Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Organization of the educational process

Regulations on planning and accounting of educational work and the main types of methodical, scientific, organizational and career guidance work of scientific and pedagogical workers Regulations on the individual curriculum of the applicant for higher education by bachelor’s and master’s degrees  Regulations on academic mobility of students and teachers. Regulations on academic mobility of students and teachers.       Regulations on the organization of the educational process. Regulations on conducting rector’s control of students’ knowledge. Regulations on the organization of current and semester control and certification of students with the use of distance technologies Regulations on the formation of a variable component of the curriculum of educational programs Regulations on checking scientific, educational-methodical, qualification and educational works for the presence of academic plagiarism. Regulations on the procedure for establishing and organizing the work of the examination commission for the certification of applicants for higher education. Regulations on the academic integrity of participants in the educational process Provisions on the recognition of learning outcomes obtained in non-formal education Regulations on scholarships for students, graduate students and doctoral students (entered into force on 01.09.2020) Regulations on the procedure for forming, maintaining and storing personal files of KhNTUA applicants Regulations on the procedure for expulsion, interruption of studies, renewal and transfer of persons studying at the university, as well as granting them academic leave Regulations on policies and procedures for resolving conflict situations of participants in the educational process Regulations on the development, structure and content of curricula and working curricula for higher education for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Temporary provision on the organization of the educational process with the use of remote technologies in quarantine Regulations on the educational – methodical complex of the discipline Regulations on the development, approval, monitoring, review and closure of educational programs. Regulations on the guarantor of the educational program Regulations on project groups and support groups Regulations on the organization and conduct of current and semester control, criteria for assessment of knowledge and appeal of the results of the final control of knowledge of applicants  Regulations on the center of practice, employment and career of student youth.   Regulations on practical training of students at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University Regulations on the transfer of students studying at the expense of individuals or legal entities to vacant places of the state order of KhNTUA.


Press conference of the rector’s representatives

Today the Kharkiv Press Club hosted a press conference of representatives of the Rectorate of the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. P. Vasylenko, dedicated to the peculiarities of this year’s introductory campaign. The event was attended by the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work S. Zaika, Vice-Rector for scientific and pedagogical work, and International Relations Yu. Vitkovskyy, and also the executive secretary of the admission commission of KhNTUA S. Skofenko.

Press conference of the rector's representatives

Accounting service

The Accounting Service is a structural unit of the University, which operates based on the University Charter and reports directly to the Rector of the University.


The right priorities

This year the threshold of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture will be transferred for the first time by more than 900 freshmen (future bachelors), who are enrolled in full-time education on the terms of the state budget and contract. Most of them are students majoring in Agricultural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, Food Technology, and others.

Правильні пріоритети

Students began their internship

Every year, to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained during the educational process, students of KhNTUA undergo training and internships based on the University Training Center, as well as based on modern enterprises, institutions, and organizations of the agro-industrial complex. Recently, the work of the KhNTUA training center was checked by the rector of the university O. Nanka, who inspected its fields and research sites spoke with staff and the first group of student interns.

Практика студентів у навчально-дослідному господарстві 29.06.2021

All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science” continues

The All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science” is taking place in Ukraine, which is attended by heads of state, people’s deputies, representatives of science and education, public figures, and other stakeholders. You can follow the work of the Forum by following this link: 

Триває Всеукраїнський форум "Україна 30. Освіта і наука"


The lecturers of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of our university have close and fruitful business relations with the research and teaching staff of the Department of Accounting of Odessa State Agrarian University. Through the joint efforts of teachers of both departments, the textbook “Accounting in Enterprise Management” was published, which was developed in cooperation with the Odesa Regional Agricultural Advisory Service “Center for Rural Development and Legal Support” (ORACS) with the Ukrainian Fruit and Vegetable Business Development Project (UHB). funded by the Ministry of International Affairs of Canada, co-financed and implemented by the Mennonite Economic Development Association (MEDA).


