Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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About the department

The Department of Marketing and Media Communications was established on September 2, 2019, to strengthen the scientific and practical training of specialists in the specialty 075 “Marketing”. During the year of its existence, the department, thanks to the fruitful work of the team, took a place in the top three in the university ranking!


Educational practice of students majoring in 076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”

The practical component of the educational process occupies a leading place in the training of specialists in entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange activities. In the educational-professional program, it is realized through the acquisition of relevant competencies in practical classes and the process of training and industrial practice. The practice also allows achieving such program learning outcomes as:

Навчальна практика студентів спеціальності 076 «Підприємництво, торгівля та біржова діяльність»

About the department

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism was established in 1991. In the system of higher education institutions of Ukraine the department was and remains unique.


Bright memory of Alexander Ivanovich Spolnik

We are sad to announce that on March 13, 2021, at the age of 75, the head of the Department of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics of KhNTUA, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Ivanovych Spolnik passed away. This is a huge loss for our university and the entire scientific community of Ukraine.

Світлої пам'яті Олександра Івановича Спольніка

About the department

A decision was made to open a new specialty in the field of machine building – “Equipment of the forest complex.” The initiators were the university administration and personally the dean of the faculty of technical service prof. O.Naumenko. The first enrollment of students in this specialty took place in 2003, and at the end of 2003 the Department of Forestry Equipment was established. Significant assistance in this was provided by the staff of the Department of Machine Repair and the Department of Mechanization of Livestock Farms under the leadership, respectively, of Professor A. Sidashenko and Professor I. Boyko. Associate Professor S. Ovsyanniikov was appointed the Head of the Department. The first teachers of the department were Doctor of Biological Sciences P. Badalov, candidate of agricultural sciences E. Chaplygin, V. Kurpik


Furman Illia

Education 1968 – diploma of the electrical engineer in the specialty “Automation and Telemechanics”. The National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. 1976 – defended the PhD thesis at the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 1989 – defended the doctoral dissertation on the topic “Scientific and technical foundations of the creation and the industrial application of the parallel logic controllers based on programmable BIS with a matrix structure” at the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Specialty 05.13.05 – elements and devices of computer equipment and control systems. 1992 – was awarded the academic title of Professor in the specialty “Elements and devices of computer technology and control systems”. 2001 – was elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences of higher education of Ukraine. Career 1958 -1961 – electrician in the association “Turboatom”. 1961-1964 – served in the military. 1965 – 1970 – worked at the Design Institute “Yuzhgiproshakht” as a technician, senior technician, senior engineer of the integrated automation department. 1970 – 1991 – worked in the All-Union Research and Design Institute “VNDITelektromash” as a design engineer of the II category, leading engineer, leading designer, head of the laboratory, head of the sector, head of the department, chief designer of the Institute and was engaged in the scientific research and the development of the software control systems for robotic technological complexes. Since 1991 has held the positions of Professor of the Department of cybernetics, Head of the Department of Automation and computer-integrated technologies, Professor of the Department Automation and computer-integrated technologies. Scientific activity Author and co-author of more than 250 scientific articles, 8 monographs, 11 course books, 5 textbooks marked by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 15 author’s certificates and 18 patents of Ukraine.  Professor I. A. Furman pays great attention to the education of the scientific personnel: in total he has trained 8 candidates and 3 doctors of technical sciences. The main directions of the scientific research: development of theoretical foundations for the construction of programmable logic control automata of parallel action, based on regular (matrix) microelectronic structures; development and research of the architecture of parallel programmable logic controllers for various functional purposes; development and research of programming languages and technologies for parallel programmable logic controllers, including visual programming technologies; development and research of a family of universal translators of technological user languages into standard programming languages of programmable logic controllers; development of architecture and technology for using secure programmable control automata of parallel action; development and research of methods and tools for parallel implementation of relay protection algorithms based on PLD-technologies; development of theoretical foundations for the construction and technology of using ultra-fast universal means of independent diagnostics of parallel action for control devices and systems of various functional purposes and made on different element bases. Outstanding results of research work (developments that have no analogues in the world practice and are protected by the Ukrainian patents): PLD – a parallel action controller that, unlike controllers with a classical architecture, processes the flow of input states not sequentially one after the other, but in parallel in one clock cycle and is programmed in the technological language of users. Safe PLD – a parallel action controller – guarantees a safe parallel management of the objects in critical application systems (railway automation systems, subways, NPP emergency protection systems). Technological visual programming system TVP – provides automatic creation of control programs based on the technological description of the control process and practical exclusion of professional programmers from the programming process. Awards 2004 – Certificate of Honour by Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine. 2005 – winner of the regional competition “Higher education of Kharkiv region – the best names” in the nomination “Head of the Department”. 2005 – award “Excellence in education of Ukraine”. 2006 – by the resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of higher education of Ukraine the Yaroslav the Wise award was handed over.

