Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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A meeting of the labor collective took place

Today at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture a meeting of the staff was held, which considered the following issues: 1) On summarizing the implementation of the Collective Agreement between the administration and the trade union organization of the university; 2) On making changes to the charter of the university by presenting it in a new edition, and 3) Miscellaneous.

A meeting of the labor collective took place

Hot time for entrants

They say Monday is a difficult day. But not for our entrants who came to the university that day to get advice and fill their e-offices. Traditionally, members of the university Admissions Committee provide entrants and their parents with all the necessary assistance and, if necessary, conduct career guidance work.

Гаряча пора для вступників

Kundenko Mykola

Education 1995 – diploma of a specialist with honors, Kharkiv State University of Agriculture, specialty “Electrification and automation of agriculture”, qualification – electrical engineer; Career 2003 – Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty – processes and equipment of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries. Dissertation topic: “Improvement of the process and equipment for pasteurization of milk by IR radiation”. 2005 – received a diploma of associate professor, associate professor of electrical engineering of agricultural production. 2013 – Doctor of Sciences, specialty 05.11.17 – Biological and medical devices and systems. Dissertation topic: “Molecular acoustic technology and electronic control systems in the technological process of animal reproduction.” 2015 – received a certificate of professor, professor of the Department of Integrated Electrical Technologies and Processes, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. 2018 – elected a full academician of the International Academy of Agrarian Education, Academician of the IAEA. 2019 – Advanced training: Training and methodical center for vocational training of workers and labor protection LLC “CS PRESS PLUS” (Kharkov). Educational activities Teaches disciplines: Electrified thermal processes and installations; Technological processes of APV enterprises; Biomedical devices, apparatus and complexes; Climatic equipment; Heat technology complexes and systems; Laboratory-analytical and diagnostic equipment; Medical equipment; Methods and means of automation of circuit design. Research activities Has more than 140 scientific publications, 7 of which are indexed in scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, author of monographs and manuals, has 6 patents and copyright certificates. Research interests: power engineering, biomedicine, biotechnology  

Кунденко Микола Петрович

Diploma and course design room (computer class)

Applicants for higher education get acquainted with the office of diploma and course design at the beginning of the study of special disciplines in the design of units of cars and tractors. The material base is represented by demonstration stands: the crank mechanism of autotractor internal combustion engines; gas distribution mechanism of autotractor internal combustion engines; cooling systems for tractor internal combustion engines; lubrication systems for tractor internal combustion engines; power supply systems for tractor internal combustion engines; ignition systems for gasoline and gas engines; sources of electricity for cars and tractors; electricity consumers of cars and tractors; steering of tractors and cars; cardan gears and drive axles of tractors and cars; clutch and gearbox of tractors and cars; chassis of tractors and cars; brake elements of tractors and cars.



The lecturers of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of our university have close and fruitful business relations with the research and teaching staff of the Department of Accounting of Odessa State Agrarian University. Through the joint efforts of teachers of both departments, the textbook “Accounting in Enterprise Management” was published, which was developed in cooperation with the Odesa Regional Agricultural Advisory Service “Center for Rural Development and Legal Support” (ORACS) with the Ukrainian Fruit and Vegetable Business Development Project (UHB). funded by the Ministry of International Affairs of Canada, co-financed and implemented by the Mennonite Economic Development Association (MEDA).


The University Supervisory Board approved the rector’s report

Today in the conference hall of KhNTUA a regular meeting of the Supervisory Board of the university took place, at which the report of the rector O. Nanka on the work in 2020 and the main directions of the university development in 2021 was heard. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board S. Chernov, and most members of the Board participated in the meeting online. The meeting of the Supervisory Board was also attended by the First Vice-Rector M. Lysychenko, Vice-Rector for Research VI Melnyk, Vice-Rector for NDP, Economic Development and Infrastructure AV Nikitas and chief accountant T. Danylenko.

