Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
uk en

Kis Viktor

Education 1983 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2001 – graduated from the National University of Internal Affairs and received a basic higher education in the field of “Law” and received a bachelor’s degree in law. 2005 – graduated from Kharkiv National Technical University named after Petro Vasylenko and received a full higher education in “Organization Management” and received the classification of manager-economist. 2005 – graduated from the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and received a full higher education in “Public Administration” and received a master’s degree in public administration. Career 2006 – awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences in technology and organization of industrial and civil construction. 2013 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of quality, standardization, and certification. Educational activities Teaches disciplines:

Kis Viktor

Students listened to a lecture on combating bullying

In 2019, the norms of the law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Combating Bullying (Bullying)” came into force, which defines the concept of bullying and methods of combating this social evil.

Студенти прослухали лекцію щодо  протидії булінгу

Miroshnyk Oleksandr

Education 2004 – Master’s Degree with honors Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture, majoring in Agricultural Power Engineering, qualification electrical engineer. Career 2004 – Assistant Professor, Department of Automation and Computer Technology. 2009 – defended his Ph.D. thesis on specialty 05.14.02 – power stations of the network and system. 2010 – Associate Professor of Automation and Computer Integrated Technology. 2011 – received the title of associate professor. 2016 – defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 05.13.03 – Management Systems and Processes. 2016 – Professor of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management. 2016 – Head of the Department of Power Supply and Energy Management. 2019 – received the title of professor. Educational activities He has taught the following subjects: Computer-aided design of electrical installations, Relay protection, Simulation modeling of electrical systems, Labor protection in the field (Electrical safety). Research activities He has more than 150 scientific publications, 12 of which are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases, the author of monographs, textbooks and manuals, and holds more than 30 patents. Scientific interests: electricity networks, quality of electricity, loss of electricity, Smart Grid. Foreign internships Passed scientific-pedagogical internship at Lublin University of Technology (Lublin, Poland) Social activities Member of the working group of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine on the preparation of the Concept of the introduction of “smart grids” in Ukraine by 2035 and the medium-term plan of measures for the implementation of “smart grids” in Ukraine. Awards and prizes Young Man of the Year – 2009 (in the nomination Young Scientist in the Technical Field), 2009, Diploma “Young man of the year – 2009” (in the nomination “Scientific activity”), 2009, Diploma of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine “The Best Invention – 2011 among Youth” (winner of the All-Ukrainian Competition “Invention-2011”), Certificate for 1st place in the Regional Competition “Young Innovator of Kharkiv Region”, 2012, Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2012, Nominal Scholarship of Kharkiv Regional State Administration (Oleksiy Nikolayevich Sokolovsky Scholarship, 2012), Graduate of the competition “Kharkiv Higher School – the best names”, 2016 Number of publications Morethan 150 Patents and copyright certificates of Ukraine Morethan 30

Мірошник Олександр Олександрович

Fesenko Herman

Education and career 1990 – graduated from the Kazan Suvorov Military School. 1995 – graduated from Kharkiv Military University with a degree in “Automated Control Systems” with a degree in “Cybernetic Engineer”. From 1995 to 1998 he served in the military as a staff officer in engineering positions in the Strategic Missile Forces and the Air Defense Forces. From 1998 to 2011 he served as a lecturer, head of research laboratory, associate professor at Kharkiv Military University, University of the Air Force, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine. From 2014 to present – Associate Professor of Life Safety and Law. Research activities 2002 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty, specialty 20.02.14 – armaments and military equipment. 2004 – awarded the academic title of senior researcher in the specialty “weapons and military equipment”. 2007 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Civil Protection in Emergencies. Participant in international research projects Internet of Things: Emerging Curriculum for Industry and Human Applications ALIOT (reference number 573818-EPP-1-2016-1-UK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), 2016-2019 European network of Cybersecurity centers and competence Hub for innovation and Operations ECHO (the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, H2020-SU-ICT-2018-2020 (Cybersecurity)), 2019 – to present Scientific publications In total more than 120 scientific articles in professional editions of Ukraine and in foreign editions (from the articles are indexed in Scopus – 16). 12 GDR reports. 3 patents of Ukraine. 2 monographs (1 of them in English). 2 textbooks. Educational activities Teaches the following disciplines: “Life safety and traffic rules.” Awards 2009: Diploma of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine.

