv NDU named after Василенко. The work of the conference covered the following areas: 1. Agrologistics and supply chain management. 2. Management. 3. Transport technologies and logistics. 4. Social and behavioral science. 5. Woodworking technologies and forest complex systems. The conference provided an opportunity for active talented young people to test their strengths in research and presentation of their achievements. It is worth noting the high theoretical and practical level of work, which offers additional painstaking work of supervisors. Inspiring care for students, each issue provoked a lively discussion and a desire to develop the scientific direction of work. Thank you very much to the participants and guests of the conference! Head of the Department, Ph.D. Professor T. Larina

Відбулася II Всеукраїнська студентська конференція

Students’ internship continues (PHOTO)

Yesterday, August 17, 2021, we were present at the summing up of the work of mechanized detachments for harvesting early grain Zolochiv region-2021. The regular participants of such an event for the last 15 years are students of KhNTUA, who are undergoing an internship at the farm “Alpha” – one of the best in the region. This year, 3rd and 4th-year students of the Institute of MMS worked directly as assistants to combine harvesters of powerful combine harvesters, such as “Tukano 580” and “Lexicon 670”. 10 grain-harvesting crews, including 9 students of KhNTUA, worked in the fields of 26.7 thousand tons of early grain that have already been threshed. The average yield on the farm of early grain crops is about 46.8 c / ha. Following the results of work students of our university were awarded: 1st place – Sergey Segeda and the assistant to the combine operator the third-year student of ESI MMS Vladislav Svirida, the Tukano 580 combine which was harvested from 821 hectares (peas, winter wheat), and threshed 4236,3 tons, 2nd place – in the farm and the district as a whole was taken by the student crew consisting of Ivan Yatsenko (combiner) and Maxim Herman (assistant) – graduates of Lipkovatov College, and now 4th-year students of the Institute of MMS. By the way, this crew is the youngest among all combine harvesters and their assistants in the area. Currently, students are preparing the soil for winter crops.

Students' internship continues (PHOTO)

The student government will elect the speaker of parliament

KNTUA students are preparing for the election of the chairman of the student parliament. The stage of nominating candidates for this position has already ended. Yesterday in the university’s main building, there was an open debate between the candidates running for the post of student parliament. There are three of them. These are Maryna Romanashenko, a fourth-year student at the National Institute of BML, and Vitalina Strenadko, a second-year student at the same institute, and Sofiya Krivonis.

Студентські дебати 03.06.2021