Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Future mechanical technicians pass state certification

The end of June every year is an exciting and responsible time both for students – graduates of “Vovchansky Vocational College of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture” and for the entire teaching staff. Applicants complete their studies bypassing the state certification for compliance of the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the state standards of training of EQL junior specialists in the specialty 208 “Agroengineering” and the qualification of “technician-mechanic”.

Майбутні техніки-механіки проходять державну атестацію

The latest development of university scientists

Researchers of the Institute of Processing and Food Production and representatives of production are constantly looking for ways to improve the processes of post-harvest processing of grain. The latest development of the team is a sieve with holes in the shape of an oval Cassini. The use of sieves with holes of this shape, instead of the classic round holes, allows you to increase the capacity of the sieve. Also reduces the “clogging” of the sieves, due to the larger living cross-section.

Новітня  розробка науковців університету

The first results and results of the introductory campaign

Today, professional entrance examinations at our university have made up two more groups of entrants who intend to obtain a bachelor’s degree in an accelerated curriculum in the following specialties: 133 Industrial Engineering, 181 Food Technology and 205 Forestry, 187 Woodworking and Furniture Technology and 275 (by species).

Перші результати і підсумки вступної кампанії

Andriy Khlyshchenko dreams of becoming an agronomist

The Department of Media Communications of KhNTUA continues to get acquainted with this by the annual entrants of our university and hopes that according to the results of the competitive selection they will all become students. Some will have the opportunity to study at the expense of the budget, and some under contract, but currently most entrants (except for certain categories) have equal rights to compete for the opportunity to obtain higher education in one of the best agro-technical free economic zones.

Андрій Хлищенко мріє стати агрономом

Values of Ukrainian students

Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Researchers of European Integration within the Erasmus + project named after Jeanne Monnet (620395-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-SUPPA “EU-Eastern Partnership: future ways to intensify joint initiatives of academic and civil communities in Ukraine) initiates research on value transformations among Ukrainian students and conducts an All-Ukrainian survey” Values ​​of Ukrainian students “.

Ціннісні орієнтири  українського студентства

Educational practice for marketing students

The second year of study by marketing students is coming to an end, which is an important stage in the formation of professional competencies of future professionals. The program of practice “Organization of marketing at the enterprise” provides acquaintance of students with the future profession, prospects of development of a specialty, with character, the maintenance, and conditions of the organization of marketing and advertising activity.

Навчальна практика у студентів-маркетологів

Values of Ukrainian students

Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Researchers of European Integration within the Erasmus + project named after Jeanne Monnet (620395-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-SUPPA “EU-Eastern Partnership: future ways to intensify joint initiatives of academic and civil communities in Ukraine) initiates research on value transformations among Ukrainian students and conducts an All-Ukrainian survey “Values ​​of Ukrainian students”.

Ціннісні орієнтири  українського студентства

The internship for second-year students continues

Internships are an integral part of higher education. Currently, there is a training (introductory) internship for second-year students majoring in 281 “Public Administration” and an internship “Organization of the manager’s work” for students majoring in 073 “Management”.

The internship for second-year students continues

To the attention of bachelors of the last year of study

In order to verify the acquired general competencies, graduates of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education of KhNTUA and motivation in preparation for the Unified entrance exam for all bachelors of the last year of study will be “University certification in a foreign language.”


A collection of materials of the scientific conference was published

The Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of KhNTUA published a collection of materials of the IV International Scientific Electronic Conference “Culture in the process of spiritual and moral development of global society”, which took place in late February 2021. The conference was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture.

Вийшов збірник матеріалів наукової конференції

What specialties are the most popular among this year’s entrants

The introductory campaign is coming to an end. Tomorrow, July 28, higher education institutions are to publish the ranking lists of bachelor’s and master’s degree entrants. And for future masters on the basis of a bachelor (master/specialist) for places at the expense of the budget, such lists will be published no later than August 2.

Які спеціальності найпопулярніші серед цьогорічних вступників

Open lecture for Science Day

On the eve of Science Day, May 14, 2021, the Scientific Library of KhNTUA held an open online lecture “Culture of Academic Integrity”, which was attended by about 100 people. Among them were applicants for higher education, faculty of the ESI BM, specialists of the Sector for Quality Assurance of Higher Education of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, representatives of libraries of Ukraine, and staff of the university.

Відкрита лекція до Дня науки