Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Results of the competition of works of art-poems

The Department of Accounting and Auditing of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture for a long time with the support of the Department of Education and Science of Kharkiv District State Administration works closely with educational institutions of I-III degrees of Kharkiv district of Kharkiv region and Kharkiv. In April of this year, the department announced a creative competition for students of schools and lyceums to write poems on “Accountant in today’s challenges.”

Підсумки конкурсу художніх творів-віршів

Our students are the best!

The Department of Media Communications continues to get acquainted with first-year students who come to study at the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko. For example, Elvira Kolesnikova came to us from the city of Sloviansk, Donetsk region. During the introductory campaign, the girl successfully passed the competitive selection for the specialty 133 Industrial Engineering and entered the budget form of education. He says that he dreams of becoming a class engineer and after graduating from university to find a job in Ukraine. And now Elvira is getting acquainted with the university and hopes to find good friends and comrades here.

Наші студенти — найкращі!

Shigimaga Victor

Education 1972 – 1977, Kharkiv State University named after Karazina, Faculty of Radiophysics (Department of Biophysics); specialty – biophysics.  

Шигимага Віктор Олександрович


Laboratory of forest seed production and wood science


Practice of future furniture makers and forestry specialists

At the Department of Woodworking Technologies and Systems Engineering of the Forest Complex (Head of the Department of Economics, Associate Professor Suska A.) of the Faculty of TSL by the schedule of the educational process organized internships for bachelors and masters majoring in 187 “Woodworking and furniture technologies ”and 205“ Forestry ”.

Практика майбутніх меблярів та фахівців лісового господарства

Educational department

Educational Department – a structural unit of the university, which provides organization of the educational process using modern approaches and management tools, is based on the legislation of Ukraine and other regulations on educational activities, including documentation of certified quality management system HNTUSG in accordance with international requirements ISO 9001: 2015 standard and taking into account the requirements of “Standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)” and the international standard ISO 21001: 2018.



The European Commission has officially announced the opening of a new Erasmus + Program for 2021-2027. The activities of the Program will focus on three areas – education and professional development; young people; sports.


Ukrainian-Polish Agrarian Technical Center

Ukrainian-Polish Agrarian Technical Center The Ukrainian-Polish Agricultural and Technical Center of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture was established with the support of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Kharkiv on May 24, 2017.


Practice is an integral part of learning

Theoretical training for first-year students ends with training practice. Thus, in July, applicants for the specialties 101 Ecology, 201 Agronomy, and 208 Agroengineering under the guidance of associate professors of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology of the Institute of MMS Olga Chala, Valentina Bezpalko and Oksana Pankova, passed an introductory internship. During this time, students, in addition to classroom classes, where they learned about the practical aspects of agronomy, gained practical skills. Based on the training farm of KhNTUA, they got acquainted with the varieties of crops of the collection nursery and with representatives of weeds on crops, conducted work on field weed research, phenological observations of safflower crops, selected samples of crops, and determined their crop structure. In addition, they got acquainted with the basic technological, physical, and water properties of soils, performed laboratory work to determine the mechanical composition of the soil, the acidity of the soil solution, and more.

Практика – невід’ємна частина навчання

Nina Lyubymova

Education and career 1976 – graduated from Kharkiv Technical Institute, specialty «Automation of electricity production and distribution» 1995 – V. N. Karazin graduated from Kharkiv National University, psychologist 2002 – defended her thesis in specialty 05.11.13 on the topic “Statistical methods and means of control of the hydro ecosystem in the conditions of anthropogenic load” 2007 – received the title of associate professor of the Department of occupational and environmental safety 2015 – defended her doctoral dissertation in specialty 05.11.13, on the topic “Control of multicomponent environmental pollution by waste from energy and energy-intensive enterprises” 2019 – received the title of professor of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology Research activities 2004 – 2011 – Associate Professor of the Department of occupational and environmental safety 2011 – 2017 – the Head of the Department of Mechanization and Electrification of Agricultural Production and Life Safety of KhNAU named after V.V Dokuchaeva 2017 – professor of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko Scientific publications, patents, grants The author of 270 scientific works of international, national level, methodical works, including 3 monographs, has a patent for a useful model “Method of removal of methyl alcohol, formaldehyde and phenol from the aspiration air” Foreign publications The development of scientific-methodological approaches to assessing the environmental safety of galvanic sludges / Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6/10, (102), 2019-12-25 Р.42-48. – ISSN 1729-3774; DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.188251 Application of the sequential control for increasing Competitiveness of agricultural products / International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.3) (2018) 507 – 513; Website: Preservation of parsnip root vegetable depending on the degree of ripeness, varietal features, and storage techniques. № 1/11 (97), 2019; P.34-41; Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies; ISSN 1729-3774; DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.155313 Study of the influence of the ripeness degree of parsnip roots and storage method on their preservation Eurica: Life Science, 2019, № 1, Page 12 – 20 Study of mass losses of cauliflower at storage depending on a packing way Eurica: Life Science, 2019, № 2, Page 3 – 11 Awards Diploma of a scholarship holder in the field of science named after Georgy Fedorovich Proskura (in technical sciences) of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration in 2016

Nina Lyubymova