Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Iegorova Olga

Education 1995 – diploma of a specialist with honors, Kharkiv State Academy of Municipal Economy, specialty “Lighting and light sources”, qualification – electrical engineer; 2007 – second higher education, master’s degree, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, “Higher School Pedagogy”, qualification – professional higher school pedagogy. 2012 – Diploma of International Engineer-Teacher IGIP. Career 2001 – Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.09.07 -Lighting and light sources. Thesis: “Improving the reliability of outdoor lighting systems by improving the design and manufacturing technology of protection devices”, Associate Professor of Power Engineering; 2001 – Assistant of the Department of Power Engineering, Ukrainian Academy of Engineering and Pedagogy. 2006 – received a diploma of associate professor, associate professor of power engineering Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy. 2017 – Associate Professor of Integrated Electrical Technologies and Processes, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Electrical technology and electric lighting, Software modeling of lighting installations, Lighting and radiation therapy systems of biological objects. Electrotechnology, Light sources and irradiation, Optical electrotechnology in bioenergy. enterprise systems, Energy Resources Management, Power Supply of APV Enterprises. Research activities He has more than 140 scientific publications, 2 of which are indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, author of monographs and manuals, has 8 patents and copyright certificates. Research interests: electric power, lighting. International activity / participation in international projects Internship: Academic Society of Michal Baludansky. Certificate № 31-03 / 16 of Advanced Training in the field of innovative methods and approaches in education (72 Hours), Bratislava, Slovak Republic15.03-18.03.2016  Patents ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR ACCORDING TO THE STEINMETZ SCHEME [EN] №110829 dated 25.10.2016, H02K17 / 08 SINGLE-PHASE ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR [EN] № 101927 dated 12.10.2015 H02K17 / 04

Цибух Андрій Володимирович

Sementsov Vitalii

Education In 2007 he graduated from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Machinery and equipment for agricultural production”, received a diploma with honors. In 2012 he graduated from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Machinery and equipment of agricultural production”, received a master’s degree with honors. In 2011 he graduated from Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after GS Frying pans in the specialty “Pedagogy and methodology. Language and Literature (English) ». From 2012 to 2015 he studied at the graduate school of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. He received a B2 level certificate, which confirms a fairly high level of proficiency in a foreign (English) language in 2019. Career In 2009 he was accepted as the head of the laboratory of the Department of Language Training; In 2012 he was transferred to the position of assistant of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk In 2016 he defended his dissertation on the specialty 05.05.11 – machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production on the topic: “Substantiation of the parameters of the dosing process and the development of the design of the premix dispenser.” In 2016 he was transferred to the position of senior lecturer at the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk Since 2018 he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities

Семенцов Віталій Володимирович

Using Sciencedirect and Scopus databases – webinars from Elsevier

During April-June 2021, ELSEVIER will hold a series of webinars in Ukrainian and English for scientists and editors of scientific journals. The webinars will focus on interaction with ScienceDirect and Scopus databases, highlight selection procedures and criteria for selecting publications for indexing, work with profiles of scientists and institutions in Scopus, the possibility of using the analytical tool SciVal to find grants and evaluate the activities of scientists and institutions. Participants will also be able to receive electronic certificates of participation, which can be downloaded after the relevant webinar on the BrightTALK platform. Webinar program: April 16, 2021 at 11.00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. Topic: Criteria and selection process of journals in Scopus: seminars for editors and publishers of scientific publications (in English) April 22, 2021 at 14.00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. Topic: 10 ways to save time and effort with Scopus (in English) April 15, 2021 at 12.00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the linkз. June 10, 2021 at 12:00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the link Topic: Make new discoveries by combining the capabilities of Scopus and ScienceDirect (in Ukrainian) April 22, 2021 at 10.00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. Topic: SciVal for researchers – grants. How to use bibliometric data to find grants? (in English) April 22, 2021 at 12.00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. Topic: Author and institution profiles in Scopus (in Ukrainian) May 6, 2021 at 10.00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. Topic: Why does visibility matter? (in English) May 13, 2021 – at 12:00. (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. Topic: Searching for information in Scopus (in Ukrainian) May 20, 2021 at 10.00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. Topic: SciVal for researchers – the direction of evaluation, how to search for information? (in English) May 20, 2021 at 12.00 (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. Topic: Open scientific tools for identifying, promoting and exchanging research (in English) May 25, 2021 – at 1:00 p.m. (Kyiv time) – registration by the link. See more: The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Використання баз даних Sciencedirect та Scopus – вебінари від компанії Elsevier

A scientific-practical conference was held

On October 30, 2020, the II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Prospects for the Development of Accounting, Control, and Finance in the context of integration and globalization processes”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of KhNTUА.

