Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Specialty 181 “Food Technology”

Level of higher education “Bachelor” Educational program “Food Technology” Curriculum based on Complete General Secondary Education (2019) Curriculum based on Junior Specialist Diploma (2019)


Grain processing apparatuses have passed advanced training courses

According to the order of the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka from 12 to 21 May 2021 based on the Institute of Postgraduate Education in distance learning courses were conducted under the program: “Methods of drying grain and new designs of grain dryers.” Employees of PSP Chervonyi Mayak (Chernihiv Region) and Tradex Agri LLC (Rivne Region) took part in the work.

Апаратники обробки зерна пройшли курси з підвищення кваліфікації

Disciplines of the department

№ Subjects Institute Lecturer (position, scientific degree) 1 Theory of law MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., assistant 2 Legal deontology MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., assistant 3 Fundamentals of private law MMS Ivanova Hanna Ph.D., assistant 4 Legal research, analysis and presentation of material MMS Koliada Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 5 International protection of human rights and the activities of the European Court of Human Rights MMS Tsyban Artem Ph.D., assistant 6 Constitutional law of UkraineConstitutional law of Ukraine MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 7 Основи судоустFundamentals of the judiciary and organization of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 8 Administrative law of Ukraine MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 9 Administrative process of Ukraine MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 10 Civil law of Ukraine MMS Tsyban Artem Ph.D., assistant 11 Civil Procedure of Ukraine MMS Tsyban Artem Ph.D., assistant 12 Criminal law of Ukraine (General part) MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 13 Criminal law of Ukraine (Special part) Pavlykivskyi Vitalii Ph.D., Professor 14 Criminal proceedings of Ukraine MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 15 Labor Law MMS Ivanova Hanna Ph.D., assistant 16 Public International Law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 17 Private International Law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 18 КConstitutional principles of civil society MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 19 History of political and legal thought MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 20 State law of foreign countries MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 21 Information law MMS Brulevych Volodymyr Ph.D., assistant 22 Social security law MMS Koliada Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 23 Advocacy of Ukraine MMS Pivnenko Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 24 Agrarian law MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., assistant 25 Land law MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., Associate Professor 26 Commercial law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 27 Economic process MMS Ivanova Hanna Ph.D., assistant 28 Contract law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 29 Banking law MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 30 Financial law MMS Brulevych Volodymyr Ph.D., assistant 31 Environmental law MMS Kovach Denys Ph.D., assistant 32 Tax law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 33 Corporate Law MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 34 Exchange law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 35 Intellectual property law MMS Dombrovska Alla Ph.D., Associate Professor 36 Customs law MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 37 Transport law of Ukraine MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 38 European law MMS Tsyban Artem Ph.D., assistant 39 Municipal law MMS Marchenko Volodymyr Ph.D., Professor 40 History of the doctrines of state and law Brulevych Volodymyr Ph.D., assistant 41 Life safety and traffic regulations ТS, PFP, MMS, F ТSL Pereverzieva Liudmyla Senior Lecturer Vynokurov Mykola Senior Lecturer 42 Life safety ЕCТ Kleryni Harri Ph.D., assistant 43 Life safety BМ, MMS Pereverzieva Liudmyla Senior Lecturer 44 Fundamentals of labor protection PFP Kiriienko Mykola Ph.D., Associate Professor 45 Fundamentals of labor protection ТS, F ТSL Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor 46 Fundamentals of labor protection BМ Zadorozhnia Viktoriia Ph.D., Associate Professor 47 Fundamentals of labor protection and law ЕCТ Zadorozhnia Viktoriia Ph.D., Associate Professor Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor 48 Civil protection PFP, BМ, MMS, ТS, ЕКТ Cherepnov Ihor Ph.D., Associate Professor 49 Emergency safety PFP, BМ, ТS Cherepnov Ihor Ph.D., Associate Professor 50 Occupational safety in the industry BМ, PFP Zadorozhnia Viktoriia Ph.D., Associate Professor 51 Occupational safety in the industry ТS, F ТSL Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor 52 Life safety and labor protection ТS Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor 53 Fundamentals of labor protection and labor protection ТS Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor Cherepnov Ihor Ph.D., Associate Professor 54 Engineering ecology and labor protection in the industry ТS Liashenko Serhii Ph.D. professor 55 Legislation and law in agriculture, labor protection in the industry MMS Duiunova Tetiana Ph.D., Associate Professor Vambol Serhii Ph.D. professor 56 Ergonomics of workplaces MMS Vambol Serhii Ph.D. professor 57 Safety of production processes MMS Vambol Serhii Ph.D. professor 58 Fire safety MMS Vambol Serhii Ph.D. professor 59 Occupational safety and rational using MMS Fesenko Alla Senior Lecturer 60 Labor ecology and industrial sanitation MMS Fesenko Alla Senior Lecturer



The newspaper “Vremya” published an article “Portrait of the Rector at the Modern Technical University: Alexander Nanka”, dedicated to the rector of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. On the eve of the anniversary, which Oleksandr will celebrate on March 13, the newspaper’s special correspondent Olena Zelenina talks about the path to the science of the future rector of KhNTUA and his contribution to the development of the university. His classmates and colleagues also tell about the rector of one of the best agricultural institutions of higher education in Ukraine.


