Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Interactive gift

On the occasion of the New 2021, representatives of METALFLEX, which cooperates with the training department for foreign citizens and stateless persons, made a gift to Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko in the form of 2 interactive whiteboards to support the educational process in modern conditions. It is planned that one such board will be installed in the admissions committee of the University, and the other – in the classroom for classes with foreign nationals. Such boards are those tools that combine the simplicity of a regular whiteboard with the capabilities of a computer. In the learning process, this device will become a large interactive screen, with the touch of a hand to the surface of which you can open any computer application or page on the Internet, and easily demonstrate the necessary information.

Department for work with foreign citizens and stateless persons