Відбулася науково-практична конференція

Special attention is paid to student dormitories

On August 26, 2021, under the Decree of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Government approved the Concept of the State Targeted Social Program for the Restoration and Development of a Network of Dormitories for Residents of Higher Education Institutions for 2022–2026.

Студентським гуртожиткам особливу увагу

Kolpachenko Nadia

Education In 2004 she graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture and received a master’s degree in “Organizational Management” and qualified as a manager-economist. 2017 – defended her dissertation on the specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Business Management (by type of economic activity), PhD 2019 – received a master’s degree with honors from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture in the specialty “Industrial Engineering” Career 2004 – 2009 – Assistant of the Department of Organization of Production, Business, and Management, Faculty of Management. 2009 – 2018 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Organization of Production, Business, and Management of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management. Since 2018 – Associate Professor of Technological Systems of Repair Production of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service Since September 2018 – Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Scientific Research Institute Since 2019 – Head of the Directorate of the Institute of Technical Education for educational and methodological work From November 2019 – an expert on accreditation of educational thresholds of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education From May 2020 – Deputy Director of the ESI TS Since August 2020 – a specialist in quality assurance of higher education of the educational and methodical department of KhNTUSG September 2020 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production named after O. Sidashenko Educational activities • Teaches the following disciplines: – Business Economics; – Production logistics of mechanical engineering processes and restoration of parts; – Project management in mechanical engineering; – Substantiation of engineering and economic decisions in animal husbandry • Management of qualification works of applicants of the second (master’s) level of higher education Research activities • Research interests: business economics, management, industrial engineering • He has about 40 educational and methodical and scientific works, including 3 textbooks and manuals International activities • She passed a scientific and pedagogical internship at WSB University, Poland • Participated in conferences in EU countries (Poland, France, Slovakia)

Колпаченко Надія Миколаївна

Oksana Pankova

Education 2004 – V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, specialty “Biology”, qualification – Master of Biology, teacher 2007 – 2010 – postgraduate study at Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev, specialty “plant breeding” 2013 – PhD (Agricultural Sciences), specialty 06.01.05 – breeding and seed production 2019 – academic rank of associate professor of department of agrotechnology and ecology 2020 – Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture, specialty “Agroengineering”, qualification – master’s degree in agroengineering Career 2004 – research assistant, Research Institute of Laser Biology and Laser Medicine, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University 2007 – r research assistant, Research laboratory of quantum biology and quantum medicineб V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University 2012 – Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Ecology and Biotechnology, V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University 2015 – Associate Professor, Department of Optimization of Technological Systems, Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture 2017 – to present day – Associate Professor, Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology, Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture Teaches courses Biology with the principles of genetics, Plant Physiology, Environmental Monitoring, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Reserve management, Educational practice “Agronomy”, Technologies of crop production. Scientific work research manager of the initiative Research work “Innovative agro-ecological methods of improving the production of agricultural products” (state registration number 0116U002833) executor of the research work “Practical aspects of the application of low-intensity electromagnetic radiation in medicine and agriculture” (state registration number 0199U001539) 1999-2008 at the expense of the state budget fund Scientific interests research of agroecological effects of electromagnetic radiation of different ranges on physiological and biochemical processes of plant objects research of the effect of gamma radiation on the growth, development and hybridization of crops International work International internship on “Innovative methods and technologies in higher education in the context of the global world” (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria, 2019) training on verification and accreditation for the purposes of the system of monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions within the project “Ukraine partnership for market readiness (PVR). Verification pilots and training” participant of the Ukrainian-Belarusian program “Study of patterns and mechanisms of biological action of electromagnetic radiation in different parts of the visible range of the spectrum” (State Fund for Basic Research of Ukraine, 2011-2012, № state registration 0111U008243) publications abroad – 5 Public work Judge of the competition “Best Agronomist” of the regional feast “Mechanic’s Day» guidance of students – participants of competitions in special disciplines secretary of the section “Environmental saving technologies in crop production and animal husbandry, engineering ecology and resource conservation” of the International scientific practical conference “Youth and technical progress in agroindustrial complex” Publications in total – 90 Including:

Oksana Pankova

Completion of internships for students of the Department of Accounting and Auditing

This is the end of the second stage of production practices 2020-2021 academic year. 2nd and 3rd-year students majoring in 071 “Accounting and Taxation” and 072 “Finance, Banking, and Insurance”. This year the bases of practices were: PJSC “Industrial Insurance Company” (Kharkiv), LLC “Audit Firm” Factor-Audit “(Kharkiv), SE” Koryukivske Forestry “Koryukivskyi district of Chernihiv region, PJSC” Insurance Company ” Arsenal Insurance ”(Kharkiv), PJSC“ Balakliya Bread Receiving Enterprise ”(Balakliya, Kharkiv Region), PE“ Aspect-Audit ”(Kharkiv), Lipkovaty Agrarian College of Novovodolazhsky District, Kharkiv Region, etc.

Завершення виробничих практик у студентів кафедри обліку та аудиту

Fabrichnikova Iryna

Education 1983 – graduated from the Ukrainian Correspondence Polytechnic Institute named after Sokolov (hospital) in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering”, qualification – engineer-teacher of mechanical engineering disciplines. 2002 – graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture with a degree in “Mechanization of Agriculture”, qualification – Master. Career 1993 – worked as an assistant at the Department of Machine Parts and Standardization of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2003 – worked as an assistant at the Department of Quality, Standardization, and Certification. In 2013 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences at Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture and received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in friction and wear in machines. The topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Increasing the wear resistance of knives for cutting sugar beets into chips by structural and technological means” 2014 – Associate Professor of Quality, Standardization, and Certification. 2017 to present associate professor of mechatronics and machine parts of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities Developer of the discipline “Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements” of bachelors in the field of “Mechanical Engineering” specialty “Industrial Engineering” for students of ESI TS and ESI PFP; Author and developer of the discipline “Standardization and certification of agricultural products” for students of educational qualification level Master of the ESI MMS in the field of “Quality, standardization, and certification” specialty 208 – “Agroengineering”; Currently developing a course “Food Safety Management System”; Participated in the development of the course “Mechatronics AIP” for students of the ESI MMS specialty 208 – “Agroengineering”; Author and developer of disciplines “Quality and examination of agricultural products” and “Transportation and storage of agricultural products” for students of educational qualification level master. Research activities He is the author of 95 articles. 4 patents of Ukraine. Participated in international scientific conferences. Awards and honors

Fabrichnikova Iryna

Committee on Youth and Sports

       The Committee on Youth and Sports reports directly to the Rector, whose work is coordinated by the Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching.


Exam schedule

2019-2020 academic year, 2nd semester Groups Link 11-М; 12-М; 13-М download 14-П download 15-ЕК download 16-АГ download 17-АТ download 21-М; 22-Мпр; 23-Мпр; 24-Мпр download 25-П download 26-ЕК download 27-АГ/26-АГпр завантажити 28-АТ download 31-М; 32-М download 33-АТпр download 34-П download 35-ЕКпр download 41-М; 42-М; 43-М; 44-М; 45-М download 46-АТпр download 51-М; 52-М; 53-М; 54-М; 55-М download 56-АТ download 57-ЕК download 61-М(н) download


Azada Dzhumayeva: “I dream that my son also studied at KhNTUA”

We continue to get acquainted with foreign students studying at our university. We must say something about students from sunny Turkmenistan. After all, this is the largest group of foreign students who were sent to our university by their country. They are currently studying the following specialties: Woodworking and Furniture Technologies, Construction and Civil Engineering, Law, Economics, Transport Technologies, Accounting and Taxation, Management, Industrial Engineering, Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies.

Азада Джумаєва: «Мрію, щоб мій син також навчався в  ХНТУСГ»