Romanchenko Mykola

Education 1974 – diploma of specialist, Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty “Electrification of Agricultural Production”, qualification – electrical engineer; Career 1992 – Candidate of Technical Sciences. Dissertation topic: “Development and application of an automated high-frequency electric drive for milk separators”. 1994 – received a diploma of associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Electricity in Agriculture. Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Quality control of technologies, diagnostics and therapy; Innovative technologies at enterprises; Design of engineering complexes and systems. Research activities He has more than 40 scientific publications, 4 of which are indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, author of monographs and manuals, has 10 patents and copyright certificates. Research interests: power engineering, automated equipment in biomedicine Patents PU № 90277 Method of forming the thermal regime in a livestock room with electric floor heating, 2016 PU № 86960 Method of forming differential heating zones of electric underfloor heating, 2016 PU 90598 Method of structural and functional control of energy flows in electroheat storage facilities to ensure the microclimate in livestock facilities, 2016 PU № 92954 Installation for ultraviolet irradiation (UFO) of honeycomb frames for the hive, 2016. PU № 96254 Electric honey extractor, 2016. PU №86774 Container for transportation and storage of medical products in a glass container, № applications 201308709, 2016. PU № 98312 Beekeeping place, 2016. PU № 91454 Installation for ultraviolet irradiation. Filed № application u 2016 03817 16.04.2016. Publ. 14.03.2017 Bull. № 16 PU № 91461 Method of irradiation of UV honeycombs of hive frames Filed № applications u 2016 03912 18.04.2016. Publ. 14.05.2017 Bull. № 17 PU № 93344 Flying attachment for the control of varroa mites with the use of UV radiation. Filed № applications u 2016 04671 16.04.2016. Publ. 31.05.2017 Bull. № 18

Романченко Микола Анастасійович

Nahorny Serhiy

Education 1993 – graduated from Kharkiv Zooveterinary Institute 1993 – 1996 – graduate student of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of UAASU 2001 – defended his dissertation on the topic: “Reproductive and productive qualities of tested sows depending on the duration of lactation” 2007 – received the academic title of associate professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk

Нагорний Сергій Анатолійович

About the department

The Head of the department: Miroshnyk Oleksandr,doctor of technical sciences Science, Professor Adress: Kharkiv, Rizdviana street, 19, room. 310. Тel: (057) 712-52-45


Piskachova Iryna

Education 1980 – graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, in specialty Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations 2000 – Candidate of Science Degree 2004 – defended PhD thesis in specialty 20.02.14 – Weapons and military equipment, received her scientific degree PhD 2006 – received the academic status of Senior Researcher in the specialty 20.02.14 – Weapons and military equipment Career 1984-1985 – Design Engineer of the Kharkiv plant “Monolit” 1985 – 1986 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of Kharkiv Higher Military School of Missile Forces. 1986-1998 – from positions of engineer to engineer – electronics of the 1st category on repair and maintenance of computer equipment of the computer center of the Kharkov Military University. 1998 – 2000 – Head of the study room of the department of electronic devices and microprocessor systems of the Kharkov Military University. 2000 – 2004 Junior Researcher at the Military Science Center at the Kharkiv Military University 2004 – 2007 Senior Researcher of the Research Department of Military Standardization and Product Quality of Defense Appointment of the Metrology and Standardization Management, Navigation and Topogeodetic, Support of the Joint Research Institute of the Armed Forces, Kharkiv 2008 – 2018 – Associate Professor at the Department of Computing Engineering and Control Systems of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. since 2018 works at Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture as an Associate Professor at the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies.  Research activities  She has more than 100 scientific and methodological publications, including 3 manuals, 36 R&D reports and 1 patent for the invention. Research interests  Information technology. Office packages, Math packages. Mathematical methods and models. Algorithmization and programming. Photoshop, CorelDraw. Reliability of software and hardware of microprocessor control systems. IoT. International activities 2017 р. – Secure and resilient computing for industry and human domains. Techniques, tools and assurance cases for security and resilient computing / Edited by Kharchenko V. S. – Department of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Aerospace University H.E. Zhukovsky “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. Participation in international projects

Піскачова Ірина Вікторівна

Admission based on interviews and exams in 2021

The Conditions of Admission to Higher Education in 2021 define the categories of persons who will have the right to enter a higher education institution based on the results of an interview or the results of entrance exams.

Вступ на підставі співбесіди та іспитів у 2021 році

Scholarship rating

Rating list of students of the F TSL for the payment of academic scholarships for the 1st semester of 2020/2021
