Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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How to wear a mask

The Public Health Center reminded the rules of wearing and disposing of masks and gloves. The agency stressed that improper use of medical masks reduces their effectiveness. “The mask is designed to reduce the release of infectious diseases from the respiratory tract. The mask also prevents excessive contact with the hands to the face. The risk of infection on the mucous membranes is significantly reduced,” – said the Center for Public Health.

Як правильно носити маски

Vovchansky technical school is looking for its graduates!

“Vovchansky College of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture” (Vovchansky technical school) is looking for its graduates! Join the Alumni Association of Vovchansk Technical School!  Registration form here: Association of graduates of Vovchansky technical school The famous technical school is the pearl of education of Vovchansk region …. Now our institution has already turned a new page in its history, which new graduates will write under the name VSP “Vovchansk Professional College of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko”. But we remember each of our graduates and we want our student youth to know about you. Join the Association of Alumni of Vovchansk Technical School! Sincerely, Association of graduates of Vovchansk technical school

Вовчанський технікум - розшукує своїх випускників!

Career guidance event for graduates of Sakhnov region

Career guidance event for school graduates     On December 4, the head of the IETP department prof. M. Kundenko, Head of the Department of AKIT prof. S.Tymchuk and the head of the laboratory V. Kundenko, together with the staff of the Admissions Committee of the University associate professors S. Skofenko, L. Kaliberda and O. Zotova, and D. Olkhovskyi held a career guidance event and seminar for graduates of schools of the Sakhnov region. Sakhnovshchyna village head V. Sydorenko, village council secretary H. Kundenko and head of the education department of Sakhnovshchyna district state administration H. Mostova assisted in the organization and holding of this meeting. 


The All-Ukrainian competition of creative works dedicated to the Civil Service Day is announced

KhNTUA students are invited to take part in the All-Ukrainian competition of creative works, which was launched in 2020 by the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service. The purpose of the All-Ukrainian competition of creative works among young people (hereinafter – the competition) was to create conditions for finding, supporting, and developing ambitious and motivated youth, expanding their participation in the formation and implementation of public policy and public administration, interest in the younger generation image of civil servants in society.

Оголошується Всеукраїнський конкурс творчих робіт до Дня державної служби


“Education must be true, complete, clear and strong” Unsur Al-Maali


We remind entrants about the deadline for submitting applications and documents

Our University is always happy for students, it is a place where many young people have studied and are studying not only from the Kharkiv and the region, different parts of Ukraine but also the world. Moreover, the university conducts active international activity where 3 educational scientific international programs of double diplomas are realized.

Нагадуємо вступникам про deadline для подачі заяв та документів


Today at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, a meeting of the Academic Council was held, for consideration of which 11 issues were submitted. The meeting began with a pleasant procedure: awarding the director of a separate structural unit “Kharkiv Professional College of Food Industry KhNTUA” Skrypka Lydia Ivanovna for many years of fruitful work, high professionalism, conscientious performance of professional duties, and significant personal contribution to education and science of Ukraine. This honorable mission was performed by the first projector of KhNTUA M. Lysychenko. Awards and honors were also presented to university teachers based on the results of participation in the international specialized exhibition “Education and Career-2021” and the XII International Exhibition “Modern Educational Institutions-2021”. 10 scientific and pedagogical workers were awarded, who scored the highest number of points according to the results of the rating evaluation of the scientific and pedagogical workers of KhNTUA.


Student design bureau

    Scientific work of students in the student design bureau is carried out under the guidance of Ph.D., prof. Kundenko M. at the Department of IETP of institute of ECT for the search for new materials and energy-saving technologies in microclimate maintenance systems and improvement of solar systems for heating the coolant.


Educational practice of students of the Institute of Technical Service

At the Department of Materials Technology by the curriculum of the specialty 133 Industry Engineering, the internship of first-year students of the Institute of Technical Service continues. The purpose of the practice is to form students’ professional skills and abilities to make independent decisions and perform practical work on processing materials in modern production conditions and mastering by students modern methods of work organization in the field of their future profession.

Навчальна практика студентів  ННІ Технічного сервісу