Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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About the department

Sorokin Maksym is the Head of department № office of the Head is 207 Tel. (057) 712-50-56 Е-mail of department:



It was started in 1930. The country has begun reforming higher and special higher education due to an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel. The Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic adopted a Resolution on the reorganization of universities and colleges and their transfer to the relevant People’s Commissariats on 12th June. The section “Agricultural sector” provided for the establishment of the Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture in Kharkiv on the basis of mechanization departments of Kharkiv and Poltava Agricultural Institutes.


To participate in the conference it is necessary

On June 2, 2021, the third day of the All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science” lasted. Deputy Speaker of Education and Science of Ukraine for European Integration Andriy Vitrenko became the speaker of the section “Modern University as a platform for research”.

Сучасний університет як майданчик для досліджень

Skoblo Tamara

Education 1958 Graduated with honors from the Mariupol Metallurgical Institute with a degree in Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals. Equipment of thermal shops 1967 She defended her dissertation “Research and development of new alloys for rolling rolls” at the Rostov Institute of Agricultural Engineering 1969 Awarded the title of senior researcher in the specialty “Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals” 1982 She defended her doctoral dissertation “Theoretical foundations of development and implementation of effective high-carbon alloys of rolled rolls and methods of their processing” at CNPchermet. IP Bardin (Moscow) June 1990 Awarded the title of Professor at the Department of Car Repair Career

Скобло Тамара Семенівна

Students’ practice: new knowledge, new impressions

The harvest has begun in the Kharkiv region. According to the Department of Agricultural Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, this year the agrarians of the region are to harvest grain and legumes on an area of ​​over 750 thousand hectares. Despite the fact that this year’s harvest began two weeks later than last year (due to weather conditions), farmers plan to harvest no worse than last year. It will be recalled that last year more than 3 million tons of grain and legumes were harvested in the Kharkiv region.

Практика студентів: нові знання, нові враження

The results of the laboratory “Agrospecekspert”

The purpose and main tasks of the laboratory “AGROSPECEXPERT” is to conduct research, perform research, provide scientific and technical services, manufacture of scientific and technical products to order of enterprises, organizations, institutions and firms, innovation, as well as providing conditions for quality training of specialists, in particular, specialists of the highest scientific qualification.

Результати діяльності лабораторії «Агроспецексперт»

About department

The Department of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics is a part of the educational and scientific institute of processing and food productions.


The National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education was presented in Kharkiv

Today, June 24, the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Serhiy Shkarlet presented the model of the National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education during the All-Ukrainian Strategic Session “Education of Ukraine – 30th National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education” in Kharkiv. The main goal of the event is the transformation of the national education system, the development of the New Ukrainian School, and the provision of quality and affordable education.

У Харкові презентували Національний технопарк з підвищення якості освіти

The university is preparing for the new academic year

The Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture is preparing for the new academic year and a solemn meeting of freshmen. Currently, non-resident students are being housed in dormitories and relocated to new places. Traditionally, the university administration pays great attention to these issues.

The university is preparing for the new academic year

To enhance academic integrity

Today, August 26, 2021, at the regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Procedure for revoking the decision on awarding a degree of higher education and awarding the appropriate qualification was adopted. “The government has made an important decision, namely – the creation of legal conditions that will encourage students to adhere to academic integrity and be held accountable in case of violations. It is important that from now on the procedure for deciding on revoking the degree or qualification of a specialist and the range of subjects authorized for such actions are clearly defined at the state level. We are talking exclusively about higher education institutions. I believe that the decision of the Government will contribute to the formation of responsibility of higher education in Ukraine and increase their competitiveness, “said Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet.

