Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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At the initiative of the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and social sciences and humanities at our university created a local history and tourism research student club “Milky Way”. This is a student association that will study Kharkiv and other regions of Ukraine in terms of tourism. The main task of the club, its organizers, and members – students – see in the promotion and promotion of the national market of local tourism products, which includes local exploration, the creation of tourist routes, excursions, hiking, and more.


Martynenko Liudmyla

Education and career 1982 – graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Agriculture. She graduated as a civil engineer. 1982 – Assistant of the Department of Structures. 1990 – Head of the study of the Department of Philosophy. 2009 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the UNESCO Department of Philosophy of Human Communication and Social Sciences and Humanities.

Мартиненко Людмила Василівна

The introductory campaign of 2021 continues

From the very morning near the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA, you can see small groups of people who come here to get advice on this year’s admission to the university. And that’s a good sign. Because most of those who come (mostly this year’s graduates and their parents) have already clearly defined in which university they want to study, and in which specialty. But many nuances are not spelled out in the Terms or the Rules of Admission to Higher Education Institutions in 2021. In addition, every year in these documents there are some changes and innovations that require clarification by experts. This is what the staff of the Admissions Committee is doing together with Executive Secretary Serhii Skofenko. They provide this year’s entrants with both group and individual consultations, and if necessary, conduct career guidance works with them.

Приймальна комісія проводить консультації (08.07.2021)

Firsova Lyudmyla

Education and career. 1980 – Lomonosov Moscow State University, specialty – Philosopher. Teacher of philosophy. 1980 – 1984 – postgraduate study at Lomonosov Moscow State University (diploma of candidate of philosophical sciences)). 1984 – 1988 – Assistant, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy KhIMEA. 1988 – 1991 – Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy KhIMEA. 1991 – 2009 – Head of the Department of Philosophy KhIMEA-KhNTUA. Since 2009 – Professor of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities KhNTUA.

Фірсова Людмила Володимирівна

Career guidance work 2018

   October 10, 2018 Associate Professor of EEM Egorov OB and Brovko K., a senior lecturer at the IETP department, visited schools in the Industrial District of Kharkiv №№ 121, 157 and 155. Our departments have a fruitful relationship with these schools. Many graduates of these schools are students of various educational and scientific institutes of our university.


Classes are continued (PHOTO)

Now KhNTUA works in a changed format. Seminars and practical classes continue in the classrooms and study rooms of the university in accordance with the curriculum.

Заняття тривають (ФОТОРЕПОРТАЖ)

We sincerely congratulate our colleague with the honorary award!

The Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of KhNTUA and the Head of the Council of Young Scientists of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Doctor of Economics, Professor MANDYCH Oleksandra was awarded the medal “Talent. Inspiration. Labor”! The award was presented at a solemn meeting of the Council of the North-Eastern Research Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of its formation and Science Day.

Щиро вітаємо нашу колегу з почесною відзнакою!

A meeting of the trade union committee was held

October 29, this year a meeting of the trade union committee of the university took place in KhNTUSG, at which the planned and current issues within the competence of the PC were considered. According to the chairman of the trade union committee VM Kis, one of the main issues concerned the provision of financial assistance to university staff who became ill or had COVID-19. Addressing the present heads of the trade union bureau, VM Kis once again stressed the importance of compliance by staff and students with the mask regime and other restrictions imposed in connection with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic..

Відбулося засідання профспілкового комітету

Gold award of our student at the championship of Ukraine

A student of the Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National University of Agriculture Andriy Yatsenko at the Ukrainian Men’s Wrestling Championship, which took place in Kharkiv on January 19-21. In 2021, he won a gold medal in the 57 kg weight category.

Золота нагорода нашого студента на чемпіонаті України