Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Industrial practice of students of the ESI PFP abroad

Thanks to the fruitful cooperation of the graduating departments of the institute with the international department of KhNTUA in the person of the vice-rector for NDP and international relations Vitkovskyi Yu., The base of practices of the institute includes a large number of European processing enterprises.

Виробнича практика студентів ННІ ПХВ за кордоном

Seminars in the showroom of Ukrfarming

Ukrfarming invited students of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems of Technical Specialties to the seminar in the showroom “UkrFarming Case IH ” in Kharkiv. The delegation was headed by the director of the Institute of MSM, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vitaliy Vlasovets . Also present were Ph.D., Associate Professor of “Optimization of Technological Systems named after T. Yevsiukov” Serhii Kharchenko , Ph.D., Associate Professor of “Tractors and Cars” Mykhailo Shuliak and senior lecturer of the department “Optimization of technological systems named after T.P. Yevsyukova » Kyrylo Syrovytskyi .


Our growth is 32 positions!

One of the important indicators of the university’s scientific activity is the number of publications and citations of scientists of higher education institutions in foreign professional publications, which are indexed by the indicators of the scientometric database SciVerse Scopus. Scopus constantly indexes more than 20,000 scientific publications in technical, medical, and humanities. This database also includes publications of scientific journals, conference proceedings, and books.

Наше зростання – 32 позиції!

A collection of materials of the scientific conference was published

The Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of KhNTUA published a collection of materials of the IV International Scientific Electronic Conference “Culture in the process of spiritual and moral development of global society”, which took place in late February 2021. The conference was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture.

Вийшов збірник матеріалів наукової конференції

About the department

The department is a team of highly qualified employees who train specialists for the legal and engineering industries of Ukraine and the world.



On May 18, 2021, the accreditation examination of the educational program “Ecology” for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty 101 “Ecology” begins. The examination will take place remotely. We invite all willing participants in the educational process to take part in an open meeting with the expert group on May 18, 2021, from 17:00 to 17:45.



From December 28 to 30 open lectures on programming the behavior of flying drones for Ukrainian students were held within the framework of academic cooperation programs with the Professional Technical College of Shanxi Province at the initiative of the Department of International Relations and on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of KhNTUA. The curator of the program is V. Danylenko; he is the Senior Lecturer, Department of Agrologistics and Supply Chain Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences.


Accreditation examination begins

On May 17-19, 2021, the accreditation examination of the educational program “Management” at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education in specialty 073 “Management” begins. The examination will take place remotely. We invite all willing participants in the educational process to take part in an open meeting with the expert group on May 18, 2021, from 12:40 to 13:40.

Розпочинається акредитаційна експертиза

The Admissions Committee is working

Today, Olga Zaichenko and her mother Maryna Ihorivna visited the university’s Admissions Committee to submit documents for admission to the specialty 242 Tourism. This year, Olya graduated from Chkaliv Lyceum (Chkalivske village, Chuhuiv district), successfully passed the external examination, and decided to continue her studies at our university, where future “tourists” are trained.

Працює Приймальна комісія

Congratulations to the chairman of the student parliament!

On behalf of the Rector’s Office and myself, I sincerely congratulate Marina Romanashenko on her election to the position of the Chairperson of the Student Parliament of KhNTUA and wish her and all members of the Student Parliament coordinated work and realization of all creative ideas and plans. I count on constructive and fruitful cooperation with the student parliament to protect the legitimate rights and interests of students, the development of student government, and increase the prestige of our university.

Вітання голові студентського парламенту!

Exam schedule

Schedule of consultations and exams for 4th year students 2019-2020 academic year (15.06.20-19.06.20)  –  Open


Accreditation examination begins

On May 6-7, 2021, the accreditation examination of the educational program “Economics” at the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education in specialty 051 “Economics” begins. The examination will take place remotely. We invite all willing participants in the educational process to take part in an open meeting with the expert group on May 6, 2021, from 17:30 to 18:00.

Розпочинається акредитаційна експертиза