Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Advanced training is ensuring the professional level of the teacher

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between KNTUA and KNAU named after V. Dokuchaev 28.10.2020 at the Department of Accounting and Auditing was a working meeting of the director of IPO Autukhov A., head of the Department of Accounting and Auditing Marenych TG with representatives of KNAU named after V. Dokuchaev Professor Bedenkova M. and associate professor Ragulina I.

Підвищення кваліфікації – забезпечення професійного рівня викладача

Material base of the department

Material base of the department The department has a modern material and technical base. The department has two specialized classrooms for lectures on agronomy and ecology, and one classroom for practical classes is equipped with modern devices and equipment. In addition, the classroom fund of other departments of the educational and scientific institute of mechatronics and management systems and other educational and scientific institutes of the university is used for conducting classes. Students can use a computer class, modern devices, and equipment with which they determine the biochemical composition of certain agricultural plants and the requirements for certain nutrients.


Halych Ivan

Education 2006 – diploma of a specialist with honors, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, specialty “Quality, standardization and certification”, qualification – quality engineer. Career 2006-2007 – design engineer of the State Enterprise “Kharkiv Armored Plant”; 2007-2008 – design engineer of Kharkiv Plant of Lifting and Transport Equipment LLC; 2008 – Assistant of the Department of Quality, Standardization, and Certification; 2008-2012 – researcher of HF SE “Research Institute-landfill of mobile equipment” (part-time); 2011 – advanced training in metrology, standardization, and certification; 2012 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Quality, Standardization, and Certification; 2015 – advanced training in the direction of innovative orientation of pedagogical activity; 2016 – advanced training in the field of ENC and methods of their use in the educational process; 2017 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechatronics and Machine Parts. Educational activities Teaches disciplines:

Halych Ivan

Oleksandr N Moroz

Education 1984 – received a diploma of the Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (KhIMEA) in the specialty “Electrification of Agriculture”, qualification of electrical engineer. 1991 – defended his Ph.D. in specialty 05.23.16 – Hydraulics and Hydrology Engineer. 2011 – defended his doctoral dissertation in specialty 05.09.03 – electrotechnical complexes and systems. 2012 – received the academic title of professor. Career 1984-1986 – Assistant KhIMEA. 1986-1987 – Lecturer-intern at Moscow Hidroirrigation Institute (MHII). 1987-1991 – Postgraduate student of MHII. 1991-1993 – Assistant KhIMEA. 1993-1998 – Senior Teaching Assistant KhIMEA. 1998-2012 – Associate Professor KhIMEA. 1997-2008 – Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Computer Technologies of KhNTUA. From 2009 incl. – Director of ESI ECT. 2012 – Professor of the department PSEM. Teaches the following subjects Entry to the profession; Hydraulics and agricultural machinery water supply; Transitional processes; Management of qualifications by master’s works; Postgraduate student’s scientific guide. Head of accreditation commissions for accreditation of specialty 141 “Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”. Scientific interests protection of pressure pipelines from hydraulic shock; hydrology; construction of systems for processing wool using acoustic and electromagnetic fields; quality of electric energy; Smart Grid; solar power plants. Member of the specialized scientific council D 64.832.01 at KhNTUA in the specialty 05.09.03 – electrotechnical complexes and systems. He has more than 150 scientific and methodological publications, 4 patents, the author of 3 textbooks and manuals. Social activities Secretary of Subcommittee 141 Electricity, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics EMC 8 Engineering of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Certificate of MES of Ukraine, 2008 Awards and prizes MES of Ukraine Honorable Mention badge, 2015 Graduate of the XVII Regional Competition “Kharkiv Higher School – Best Names” in the nomination “Dean of the Faculty”, 2015.

Oleksandr N Moroz

The golden fund of our university

Dmytro Mazorenko is a well-known and very significant person for our university. First, he is a graduate of the former KhIMEA (1960) and worked here for many years, achieving considerable success. He is a full corresponding member of NAAS of Ukraine, a member of the International Academy of Higher Education, an academician of the International Academy of Agrarian Sciences, etc. Secondly, from 1996 to 2012 Dmitro was the rector of our university and did a lot for its development. It was during his rectorship that the UNESCO Department and the Department of Culture, the Center for Rural Sociology were established at the university, and the Bologna system was introduced… Thirdly, Dmytro Ivanovych still keeps in touch with our university, remaining an adviser to the current rector O. Nanka.