Fesenko Herman

On the implementation of the Regulations on the Institute of Business, Management and Law

In connection with streamlining the structure of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, the creation of the Department of Public and Private Law, transfer of students majoring in 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange” and o81 “Law” to the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business, Management, and law, and based on the decision of the Academic Council of KhNTUA from 27.05.2021, the rector of the university O. Nanka issued an order to implement the Regulations on the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business, Management, and Law. See: Regulations on the ESI BML

Про введення в дію Положення про ННІ бізнесу, менеджменту і права

Disciplines of the department

№ Subjects Institute Lecturer (position, scientific degree) 1 Theory of law MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., assistant 2 Legal deontology MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., assistant 3 Fundamentals of private law MMS Ivanova Hanna Ph.D., assistant 4 Legal research, analysis and presentation of material MMS Koliada Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 5 International protection of human rights and the activities of the European Court of Human Rights MMS Tsyban Artem Ph.D., assistant 6 Constitutional law of UkraineConstitutional law of Ukraine MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 7 Основи судоустFundamentals of the judiciary and organization of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 8 Administrative law of Ukraine MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 9 Administrative process of Ukraine MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 10 Civil law of Ukraine MMS Tsyban Artem Ph.D., assistant 11 Civil Procedure of Ukraine MMS Tsyban Artem Ph.D., assistant 12 Criminal law of Ukraine (General part) MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 13 Criminal law of Ukraine (Special part) Pavlykivskyi Vitalii Ph.D., Professor 14 Criminal proceedings of Ukraine MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 15 Labor Law MMS Ivanova Hanna Ph.D., assistant 16 Public International Law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 17 Private International Law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 18 КConstitutional principles of civil society MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 19 History of political and legal thought MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 20 State law of foreign countries MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 21 Information law MMS Brulevych Volodymyr Ph.D., assistant 22 Social security law MMS Koliada Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 23 Advocacy of Ukraine MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 24 Agrarian law MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., assistant 25 Land law MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., Associate Professor 26 Commercial law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 27 Economic process MMS Ivanova Hanna Ph.D., assistant 28 Contract law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 29 Banking law MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 30 Financial law MMS Brulevych Volodymyr Ph.D., assistant 31 Environmental law MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., assistant 32 Tax law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 33 Corporate Law MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 34 Exchange law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 35 Intellectual property law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 36 Customs law MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 37 Transport law of Ukraine MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 38 European law MMS Tsyban Artem Ph.D., assistant 39 Municipal law MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 40 History of the doctrines of state and law Brulevych Volodymyr Ph.D., assistant 41 Life safety and traffic regulations ТS, PFP, MMS, F ТSL Pereverzieva Liudmyla Senior Lecturer Vynokurov Mykola Senior Lecturer 42 Life safety ЕCТ Kleryni Harri Ph.D., assistant 43 Life safety BМ, MMS Pereverzieva Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 44 Fundamentals of labor protection PFP Kiriienko Mykola Ph.D., Associate Professor 45 Fundamentals of labor protection ТS, F ТSL Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor 46 Fundamentals of labor protection BМ Zadorozhnia Viktoriia Ph.D., Associate Professor 47 Fundamentals of labor protection and law ЕCТ Zadorozhnia Viktoriia Ph.D., Associate Professor Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 48 Civil protection PFP, BМ, MMS, ТS, ЕКТ Cherepnov Ihor Ph.D., Associate Professor 49 Emergency safety PFP, BМ, ТS Cherepnov Ihor Ph.D., Associate Professor 50 Occupational safety in the industry BМ, PFP Zadorozhnia Viktoriia Ph.D., Associate Professor 51 Occupational safety in the industry ТS, F ТSL Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor 52 Life safety and labor protection ТS Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor 53 Fundamentals of labor protection and labor protection ТS Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor Cherepnov Ihor Ph.D., Associate Professor 54 Engineering ecology and labor protection in the industry ТS Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor 55 Legislation and law in agriculture, labor protection in the industry MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor Vambol Serhii Ph.D. professor 56 Ergonomics of workplaces MMS Vambol Serhii Ph.D. professor 57 Safety of production processes MMS Vambol Serhii Ph.D. professor 58 Fire safety MMS Vambol Serhii Ph.D. professor 59 Occupational safety and rational using MMS Fesenko Alla Senior Lecturer 60 Labor ecology and industrial sanitation MMS Fesenko Alla Senior Lecturer



The newspaper “Vremya” published an article “Portrait of the Rector at the Modern Technical University: Alexander Nanka”, dedicated to the rector of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. On the eve of the anniversary, which Oleksandr will celebrate on March 13, the newspaper’s special correspondent Olena Zelenina talks about the path to the science of the future rector of KhNTUA and his contribution to the development of the university. His classmates and colleagues also tell about the rector of one of the best agricultural institutions of higher education in Ukraine.


