Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Certification of bachelors of the Institute of Technical Sciences

Certification of applicants for the higher education of the first “bachelor’s” in the specialty 133 “Industrial Engineering” branch of knowledge 13 “Mechanical Engineering” has begun. The exams started according to the approved schedule. The chairmen of the examination commissions Shevchenko Ihor, Mykhailov Anatoliy, and members Romanchenko Volodymyr, Tikhonov Oleksandr, Kalinin Yevhen, Kolpachenko Nadiya congratulated the students on the beginning of the final attestation and acquainted them with the rules of test examination.

Атестація бакалаврів  ННІ ТС

All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad Agroengineering

From April 17 to 19, 2019 on the basis of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University was held II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in “Agroengineering” specialization “Agricultural Mechanization” for students of higher education institutions of III-IV level of accreditation, in which students of the educational and scientific institute of mechanotronics and management systems KhNTUA Petrov Ruslan and Lupenko Vladyslav took part (supervisor – Ph.D., assistant Department of Tractors and Cars Ivan Koliesnik ).


From session to session

Senior students of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture test session continues. Ahead of them are exams and certification. And junior students attend lectures and practical classes. In one of the classrooms, we saw how a practical lesson on economic theory is held for first-year students of the Institute of Business, Management, and Law. Classes with them are conducted by Associate Professor of Economics and Marketing, Ph.D. L. Batiuk.

From session to session


From March 22 to 28, 2021, the celebration of World Money Week took place. Global Money Week is an international educational campaign aimed at expanding young people’s knowledge of finance to build a secure financial future. To increase the financial literacy of Ukrainian youth, the National Bank of Ukraine has developed a rich cognitive-educational and interactive program.

Професійна мережа майбутнього запрошує

Career guidance work of the Department of Optimization of Technological Systems named after T. Yevsiukov

At the Department of Optimization of Technological Systems named after T. Yevsiukov ESI MMS has created a team of trained professionals who conduct career guidance work in schools and colleges of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region in order to attract future graduates to enter the university. To this end, the staff of the department recently visited the education department of Balakliia City Council, where they met with the leadership of the department and handed him sets of information materials prepared by the Admissions Committee of KhNTUА for secondary schools in the city.

Профорієнтаційна робота кафедри ОТС ім. Т.П. Євсюкова

Welcome new students. The introductory campaign is still ongoing

After the publication of the rating lists of entrants recommended for enrollment in the budget, the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA again reached the strings of entrants. This time with the original documents required for admission to the university. In principle, they can already be welcomed with admission, although the official order of enrollment in the university will be issued by August 9 this year, and the transfer to vacant positions of the state order will take place by August 19.

Вітаємо нових студентів.  Вступна кампанія ще триває

Dear future entrants!

If you want to enter our University and have certificates of external evaluation of previous years (2018, 2019, 2020), remember that admission is based on a certificate of complete secondary education or a diploma of a junior specialist. Apply for consultations to the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA at the address: st. Alchevsky, 44 or by phone +38 (057) 700 39 15, +38 (066) 213 50 38, +38 (098) 012 26 93.

Актуальна інформація

We remind entrants about the deadline for submitting applications and documents

Our University is always happy for students, it is a place where many young people have studied and are studying not only from the Kharkiv and the region, different parts of Ukraine but also the world. Moreover, the university conducts active international activity where 3 educational scientific international programs of double diplomas are realized.

Нагадуємо вступникам про deadline для подачі заяв та документів


From June 9, 2021, the Educational Centers “Crimea-Ukraine” and “Donbass-Ukraine” will start working at our university. Through them, entrants from TOT and frontline areas who do not have a certificate of complete general secondary education can enter under a simplified procedure. For more detailed information, please contact the KNTUSG Admissions Office by phones: (057) 700 39 15, (066) 213 50 38, (098) 012 26 93.

Шановні вступники з тимчасово окупованих територій!

Entrants must independently calculate the score of the certificate

Graduates of schools that will enter higher education institutions this year must independently calculate the average score of the certificate (certificate) of complete general secondary education. The relevant explanation was provided by the Ministry of Education and Science. The department draws the attention of applicants and members of the admissions committee to the fact that when applying to a higher education institution – both electronically and in paper form – the graduate must calculate the average score of the certificate. The admission commissions of higher education institutions will check the correctness of the calculation. The average score of the certificate must be calculated on a 12-point scale rounded to the nearest tenth.

Вступники мають самостійно розраховувати бал атестата

Online courses for future entrants

Kharkiv Vocational College of Food Industry KhNTUA invites 9th-grade students of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region to take preparatory courses online to prepare and enter the college in 2021.

Онлайн-курси для майбутніх вступників

Dear entrants from the temporarily occupied territories!

From June 9, 2021, the Educational Centers “Crimea-Ukraine” and “Donbass-Ukraine” will start working at our university. Through them, entrants from the temporarily occupied territories and frontline areas who do not have a certificate of complete general secondary education can enter under a simplified procedure.

Шановні вступники з тимчасово окупованих територій!


Dear colleagues! On April 5-8, 2021 we invite you to take part in the conference (remotely) “MARKET TECHNOLOGIES and BUSINESS ANALYSIS” to discuss problems and find relevant solutions to ensure the development of market activities of business entities through the involvement of the latest tools of business analytical systems and technologies management. Invitation to the BUSINESS ANALYTICS conference


Excursion to AHMAD TEA

On April 17 and 18, students of the TTL Department of the Faculty of Technological Systems and Logistics of KhNTUSG after classes visited the plant “AHMAD TEA Ukraine” (joint Ukrainian-British enterprise “UKRAINIAN TEA FACTORY AHMAD TEA”) on the initiative and support of the Kharkiv City Center. not the first time. Students in practice joined the study of experience in transport and warehousing logistics, organization of warehouse management and organization of production in general. This plant is the only one in Ukraine and one of seven in the world. It was an incredibly interesting tour that Anastasia Dubois-Sokoltseva gave us. It’s amazing how many myths there are about tea and how we are all wrong about some issues! Impressed by the cleanliness and European standards in the quality of production, in the approach to labor organization, the latest equipment of the plant. Thank you for the support and organization of the tour to the career guidance specialist of the Kharkiv City Employment Center Anna Romasko!


KhNTUA scientists at LOZOVA MACHINERY- 2021 (Photo report)

It has become a good tradition among scientists of our university to participate in the event, which is very popular among farmers, as it is a great opportunity to get acquainted with the latest developments, get expert advice, learn about the unique capabilities of units and ways to improve efficiency, and communicate well with like-minded people. . Usually, such information allows teachers to keep up with the times.

KhNTUA scientists at LOZOVA MACHINERY- 2021 (Photo report)