The golden fund of our university

Leslie from Côte d’Ivoire

Meet Ezin Leslie Charmel – a student of our university, studying in the 1st year of the Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems, majoring in “Agronomy”. Teachers describe her as a persistent and disciplined student, although it is not easy for her to learn because of the language barrier. In the distant African country of Côte d’Ivoire, where she came to Kharkiv (or rather – flew) to study Leslie, the majority of the population speaks French, and in Ukraine, in addition to subjects in the specialty, have to master two languages ​​- English and Ukrainian. That’s why Leslie tries very hard.

Леслі з Кот-д'Івуару

About department

The Department of Cybernetics is one of the departments of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Processing and Food Production.


Brahinets Mykola

Education 1960 – graduated from the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (MIAM)  

Брагінець Микола Володимирович

Future tourists study and teach

2nd-year students majoring in 242 “Tourism” KhNTUSG completed an internship in the discipline “Leisure Organization” and are currently defending reports. Moreover, during the internship, some students were able to implement their developments in specific activities. Thus, a student of the ZT19-9b group, Elizaveta Deyneko, conducted a quest “Twentieth Century in the History of the Belovodsk Region” with 7th-grade students of the Lyceum G1 of the village of Belovodsk.

Навчаються і навчають майбутні туристи

Meeting of Ruslan Tikhonchenko with the directors of the National Research Institute, deans of faculties and executive secretaries of the admission commissions of KhNTUA, KhSZVA, KhSUFTT and KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev

On July 7, 2021, a working meeting was held with directors of educational and scientific institutes, deans of faculties, and executive secretaries of admission commissions involved in the reorganization process according to the MES Order of 18.06.2021 № 689 “On the establishment of the State Biotechnology University” and the MES Order of 25.06 .2021 № 717, on the organization of the introductory campaign for the 2021-2022 academic year. The issues of the current state of work of admission commissions, their coordination, prospects for recruitment of higher education applicants, implementation of a common policy of forming a contingent of students, as well as applications for the implementation of the state order for educational services in 2021 were considered. The participants of the meeting discussed urgent issues and developed a common position on the policy that higher education institutions involved in the reorganization process will implement in the process of the introductory campaign in the transition period.

Meeting of Ruslan Tikhonchenko with the directors of the National Research Institute, deans of faculties and executive secretaries of the admission commissions of KhNTUA, KhSZVA, KhSUFTT and KhNAU named after V.V. Dokuchaev

The second (master’s) level

Educational and professional program “Ecology” The second (master’s) level specialty: 101 Ecology field of knowledge: 10 Natural Sciences qualification: Master of Ecology The main focus of the educational program: General education in the field of ecology, environmental protection development, development of scientific and practical bases, methods and approaches to processes occurring in natural and artificial ecosystems, agroecosystems and urban ecosystems ; their rational use; forecasting their condition; balanced use of nature, promotion of natural restoration and formation of biologically stable ecosystems; improving the productivity and quality of ecosystems, zoocenoses and phytocenoses, their protection and defense, sustainability, ways to preserve and improve all the properties of ecosystems, environmental management. Emphasis on in-depth special training in the field of researching the effectiveness of methods and ways of creating, functioning and rational use of ecosystems for various purposes. General information about self-assessment Educational program “Ecology” Educational and professional program (2019) Curriculum (2019) Educational and professional program (2018) Curriculum (2018)


John Deere class

In cooperation with the leader of the world tractor construction company John Deere and the official dealer of John Deere in Ukraine – the company AGRISTAR LLC within the functioning of the training center John Deere Training Center A tractor design class has been created.


The introductory campaign continues

In the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, as in many other universities in Ukraine, the admission campaign continues. We can now observe one of the most important stages of this campaign, related to the registration of e-cabinets by entrants. According to the state enterprise “Inforesurs”, as of 9:00 on July 5, more than 92 thousand offices were created. Based on complete general secondary education, 87,243 classrooms and 146 classrooms were activated based on a bachelor’s, specialist’s, or master’s degree.

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