Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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A new professional standard has been approved

The Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Agriculture dated 23.03.2021 № 610  approved the professional standard for the group of professions “Teachers of higher education institutions”. The draft professional standard was developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on its own initiative.

According to the National Classifier of Ukraine DK 003: 2010 “Classifier of professions” the group of standards includes:

The professional standard is a tool for systematization of skills (creation of job descriptions), training of young professionals, self-assessment of teachers of higher education institutions, professional development, and professional development.

  • 2310.1 Professor;
  • 2310.1 Associate Professor;
  • 2310.2 Teacher of a higher education institution;
  • 2310.2 Assistant.

The Ministry of Education and Science recommends using this professional standard in developing requirements for the positions of research and teaching staff, educational and research programs of the second and third levels of higher education, training and internship programs for research and teaching staff, planning professional development of teachers.

The standard was prepared by a working group consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, higher education institutions, and the international expert community.

During the project development several measures were taken:

  • functional analysis of labor functions in the field of professional activity of a teacher of a higher education institution was conducted;
  • formed and placed in a hierarchical order of labor functions performed by a teacher of a higher education institution;
  • an analysis of the provisions of current regulations that define the requirements for the content and quality of professional activity analyzed the requirements for knowledge, skills, abilities, and other competencies of teachers of higher education institutions;
  • the necessary general and professional competencies are determined, as well as the requirements for the level of qualification, work experience, level of education, additional requirements for the performance of labor functions, etc.

The examination of the draft professional standard was also carried out by specialists of the British Council in Ukraine.

The standard for the group of professions “Teachers of higher education institutions” was prepared by paragraph 8 of the Action Plan for the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework for 2016-2020, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 14, 2016, № 1077-r and paragraph 1.5 of the Development Concept Implementation Plan pedagogical education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 3, 2019, № 7.

Source: MES of Ukraine