Для підвищення академічної доброчесності

Nataliya Kosulina

Education 1992 – received the diploma of Kharkiv Engineering and Pedagogical Institute in the specialty “Energy”; qualification – an engineer-teacher of power engineering disciplines 1999 – defended her thesis in specialty 05.20.02 – application of electrical technology in agricultural production 2007 – defended her doctoral dissertation in specialty 05.09.16 – electrical technologies and electrical equipment in the agrarian and industrial complex 2009 – received the title of professor Career 1992 – 2008 – Assistant of the Department of Electricity Utilization in agriculture; worked as an Assistant, Assistant Professor and Professor Since 2009, the Head of the Department of Techotronics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering Educational activities She teaches such subjects as theoretical fundamentals of electrical engineering, electromagnetic field theory, methodology of scientific research, systems of medical rehabilitation of biological objects, information electrical technologies in agrarian and industrial complex Research activities The Member of Specialized Scientific Council D 64.832.01 at Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, specialty 05.11.17 – biological and medical devices and systems Has over 100 scientific papers. 1 doctor of technical sciences and 4 PhDs have been prepared Official opponent of more than five dissertations Awards Awarded with the third degree diploma for the scientific work “The use of electromagnetic radiation of animal tissues for remote diagnosis of their condition” (2000) Awarded with the honorary diploma for many years of conscientious work, for a significant personal contribution of educational and scientific work in the preparation of highly qualified specialists for agricultural production on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the KhNTUA. Awarded with the diploma for major achievements in science (2003). Awarded with the diploma for participation in the district festival “Woman of the Year – 2007” in the nomination of “Woman – worker of education and science” Awarded with the diploma for significant contribution to the development of education and science, training of highly qualified specialists, high professionalism, for qualitative preparation and holding of the International scientific-practical and scientific-methodical conference “Energy saving and electric drive in agrarian and industrial complex” (2008) Awarded with the honorary diploma for a significant contribution to the development of agricultural education and science, high professionalism on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the KhNTUA Awarded with the diploma for making a creative atmosphere at the department and involving students in the development of devices that promote the development of electrical engineering (2015) Gratitude for diligent work, great professionalism of training highly qualified specialists, significant personal contribution to the development of education and science and on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the founding of Kharkiv Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture (2015) Gratitude for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity (2018) Number of publications More than 100 Patents Pat. 15435 Ukraine, IPC (2006) G03B41 / 00. Device for rapid diagnostics of a biological object of plant origin using gas-discharge imaging (Kirlian effect) / N. Kosulina, A. Cherenkov, L. Kuchin, Yu. Sverhun- issue 2005 11561; Statement 05.12.2005; Publ. July 17, 2006, Bul. №7. – 3 p.: ill. Pat. 18210 Ukraine, IPC (2006) G03B41 / 00. The method for determining the biotropic parameters of an electromagnetic field based on the Kirlian effect for pre-sowing seed treatment of cereals / N. Kosulina, A. Cherenkov, L. Kuchin, Yu. Sverhun- №a 2005 11569; Statement 05.12.2005; Publ. 11.15.2006, Bul. №11. – 4 p.: ill. Pat. 18211. Ukraine, IPC (2006) G03B41 / 00. The device for photographing and examining biological objects based on the Kirlian effect / N. Kosulina, A. Cherenkov, L. Kuchin, Yu. Sverhun.- Issue № а 2005 11572; Statement 05.12.2005; Publ. 11.15.2006, Bul. №11. – 4 p.: ill. Pat. 63603 Ukraine, IPC (2011.01) A61D19 / 00, A61D99 / 00. Method for increasing yield of fertile sperm after cryopreservation. M. Sorokin, A. Cherenkov, N. Kosulina, V. Horpinchenko. – № u2011 03956; Statement 01.04.2011; Publ. 10.10.2011, Bul. №19. – 4 p.: ill.

Косуліна Наталія Геннадіївна


2018 – Spolnik O. awarded a diploma from the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for conscientious work, exemplary performance of official duties, high scientific achievements, and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities.


Exam schedule

2019-2020 academic year, 2nd semester Groups Link 11-М; 12-М; 13-М download 14-П download 15-ЕК download 16-АГ download 17-АТ download 21-М; 22-Мпр; 23-Мпр; 24-Мпр download 25-П download 26-ЕК download 27-АГ/26-АГпр завантажити 28-АТ download 31-М; 32-М download 33-АТпр download 34-П download 35-ЕКпр download 41-М; 42-М; 43-М; 44-М; 45-М download 46-АТпр download 51-М; 52-М; 53-М; 54-М; 55-М download 56-АТ download 57-ЕК download 61-М(н) download