Фурман Ілля Олександрович


At a seminar I recently attended on the Gender Theory course, a question arose during the discussion that divided the teaching audience. One of the participants, who stated that the theory of gender and feminism is the fate of women and something like their inferiority complex, heard quite harsh statements from others present. However, his “support group” made ironic remarks that the feminist movement in the nineteenth century meant, above all, that women began to smoke, write books and wear trousers, and in everyday life, they sought to relieve themselves of the responsibilities they imposed on their traditional role in a patriarchal society and in which there were a certain meaning and justice. And also that only a woman is allowed to be a feminist, and a man can sympathize the most. But the most interesting thing is that in the end, the opponent who most clearly and meaningfully tried to express the opposite position on this issue was a friend of the same anti-feminist who linked the dispute. He desperately wanted to prove that feminist men had a right to exist. At the same time, the young teacher appealed mainly to the universality of research talent and, most importantly, to the desire of some men to play the role of a woman and the ability to do so very successfully, immersing themselves in their subconscious and secret impulses. The controversy that erupted made me want to summarize my views on this issue, in response to similar statements in similar situations. Moreover, the terms “gender theory” and “feminism” were used by all participants in the discussion as almost identical, and this suggests the need to emphasize this. Probably, this issue can also be useful for discussion in practical classes with students.


Student scientific-practical conference 2020

On April 2, 2020, a student scientific-practical conference “Problems of energy supply and energy saving in the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine” was held at the ECT Research Institute.


Bantkovskyi Viacheslav

Education • 1978-1983 – Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty “Mechanization of Agriculture”, • 2000-2001 – the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, Master of Agricultural Mechanization, • 2016-2017 – the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, specialty “Economics”, • In July 2008, by the decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Repair of Tractors, Cars and Agricultural Machinery. Career • from November 1, 1983, he worked as a junior researcher, • since January 1986 – assistant, • since December 1995 – senior lecturer, • since April 2007 – associate professor. Educational activities • Teaches the discipline “Economics of Machine-Building Enterprise”, conducts practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines “Design of production processes and enterprises”, “Technological systems of repair production”, “Metals and welding in construction”, “Repair of machines”, for students of NIS TS, NNI MSM full-time and part-time study, • is the head of qualification works for EQL “Master”, constantly participates in the development of educational and methodical literature (textbooks, manuals, guidelines for laboratory, practical work, independent work of students); Research activities • The results of scientific work are constantly reported at international scientific-practical conferences, both national and international, published in professional publications; • Has more than 170 publications of scientific, educational-methodical and journalistic-educational direction, 78 scientific works, 6 textbooks, 10 textbooks and reference books with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 3 copyright certificates for inventions, and 5 Patents of Ukraine for utility models; • manages research work of students, constantly raises the professional level of the expert, actively transfers the last scientific achievements in the educational process; • He is a member of the organizing committees of professional student competitions in the disciplines “Machine Repair” and “Nanotechnology and Materials Science in Mechanical Engineering”. The main topic of scientific work “Research of problems of technical and economic and organizational efficiency of service and repair of equipment at the enterprises of technical service”. • He is the author of a standard and working program in the discipline “Economics of Machine-Building Enterprise”, introduced into the educational process an electronic educational and methodological complex of the discipline, constantly updates replenish and supports NMCD materials of this discipline in the distance learning system “Moodle”. • Member of the jury of the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of professional skills among students of vocational (professional and technical) education in the profession “Electric welder manual welding” in 2018 and expert I (selection) stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of professional skills “World Skills Ukraine” in the field of “Welding work “in 2019. International activities • Conducts, as a member of the organizing committee, active work on the organization and holding of the annual International Forums of Student Youth “Youth and Agricultural Machinery in the XXI Century”. Social activities • Regularly performs educational, advisory and career guidance work in the fortified territories of 4 village councils of Krasnograd district of Kharkiv region (Berezivka village, Natalino village, Petrovka village, Popivka village) within the framework of the “Native village” program. Awards • Diploma of the Inspectorate of State Technical Supervision of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration (2007); • Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2008); • Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers (2018).

Бантковський В’ячеслав Анатолійович

Latvia offers scholarships to students and researchers for teaching, research and participation in summer schools in higher educational institutions of the country for 2021/2022 academic year.

The news page of the Ministry of Education and Science of February 8 informs that within the framework of the signed Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Latvia in the field of education, science, youth, and sports the State Agency for Educational Development of Latvia offers Ukrainian students, applicants and scientists research in higher education institutions in Latvia and participation in summer schools in the 2021/2022 academic year.

Латвія пропонує стипендії студентам та науковцям для навчання, досліджень та участі в літніх школах у вищих навчальних закладах країни на 2021/2022 н.р.


Dear graduate students and candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy! We invite you to take part inthe training «TOLERANCE – THE ART OF LIVING IN A WORLD OF DIFFERENCES».


All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science” continues

The All-Ukrainian Forum “Ukraine 30. Education and Science” is taking place in Ukraine, which is attended by heads of state, people’s deputies, representatives of science and education, public figures, and other stakeholders. You can follow the work of the Forum by following this link: 

Триває Всеукраїнський форум "Україна 30. Освіта і наука"

Gurskyi Petro

Education and career Education 1980 – Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry: specialty “Machines and apparatus of food production”, mechanical engineer; 1993 – Ukrainian State Agrarian University: specialty “Pedagogy”, engineer-teacher; 2008 – Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade: specialty 05.18.16 – food technology, candidate of technical sciences.

Гурський Петро Васильович