Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Diploma and course design room (computer class)

Applicants for higher education get acquainted with the office of diploma and course design at the beginning of the study of special disciplines in the design of units of cars and tractors. The material base is represented by demonstration stands: the crank mechanism of autotractor internal combustion engines; gas distribution mechanism of autotractor internal combustion engines; cooling systems for tractor internal combustion engines; lubrication systems for tractor internal combustion engines; power supply systems for tractor internal combustion engines; ignition systems for gasoline and gas engines; sources of electricity for cars and tractors; electricity consumers of cars and tractors; steering of tractors and cars; cardan gears and drive axles of tractors and cars; clutch and gearbox of tractors and cars; chassis of tractors and cars; brake elements of tractors and cars.


About the department

The Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange Activities were founded in 2016 as part of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems. Doctor of Economics Levkina Ruslana has been appointed the head of the department.


The university received the Grand Prix for participation in the educational exhibition

On May 28, the XII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2021” ended, which took place in the Kyiv Palace of Sports simultaneously with the International Exhibition of Education Abroad “World Edu”. The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture traditionally took an active part in these events with his work.

Університет бере участь  у освітянській виставці

For entrants

Information on the conditions of admission to the specialty can be found at the link


The internship for second-year students continues

Internships are an integral part of higher education. Currently, there is a training (introductory) internship for second-year students majoring in 281 “Public Administration” and an internship “Organization of the manager’s work” for students majoring in 073 “Management”.

The internship for second-year students continues

Hot time for entrants

They say Monday is a difficult day. But not for our entrants who came to the university that day to get advice and fill their e-offices. Traditionally, members of the university Admissions Committee provide entrants and their parents with all the necessary assistance and, if necessary, conduct career guidance work.

Гаряча пора для вступників

Furman Illia

Education 1968 – diploma of the electrical engineer in the specialty “Automation and Telemechanics”. The National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. 1976 – defended the PhD thesis at the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 1989 – defended the doctoral dissertation on the topic “Scientific and technical foundations of the creation and the industrial application of the parallel logic controllers based on programmable BIS with a matrix structure” at the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Specialty 05.13.05 – elements and devices of computer equipment and control systems. 1992 – was awarded the academic title of Professor in the specialty “Elements and devices of computer technology and control systems”. 2001 – was elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences of higher education of Ukraine. Career 1958 -1961 – electrician in the association “Turboatom”. 1961-1964 – served in the military. 1965 – 1970 – worked at the Design Institute “Yuzhgiproshakht” as a technician, senior technician, senior engineer of the integrated automation department. 1970 – 1991 – worked in the All-Union Research and Design Institute “VNDITelektromash” as a design engineer of the II category, leading engineer, leading designer, head of the laboratory, head of the sector, head of the department, chief designer of the Institute and was engaged in the scientific research and the development of the software control systems for robotic technological complexes. Since 1991 has held the positions of Professor of the Department of cybernetics, Head of the Department of Automation and computer-integrated technologies, Professor of the Department Automation and computer-integrated technologies. Scientific activity Author and co-author of more than 250 scientific articles, 8 monographs, 11 course books, 5 textbooks marked by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 15 author’s certificates and 18 patents of Ukraine.  Professor I. A. Furman pays great attention to the education of the scientific personnel: in total he has trained 8 candidates and 3 doctors of technical sciences. The main directions of the scientific research: development of theoretical foundations for the construction of programmable logic control automata of parallel action, based on regular (matrix) microelectronic structures; development and research of the architecture of parallel programmable logic controllers for various functional purposes; development and research of programming languages and technologies for parallel programmable logic controllers, including visual programming technologies; development and research of a family of universal translators of technological user languages into standard programming languages of programmable logic controllers; development of architecture and technology for using secure programmable control automata of parallel action; development and research of methods and tools for parallel implementation of relay protection algorithms based on PLD-technologies; development of theoretical foundations for the construction and technology of using ultra-fast universal means of independent diagnostics of parallel action for control devices and systems of various functional purposes and made on different element bases. Outstanding results of research work (developments that have no analogues in the world practice and are protected by the Ukrainian patents): PLD – a parallel action controller that, unlike controllers with a classical architecture, processes the flow of input states not sequentially one after the other, but in parallel in one clock cycle and is programmed in the technological language of users. Safe PLD – a parallel action controller – guarantees a safe parallel management of the objects in critical application systems (railway automation systems, subways, NPP emergency protection systems). Technological visual programming system TVP – provides automatic creation of control programs based on the technological description of the control process and practical exclusion of professional programmers from the programming process. Awards 2004 – Certificate of Honour by Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine. 2005 – winner of the regional competition “Higher education of Kharkiv region – the best names” in the nomination “Head of the Department”. 2005 – award “Excellence in education of Ukraine”. 2006 – by the resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of higher education of Ukraine the Yaroslav the Wise award was handed over.

Фурман Ілля Олександрович