Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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The University Supervisory Board approved the rector’s report

Today in the conference hall of KhNTUA a regular meeting of the Supervisory Board of the university took place, at which the report of the rector O. Nanka on the work in 2020 and the main directions of the university development in 2021 was heard. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board S. Chernov, and most members of the Board participated in the meeting online. The meeting of the Supervisory Board was also attended by the First Vice-Rector M. Lysychenko, Vice-Rector for Research VI Melnyk, Vice-Rector for NDP, Economic Development and Infrastructure AV Nikitas and chief accountant T. Danylenko.

Наглядова рада університету схвалила звіт ректора

A meeting of the scholarship commission was held

On January 6, 2021, at 10.00 a meeting of the scholarship commission of the university took place on-line. The meeting was chaired by a leading specialist of the educational department Liudmyla Sorokina, where issues related to the appointment of academic and social scholarships were considered.

Відбулось засідання стипендіальної комісії

About the department

History The Department of Biomedical Engineering and Theoretical Electrical Engineering belongs to the Educational and Scientific Institute of Energy and Computer Technologies of Kharkiv Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture.


Military mobilization department

By Articles 35-38 of the Law of Ukraine “On Military Duty and Military Service” enterprises, institutions, organizations, and educational institutions, regardless of subordination and forms of ownership, keep records of all conscripts and conscripts, and their leaders (owners) are responsible for the completeness and quality of accounting. monitor the observance of military accounting rules by conscripts.


Educational and practical lectures for students and teachers to study the features of construction and operation of modern equipment “John Deere”

On Tuesday, October 23, 2018, on the basis of the educational and scientific center “ John Deere Training Center “, which operates at the department “ Tractors and Cars ” of management systems of KhNTUА the cycle of educational and practical lectures for students of a technical profile and teachers on studying of features of construction and operation of modern equipment “ John Deere ” is begun.


KNTUA is a leader in innovation in education

In the conditions of quarantine restrictions introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, on October 12-14, 2020 the exhibitions “Innovation in modern education” and “World Edu” took place. This year, for the first time in twenty years, the exhibitions were held in a mixed format (online, remotely, in absentia).

ХНТУСГ – лідер інновацій в  освіті

Results of the monitoring of the 2020 introductory campaign

The State Quality Service of Education of Ukraine monitored (studied) the organization and conduct of the admission campaign by institutions of higher and professional higher education. A feature of this year’s monitoring was the issue of compliance with the requirements for the minimum price of contract training (indicative cost), set by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for 160 institutions. In the introductory campaign of 2020, 1227 educational institutions were recruited for higher and (or) professional higher education, including 492 educational institutions that are separate structural units (SEUs) and have a separate account in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.

Результати моніторингу вступної кампанії 2020 року

Azada Dzhumayeva: “I dream that my son also studied at KhNTUA”

We continue to get acquainted with foreign students studying at our university. We must say something about students from sunny Turkmenistan. After all, this is the largest group of foreign students who were sent to our university by their country. They are currently studying the following specialties: Woodworking and Furniture Technologies, Construction and Civil Engineering, Law, Economics, Transport Technologies, Accounting and Taxation, Management, Industrial Engineering, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies.

Азада Джумаєва: «Мрію, щоб мій син також навчався в  ХНТУСГ»

Open Day of the Department of Accounting and Auditing

On May 7, 2021, an online meeting “Hospitality Day of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of KhNTUA” was held for high school students, lyceums, and students of technical schools and colleges in the Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.

День відкритих дверей кафедри обліку та аудиту

We are developing international cooperation

On March 1, 2021, a delegation of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture consisting of Rector O. Nanka, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations Yu. Vitkovsky and Head of the Educational Department for Work with Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons O. Azizova paid a working visit to Gaziantep State University of the Republic of Turkey (GAUN), where she held a series of meetings with the university’s management and staff. In particular, the delegation of KhNTUA visited the three oldest and most powerful faculties of Gaziantep University: food processing, mechanization, and electrification. During the acquaintance with these faculties, a number of meetings were held with deans and staff. The delegation paid special attention to the logistics of laboratories.

Розвиваємо міжнародне співробітництво

About the department

The Department of Marketing and Media Communications was established on September 2, 2019, to strengthen the scientific and practical training of specialists in the specialty 075 “Marketing”. During the year of its existence, the department, thanks to the fruitful work of the team, took a place in the top three in the university ranking!


Employment promotion

The Directorate of the Institute of MMS is constantly promoting the employment of graduates. To do this, the following is provided:


What specialties are the most popular among this year’s entrants

The introductory campaign is coming to an end. Tomorrow, July 28, higher education institutions are to publish the ranking lists of bachelor’s and master’s degree entrants. And for future masters on the basis of a bachelor (master/specialist) for places at the expense of the budget, such lists will be published no later than August 2.

Які спеціальності найпопулярніші серед цьогорічних вступників