Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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New Year greetings!

        Dear friends! I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Christmas! < strong> May 2021 be a year of peace, harmony and prosperity, rich in good and generous in success. Happiness, inspiration, good health, prosperity and well-being to you and your families.

Вітання з Новим роком!

Kolomiiets Volodymyr

Education and career 1966 – graduated from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. VI Lenin, majoring in “Mechanical Engineering Technology, Metal Cutting Machines, and Tools” and qualified as a mechanical engineer. 1971-1975 – studied at the graduate school of KhPI. VI Lenin. 1975 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic: “Study of the features of the process of turning hardened steels with cutters from Elbor-R” – Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. 1982 – received the academic title of associate professor of “Technology of Metals and Materials Science” of the Kharkiv State Automobile and Road Institute. 1993 – defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the topic: “Scientific foundations of the theory of processing inhomogeneous welded materials” at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. 1995 – received the academic title of Professor of “Technology of Metals and Materials Science” KhASU. Educational teaching activities Since 1999 he has been teaching the subjects in the state language at a high scientific and methodological level, conducting lectures and laboratory-practical classes on the subject “Machine Parts”, for students majoring in 133 – Industrial Engineering, 274 – Transport Technologies (Road Transport), 208 – Agricultural Engineering. Research activities Associated with research to increase the service life of parts of tractor machines and agricultural machinery by coating by the method of electric arc surfacing. Prepared 8 candidates of technical. Science. Scientific publications, patents, grants 3 monographs. 1 educational and methodical complex. 3 textbooks. 275 articles. 7 copyright certificates. 15 utility model patents. Awards Badge “Excellent Technical Service” of the Technical Council of the State Technical Supervision of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, 2010; Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2012; Diploma of the Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, 2015; Honorary diplomas of KhNTUSG named after Petra Vasilenko, 2008, 2010; Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers, 2018

Kolomiiets Volodymyr

Cooperation with RAUT-Automatic LLC (Kyiv)

     On October 19, 2018, teachers of the AKIT department, associate professor Bovchalyuk S.Ya. and associate professor Piskarev OM attended a comprehensive training / seminar held by RAUT-Automatic LLC (, Kyiv.


July 2 students majoring in 051 Economics together with teachers of the Department of Economics and Marketing Onegina V., Antoshchenkova V., Kravchenko O., Baban T., Kravchenko Yu. within the framework of the program of industrial practice in economics they visited a private agricultural enterprise named after Frunze, located in the village of Berdyanka, Kharkiv region. The enterprise is managed by the real owner – Glyan Ivan. Ivan Danilovich’s youngest daughter is studying at our university. Tatiana Glyan already has two bachelor’s degrees in her portfolio, including in Economics. She is currently studying for a master’s degree.

Студенти на практиці

Gender policy through the eyes of Ukrainian youth

The Department of Education and Science of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration has announced the holding of the 15th regional scientific competition of young scientists “GENDER POLICY IN THE EYES OF UKRAINIAN YOUTH”.

Гендерна політика очима української молоді


Employees of the KhNTUА Media Communications Division participated in an online media brunch for Land Insight media outlets under the USAID Agricultural and Rural Development Program (AGRO). During the event, key changes in land relations were discussed, which can be expected with the adoption of bills №2194 and №3295 and prospects for the adoption of these laws.


Special attention for Occupational safety

Management of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture pays great attention to the protection of teachers and staff of the university. A regular meeting with the heads of KNTUA divisions was devoted to this issue, which was held today by a leading specialist in labor protection M. Vynokurov.

Охороні праці — особливу увагу

We are preparing for the Open Day

February 27, this year at 10:00 at Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture will host an Open Day, which will be held online. Both the heads of educational and scientific institutes and FTSL and members of the Admissions Committee of KhNTUA are carefully preparing for this important event. During the conversation with future entrants and their parents and teachers, they will talk about the features of this year’s admission campaign and the specifics of training specialists in various specialties at the university. It will also discuss how to increase the chances of future entrants to successfully complete the external evaluation and enter the budget form of education.

Готуємося до Дня відкритих дверей


Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” Law of Ukraine “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity” The list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in which results of dissertations for obtaining scientific degrees of the doctor of sciences, the candidate of sciences and the degree of the doctor of philosophy can be published The procedure for conducting an experiment to award the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №167 of 06.03.2019, as amended in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 979 of 21.10.2020) Procedure for awarding scientific degrees (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №567 of 24.07.2013, as amended in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 607 of 15.07.2020) Requirements for publishing the results of dissertations for scientific degrees (order of the Ministry of Education and Science №1220 from 23.09.2019) Regulations on the preparation of applicants for higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №261 of 23.03.2016) Regulations on approval of the list of branches of knowledge and specialties in which higher education seekers are trained (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №266 of 29.04.2015) as amended in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №53 of 01.02.2017 The order of appointment and payment of scholarships Qualifications framework 
