Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Science at the service of society

November 10 is World Science Day for Peace and Development, which aims to emphasize the important role of science in society and the need for the general public to participate in the discussion of current scientific issues. The holiday should also emphasize the importance of science for everyday life.

Наука на службі суспільства

Sereda Anatoly

Education 1996 – he graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, sіpecialty: “Electrification and automation of agriculture”, qualification-electrical engineer Career 1996 – Master of the Department of Automated electromechanical systems. 2000 – Assistant of the Department of Automated electromechanical systems. 2007 – defended his dissertation on the specialty 05.09.16 “Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in the agro-industrial complex” 2010 – he received the title of associate professor.. 2010 – received his PhD. Educational activities Taught the following disciplines: Control and protection devices, hydraulics, hydraulics -hydraulics and pneumatic actuators. Supervision of master’s theses Research activities Has more than 50 scientific publications, 3 of which are indexed in scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, 1 textbook and manual Research interests: Protection of pressure pipelines from hydraulic shock, hydrology, systems for wool processing using acoustic and electromagnetic fields. Social activities Member of the working group of the Commission for Energy Conservation at the University. Member of the working group of the commission on ethical behavior at the University. Awards and prizes Diploma. For quality preparation and holding of the International Conference.2012, Diploma for active scientific activity in 2013 Diploma. For winning the 4th university competition “The best curator of the year 2014”, Diploma for fruitful cooperation and significant contribution to the development of specialized training of students 1-3 degrees 2016, Diploma for professional work in Kupyansk secondary schools. 2017 Number of publications 50 Patents and copyright certificates of Ukraine

Середа Анатолій Іванович


In order to implement the order №01-08 / 303 of September 29, 2020 “On the revision of the instructions on labor protection in force in KhNTUSG”, a meeting will be held with the persons responsible for labor protection on October 27, 2020, in the auditorium №105 at 10 o’clock 30 minutes (44 Alchevsky Street).


Department for the organization of educational work of students

In 2018 on the initiative of the rector of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agricalture was created “Department for the organization of educational work of students”. It is the identification and disclosure of the creative potential of students of our university.


The university is holding elections for the chairman of the student parliament

This morning, a polling station opened in the main building of the KhNTUA, where a secret ballot for the chairman of the student parliament continues. In total, 70 voter students representing all educational and research institutes and faculties of the university are included in the voter lists. The ballot paper includes three candidates for the chairman of the student parliament, who will soon head this body of student self-government.

The university is holding elections for the chairman of the student parliament

The rector of KhNTUA congratulates on the Farmer’s Day

Dear friends! This year, for the second time, Ukraine celebrates Farmer’s Day, which is a holiday for a large number of agricultural producers. In the Kharkiv region alone, more than 1.3 thousand farms are registered. In total, more than 47,000 farms carry out production activities in Ukraine, which provide a significant share of gross agricultural output and ensure the food security of our state.

Ректор ХНТУСГ вітає з Днем фермера


Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture invites students with a basic profile higher engineering education to take a training course for energy auditors to work with the Energy Efficiency Fund. The project is implemented in cooperation with the state institution “Energy Efficiency Fund” with the support of the German Society for International Cooperation (< a href = ""> Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ).


Welcome to the University!

From July 14, higher education institutions will start accepting documents from entrants who wish to obtain higher education in a particular specialty. This is a very hot and responsible time for the members of the admissions committees, as a significant influx of applicants and their parents is expected at this time, each of whom will need to pay some attention and time.

Ласкаво просимо до Університету!

Omelchenko Leonid

Education 1993 – diploma of specialist, Kharkiv State University of Agriculture, specialty “Mechanization of agriculture”, qualification – mechanical engineer; 1994 – graduate student of the department “Repair of agricultural machinery”. Career 1993 – Senior laboratory assistant of the department “Repair of agricultural machinery”; 1997- Master of Industrial Training of the Department of “Materials Technology”; 2002 – Assistant Professor of “Materials Technology”. Educational activities Teaches disciplines: “Electrospinning practice” “Materials science and TCM” Research activities Research interests: materials science. He has more than 40 scientific publications, 1 of which is indexed in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, 4 patents.

Омельченко Леонід Віталійович