Наглядова рада університету схвалила звіт ректора

Syromyatnikov Petro

Education 1979 – diploma with honors of HIMESG in the specialty “Mechanization of Agriculture”, specialization – mechanical engineer of agriculture. 1981-1985 – postgraduate studies (by correspondence). 2006 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of repair of tractors, cars, and agricultural machinery. 2009 – received a qualification certificate of advisor to agricultural production of Ukraine on marketing, law, technology, ecology. Certification training 2009 – Poltava GAA of Ukraine, Institute of Postgraduate Education and Counseling; 2015 – NULES of Ukraine, Research Institute of Postgraduate Education; “Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity; 2019 – NULES of Ukraine, Research Institute of Postgraduate Education “Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity”. Career Since 1979 – junior researcher at the Department of Machine Repair KHIMEA; 1982 – senior researcher, responsible executor of self-supporting work with DKBSP of the plant “Sickle and Hammer” in Kharkiv, at the department “Repair of machines” KHIMEA; 1990 – assistant of the department “Repair of machines” KHIMEA; 1995 – Senior Lecturer of the Department “Car Repair” CDTUSG; 2005 – transferred to the position of associate professor of the department of tractors, cars, and agricultural machines of the educational and scientific institute of technical service KhNTUA; 2006 – Associate Professor of Technological Systems of Repair Production KhNTUA; 2019 – Associate Professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk KhNTUA (part-time); 2019 – Head of the Center for Practice, Employment and Career of Student Youth KhNTUA; 2019 – Associate Member of the Ukrainian Association for Management Development and Business Education. Educational, teaching activities Teaches the following disciplines: Mobile vehicles in the agro-industrial complex; Installation and maintenance of machines for livestock; Technical systems in animal husbandry. Management of qualification works of masters. Management of student research papers of students, masters. Research activities more than 120 scientific articles, co-author of 10 textbooks and manuals with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, 20 scientific and methodical works, 3 inventions and 6 patents of Ukraine. Co-author of 2 monographs, National Standard of Ukraine SOU 29.32.4-37-532: 2007, 17 scientific publications in foreign publications. The direction of scientific activity: organization of production, logistical management of the production process of a modern enterprise; organization of logistics activities at agricultural enterprises; production logistics; project management in mechanical engineering. Awards

Сиромятніков Петро Степанович

Year of accreditation of educational programs

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation held a hearing on “The year of accreditation of educational programs under the new procedure: results, problems, prospects.” The event was attended by First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Mykola Kyzym and Deputy Minister of Education and Science for European Integration Andriy Vitrenko.

Рік акредитації освітніх програм

Lebediev Anatolii

Education and career In 1958 he graduated from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Wheeled and Tracked Machines. In 1964 he graduated from the Department of Automobile and Tractor Construction of KhPI. After graduating from the institute he worked as a master, head of the technical department of the shop, then – a researcher, director of the Eastern branch of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. Since 1973 – Associate Professor of “Tractors and Cars” of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. From 1978 to 2020 – Head of the Department “Tractors and Cars” Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities In 1964 he defended his dissertation on the specialty “cars and tractors”, whose scientific supervisor was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Medvedev, the founder of tractor construction in Ukraine. In 1982 he defended his doctoral dissertation in two specialties – “operation and repair of agricultural machinery”, “cars and tractors”. In 1985 he was awarded the academic title of professor. Head of the scientific school “Tractor Energy”, the scientific direction of which is the innovative development of tractor energy, the dynamics of tractor units, operational manufacturability of tractors. 8 doctoral and 35 candidate dissertations were defended under scientific supervision. Among the students are heads of departments of the Ministry of Ukraine, rectors of higher education institutions, the Minister of Science and Education of Guinea. Member of specialized councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture and Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University. To assist in the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of foreign tractors, leaders of the world tractor industry companies “John Deere” and “CASE”, for the first time in Ukraine created training centers at the department. The main task of the centers is to coordinate the training of users of modern foreign equipment, service managers, and sales managers, the opportunity for future professionals to gain high practical skills on modern equipment and with the help of advanced technologies.

Lebediev Anatolii

VI Intra-university scientific-practical conference on the results of industrial practice of students majoring in 071 “Accounting and Taxation” and 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”

On October 13, 2020, the Department of Accounting and Auditing of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management hosted the traditional Intra-University scientific-practical conference on the results of industrial practice of students majoring in 071 “Accounting and Taxation” and 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”.


We are developing international cooperation

On March 1, 2021, a delegation of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture consisting of Rector O. Nanka, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Relations Yu. Vitkovsky and Head of the Educational Department for Work with Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons O. Azizova paid a working visit to Gaziantep State University of the Republic of Turkey (GAUN), where she held a series of meetings with the university’s management and staff. In particular, the delegation of KhNTUA visited the three oldest and most powerful faculties of Gaziantep University: food processing, mechanization, and electrification. During the acquaintance with these faculties, a number of meetings were held with deans and staff. The delegation paid special attention to the logistics of laboratories.

Розвиваємо міжнародне співробітництво

Grants for students from the Scholarship program

The Scholarship social program offers grants for students of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. The purpose of our social program is to encourage and stimulate talented Ukrainian students, develop and increase the level of financial literacy and entrepreneurship among our youth. We also try to prove that knowledge can be profitable long before graduation. Наразі відкрито 8 номінацій:

Гранти для студентів від програми  Scholarship