Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Tymchuk Serhii

Education 1978 – Diploma of mechanical engineer in the specialty “Flight Dynamics and Control”, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Engineering Physics. 1984 – 1987 – full-time postgraduate studies at the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. 1988 – defended his dissertation on specialty 05.07.10 – electric rocket engines and power plants of aircraft. 2002 – received a certificate of associate professor. 2010 – 2013 – recipient of the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, full-time doctorate of KhNTUA. 2015 – defended his doctoral dissertation on “Methods and algorithmic support for decision support to optimize the structure of the power supply control system in conditions of uncertainty” in the specialty 05.13.03 – control systems and processes. Specialized Academic Council D 64.050.14 at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Career 1978 -1980 – served in the military. 1980 – 1991 – worked as an engineer, senior engineer, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher of the research part of the Department of Aircraft Power Plants of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. 1991 – 1994 – co-owner of a research and production company, where he held the position of senior researcher. since 1994 he has held the positions of Senior Lecturer of the Department of Cybernetics, Associate Professor, Professor and Head of the Department of ACIT KNTUA Educational activities Teaches the following disciplines: research methodology, basics of fuzzy logic control, neural networks and systems, theory of digital automata, identification and modeling of technological processes; Management of master’s qualification works; Scientific guidance of two graduate students. Research activities Research interests: intelligent decision support systems for large technical systems in conditions of information uncertainty. He has more than 100 scientific articles, 6 monographs, 4 textbooks, 7 copyright certificates and 2 patents. International activities Foreign internships: 2019 – Varna Free University. Blacksmith Brave, Varna, Bulgaria Social activities Full member of the Public Organization “Ukrainian Scientific and Educational IT Society”. Awards and prizes Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2008

Тимчук Сергій Олександрович

Fesenko Herman

Education and career 1990 – graduated from the Kazan Suvorov Military School. 1995 – graduated from Kharkiv Military University with a degree in “Automated Control Systems” with a degree in “Cybernetic Engineer”. From 1995 to 1998 he served in the military as a staff officer in engineering positions in the Strategic Missile Forces and the Air Defense Forces. From 1998 to 2011 he served as a lecturer, head of research laboratory, associate professor at Kharkiv Military University, University of the Air Force, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine. From 2014 to present – Associate Professor of Life Safety and Law. Research activities 2002 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty, specialty 20.02.14 – armaments and military equipment. 2004 – awarded the academic title of senior researcher in the specialty “weapons and military equipment”. 2007 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Civil Protection in Emergencies. Participant in international research projects Internet of Things: Emerging Curriculum for Industry and Human Applications ALIOT (reference number 573818-EPP-1-2016-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), 2016-2019 European network of Cybersecurity centers and competence Hub for innovation and Operations ECHO (the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, H2020-SU-ICT-2018-2020 (Cybersecurity)), 2019 – to present Scientific publications In total more than 120 scientific articles in professional editions of Ukraine and in foreign editions (from the articles are indexed in Scopus – 16). 12 GDR reports. 3 patents of Ukraine. 2 monographs (1 of them in English). 2 textbooks. Educational activities Teaches the following disciplines: “Life safety and traffic rules.” Awards 2009: Diploma of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine.

Fesenko Herman

The treasury of creative achievements is replenished

An integral part of the educational process at the university is the involvement of students in research work, which promotes the development of future professionals’ creative skills, critical thinking, initiative, and other professional qualities.

Поповнюється скарбниця творчих досягнень

What does dual education provide?

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed and submitted for public discussion project Regulations on the dual form of higher and professional higher education. The purpose of drafting the Regulation is to create a legal basis for training specialists in higher and professional higher education in the dual form of education and conditions for the full implementation of the dual form of higher and professional higher education.

Що дає дуальна освіта?

Awarding the winners of the creative competition

On June 18, during the solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to the masters of KhNTUA in the assembly hall, the winners of the student competition for the best video about our university and its educational and scientific departments were awarded. The mentioned competition was organized by the Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA, the Department of Educational Work of Students, and the Trade Union Committee.

Awarding the winners of the creative competition

A strategic session on education will take place in Kharkiv tomorrow

June 24, 2021, at the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Strategic Session “Education of Ukraine – 30. National Technopark for Improving the Quality of Education” will be held in Kharkiv. During the event, the model of the National Technopark to improve the quality of education and the design of the Roadmap will be discussed. There will also be an exhibition “Education of Kharkiv region – 30”.

Завтра у Харкові відбудеться стратегічна сесія з питань освіти

The university has successfully passed a supervisory audit

The university has been operating a quality management system for the provision of educational services and research and development for more than 10 years, which is certified by the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015. During March 16-17, 2021, the auditing group DQS Certific Ukraine LLC worked at the university, which conducted the first scheduled supervisory audit after the third recertification consisting of the chief auditor L. Shapran and auditor V. Sheruda.

Університет успішно пройшов наглядовий аудит

About the department

     The Department of Integrated Electrical Technologies and Processes (IETP) was founded in 1994 on the basis of the Department of Electricity Application in Agriculture, headed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Romanchenko M.


Hennadij Lyashenko

Education 1973 – received a diploma from Kharkov Higher Command-Engineering School named after M. Krylov and was qualified as a radio engineer. 1999 – defended his PhD thesis. 2002 – received the title of associate professor. Career 1973 – 1998 – Service in the Armed Forces. Since 1998 – Lecturer of the Department of Kharkov Higher Command-Engineering School named after M. Krylov. 2002 – 2009 – Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Technologies of Agricultural Production. Since 2009, Associate Professor of the Department of Technotronics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Lecturer of the following subjects control and measuring devices with the basics of metrology; metrology, technological measurements and devices; electromagnetic compatibility of technical devices; certification, standardization and operation of biomedical equipment; biomedical imaging systems. Research activities Has more than 100 scientific papers, has trained 1 Ph.D and has been an official opponent of 2 PhD theses. Awards Awarded with an honorary diploma by KhNTUA named after P. Vasylenko for many years of diligent work, personal contribution to the development of education and on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the University in 2005. Has a gratitude from the Department of Family and Youth Affairs of Kharkiv City Council for assistance in preparing the scientific work for the 15th city competition of scientific student work and educating of young scientific personnel in 2010. Аwarded with an honorary diploma by KhNTUA named after Petro Vasylenko for many years of diligent work, active public activity, personal significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists for the agrarian and industrial complex of Ukraine and on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the University in 2010. Awarded with the certificate of honor of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko for many years of fruitful work, high professionalism, conscientious performance of the duties and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Energy and Computer Technologies in 2018. Number of publications More than 100

Цибух Андрій Володимирович

Yesterday she was an entrant, and today she is a student

Last year, Vlada Chorna also sat on the University Admissions Committee and was very worried about her admission. How to properly register an e-office, are all the documents in order, will it be possible to pass the competitive selection? … Fortunately, the Admissions Committee reassured her and provided all necessary assistance, and later Vlada learned that she became a university student in the chosen specialty 141 electromechanics.

Вчора абітурієнтка, а сьогодні — студентка