Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Disciplines of the department

Specialty “Agronomy” Entry to the profession; Applied biotechnology in agriculture; Botany; Plant physiology; Pedology; Agriculture with the basics of herbology; Genetics; Breeding and seed production; Agrochemistry; Phytopathology; Entomology; Chemical and biological plant protection; Vegetable growing in the open and closed ground; Fruit growing; The technology of storage and processing of agricultural products; Seed Science; The technology of crop production. Specialty “Ecology” Entry to the profession; Principles of Ecology; Industrial ecology; Applied ecology; Methods of measuring environmental parameters; Ecology of microorganisms; Protected area; Standardization of anthropogenic load; Ecoclimatology; Agricultural ecology; Theory of ecosystem sustainability; Ecology of biological systems. Agronomy (bachelors) Soil science with the basics of herbology; Agrochemistry; The technology of crop production. Agronomy (masters) Biological protection of agroecosystems; Theory of ecosystem sustainability; Seed science of field crops; Problems of weeds in modern farming systems; Theoretical and applied herbology; The technology of crop production.


Congratulations to our wrestlers on another victory

International ranking tournaments took place in Warsaw on June 8-13: Ziolkowski (freestyle wrestling), Pytlasinski (Greco-Roman wrestling), and Poland Open (women’s wrestling). On June 13, on the final day of Pitlyasynsky’s Rating Tournament in Warsaw, Kharkiv resident Semyon Novikov (87) brought a gold award to the treasury of the Ukrainian national team. In addition to Novikov’s medal, Ukrainian Greco-Roman wrestlers won three more awards at this tournament – silver (Yaroslav Filchakov) and two bronze (Bogdan Kovernyuk and Yasaf Zeynalov).

Вітаємо наших борців з черговою перемогою

To the 120th anniversary of Semyon (Simon) Kuznets

As we reported earlier, today the head of the Department of Economics and Marketing, KhNTUA Professor V. Onegina gave an open online lecture on “The scientific heritage of S. Kuznets: the relevance of areas and methods of research over the century.” The lecture was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist and Nobel laureate, who until 1922 lived in Ukraine and studied at the Kharkiv Commercial Institute.

Він навчався у Харкові. До 120-річчя  Семена Кузнеця

Meeting with the first vice-rector

Today, on the initiative of the first vice-rector of KhNTUSG M. Lysychenko an important meeting was held on the issues of increasing the information activity of the university in the Internet space and full-fledged presentation of scientific publications of the university staff there. During the meeting, the university’s ranking indicators published on Webometrics and the components of information activity that have the greatest impact on these indicators were analyzed.

Нарада у першого проректора

New international project of the UNESCO Chair “The Globally Connected Village: A Ukrainian-Canadian History”

On February 25, 2021, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication and Social Sciences and Humanities” together with the Center for Folklore Studies of the University of Alberta (Canada) in the framework of international cooperation held a public online lecture on “Village with global ties: Ukrainian-Canadian history”. Lecturer Matthias Kaltenbrunner, Doctor of Philosophy in History at the University of Vienna (Austria). He explores the history of Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, including the history of migration, informal markets, and the fate of prisoners of war.

Новий міжнародний проект кафедри ЮНЕСКО «The Globally Connected Village: A Ukrainian-Canadian History»

Interactive gift

On the occasion of the New 2021, representatives of METALFLEX, which cooperates with the training department for foreign citizens and stateless persons, made a gift to Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko in the form of 2 interactive whiteboards to support the educational process in modern conditions. It is planned that one such board will be installed in the admissions committee of the University, and the other – in the classroom for classes with foreign nationals. Such boards are those tools that combine the simplicity of a regular whiteboard with the capabilities of a computer. In the learning process, this device will become a large interactive screen, with the touch of a hand to the surface of which you can open any computer application or page on the Internet, and easily demonstrate the necessary information.

Інтерактивний подарунок

The university is holding elections for the chairman of the student parliament

This morning, a polling station opened in the main building of the KhNTUA, where a secret ballot for the chairman of the student parliament continues. In total, 70 voter students representing all educational and research institutes and faculties of the university are included in the voter lists. The ballot paper includes three candidates for the chairman of the student parliament, who will soon head this body of student self-government.

The university is holding elections for the chairman of the student parliament

Accreditation examination begins

On March 15-16, 2021, the accreditation examination of the educational program “Marketing” for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in specialty 075 “Marketing” will begin. The examination will take place remotely. We invite all willing participants in the educational process to take part in an open meeting with the expert group on March 15, 2021, from 16:30 to 17:00.

Розпочинається акредитаційна експертиза

Accreditation examination begins

On April 28-29, 2021, the accreditation examination of the educational program “Biomedical Engineering” will begin at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education in specialty 163 “Biomedical Engineering”. The examination will take place remotely. We invite all willing participants in the educational process to take part in an open meeting with the expert group on April 28, 2021, from 16:30 to 17:00.

Розпочинається акредитаційна експертиза

Victory at the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad

  From 16 to 17 May 2019 on the basis of Lviv National Agrarian University was the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics for bachelors and masters, in which a student of the Institute of ECT won.


Leaders of publishing activity of KhNTUA according to Scopus

On April 26, 2021, the website published another rating of Ukrainian free economic zones, compiled in accordance with the results of scientometric monitoring of the subjects of scientific and publishing activities of the country according to the Scopus database. In the ranking table, Ukrainian universities are ranked according to the Hirsch index – a quantitative indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations.

Лідери публікаційної активності ХНТУСГ за даними Scopus