Khloponina-Hnatenko Olha

Education 2003 – graduated from Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva; 2007 – graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Culture. 2003 -2006 – a graduate student at the Economic Cybernetics Department, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva; 2014 – Ph.D. thesis in Economics and Management of Enterprises (by type of economic activity), 08.00.04. 2019 – associate professor of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities Career 2006 – assistant at the Economic Cybernetics Department, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva. 2014 – assistant at the Organization of Production, Business and Management Department, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko Technical University of Agriculture; 2015 – senior lecturer at the Organization of Production, Business and Management Department, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; 2016 – senior lecturer at the Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities Department, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; 2018 till now working as an associate professor of entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange activities. Educational activities Disciplines: Contractual relations at the enterprise; History of business activity; Leadership and partnership in business; Marking, falsification, and customs clearance of agro-industrial products; Business in the service sector; Business risks; Business planning and evaluation of its efficiency; Management of intellectual entrepreneurship. Curator of the academic group. Research activities Research interests: – business economics; – development of intellectual entrepreneurship in Ukraine; – development of entrepreneurship in the field of services; – entrepreneurship; – risk management. 2018 – Member of the Academic Council of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service; 2018-2019 – Member of the State Examination Commission at the 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” at the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) level of higher education – 076, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; Has more than 40 publications. International activities 2019 – Distance scientific and pedagogical foreign internship at the Baltic Research Institute of Economic Space Transformation, (Riga, Latvia.)

Хлопоніна-Гнатенко Ольга Іванівна

Specialty 181 “Food Technology”

Level of higher education “Bachelor” Educational program “Food Technology” Curriculum based on Complete General Secondary Education (2019) Curriculum based on Junior Specialist Diploma (2019)


Danchenko Iryna

Education and career 1994 – G. Skovoroda Kharkiv State Pedagogical University, specialty – Pedagogy, and methods of primary education, music. 1994 – 2007 – Teacher of the elementary school and the teacher of music in the secondary school I – III degrees № 70 in Kharkiv. 2003 – 2006 – Researcher at the Institute of Educational Problems of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. 2007 – 2019 – Associate Professor of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities. Since 2020 – Professor of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities. Since 2020 – Professor of the UNESCO Department of “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities. Since 2013 – Deputy Head of the Psychological Service of KhNTUA, since 2016 – the head of the Psychological Service.

Данченко Ірина Олексіївна

Romaniuk Svitlana

Education 2003: graduated from National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» 2012-2015: Ph.D. studies in Material Science, specialization No. 05.02.01 (Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture) 2016: Ph.D. degree (Candidate of Technical Sciences) in Material Science (specialization 05.02.01) awarded. Thesis title:” Increasing of the durability of the thin-walled cutting tool” 2019: graduated with honors from H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University Кар’єра From 2015 to 2017 she worked as an assistant at the Department of Materials Technology of KhNTUA From 2017 to 2019 she held the position of senior lecturer at the Department of TM From 2019 to date – Associate Professor of the Department of TM Educational activities Teaching “Material Science” for Bachelor students “Material Science and Technology of Constructional Materials” for Bachelor students “Material Science” for Bachelor Students (in English) Ph.D. Svitlana P. Romaniuk manages the research work of Bachelor’s and Master’s students. The results have been published in scientific and professional papers, presented at international scientific and practical conferences, as well as at the number of All-Ukrainian competitions of scientific student works, where Ph.D. Svitlana P. Romaniuk’s students won prizes and received honorary diplomas. Research activities PhD. Svitlana P. Romaniuk has more than 100 publications in domestic and foreign journals (USA, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Australia), which are indexed in international scientometric databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. She has 15 invention patents. Research interests: modern technologies in mechanical engineering

Романюк Світлана Павлівна