Khloponina-Hnatenko Olha

Education 2003 – graduated from Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva; 2007 – graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Culture. 2003 -2006 – a graduate student at the Economic Cybernetics Department, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva; 2014 – Ph.D. thesis in Economics and Management of Enterprises (by type of economic activity), 08.00.04. 2019 – associate professor of entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities Career 2006 – assistant at the Economic Cybernetics Department, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva. 2014 – assistant at the Organization of Production, Business and Management Department, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko Technical University of Agriculture; 2015 – senior lecturer at the Organization of Production, Business and Management Department, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; 2016 – senior lecturer at the Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities Department, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; 2018 till now working as an associate professor of entrepreneurship, trade, and exchange activities. Educational activities Disciplines: Contractual relations at the enterprise; History of business activity; Leadership and partnership in business; Marking, falsification, and customs clearance of agro-industrial products; Business in the service sector; Business risks; Business planning and evaluation of its efficiency; Management of intellectual entrepreneurship. Curator of the academic group. Research activities Research interests: – business economics; – development of intellectual entrepreneurship in Ukraine; – development of entrepreneurship in the field of services; – entrepreneurship; – risk management. 2018 – Member of the Academic Council of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service; 2018-2019 – Member of the State Examination Commission at the 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities” at the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) level of higher education – 076, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; Has more than 40 publications. International activities 2019 – Distance scientific and pedagogical foreign internship at the Baltic Research Institute of Economic Space Transformation, (Riga, Latvia.)

Хлопоніна-Гнатенко Ольга Іванівна

Kis Viktor

Education 1983 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2001 – graduated from the National University of Internal Affairs and received a basic higher education in the field of “Law” and received a bachelor’s degree in law. 2005 – graduated from Kharkiv National Technical University named after Petro Vasylenko and received a full higher education in “Organization Management” and received the classification of manager-economist. 2005 – graduated from the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and received a full higher education in “Public Administration” and received a master’s degree in public administration. Career 2006 – awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences in technology and organization of industrial and civil construction. 2013 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of quality, standardization, and certification. Educational activities Teaches disciplines:

Kis Viktor

Students listened to a lecture on combating bullying

In 2019, the norms of the law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Combating Bullying (Bullying)” came into force, which defines the concept of bullying and methods of combating this social evil.

Студенти прослухали лекцію щодо  протидії булінгу

Konstantin Korshunov

Education In 1997 he graduated with honors from the Romney Agricultural College, specialty “Electrification and Automation of Agriculture”, and received a qualification in electrical engineering. In 2002 he graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture and received a full higher education in the specialty “Agricultural Power Engineering” and was qualified as an electrical engineer. Career Since 2002, engineer of the Department of EMTP. Since 2004, a specialist of the 2-nd category of the Information Technology Centre. Since 2010, a laboratory assistant at the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering. Since 2013, engineer of the 1-st category of the UTS Department named after T. Yevsyukov. Since 2018, he has been a senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Theoretical Electrical Engineering and a specialist of the Directorate of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechanotronics and Management Systems Awards Honorary diploma for many years of work, conscientious attitude to work duties, high work rates and in connection with the 75th anniversary of the University (2003). Honorary diploma for many years of work, conscientious attitude to work duties, high work rates and in connection with the day of agricultural worker (2005) Gratitude for conscientious performance of duties and active participation in public life of the university and the institute (2017). Patents Declaration patent for the invention. UA 37703, Ukraine, A01K1 / 015. Device for the electric heating of floors of livestock rooms / K. Korshunov. №2000041953; claimed 06.04.2000; publ. May 15, 2001, Bul. №4. Patent for utility model. UA 101069, Ukraine, IPC (2015.01) G01B 11/00, G01B 11/02 (2006.01). The method of determining the size of seeds / K. Korshunov. №u 2015 01890; claimed 03.03.2015; publ. 25.08.2015, Bul. №16.


It’s International Accounting Day

Today, many parts of the world celebrate International Accounting Day. We sincerely congratulate the employees of the accounting service of KhNTUA headed by the chief accountant Tetiana Danylenko, as well as all employees and graduates of our university who have an accounting education.

Сьогодні Міжнародний день бухгалтерії

Practical training of students continues

At the Department of Transport Technologies and Logistics for students of the Faculty of TSL was organized and conducted the first (theoretical) stage of training, production (technological) and accounting and analytical practice, provided by the curriculum of specialty 275 “Transport Technologies”.

Триває практична підготовка студентів


Today, a charming woman and a good leader, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of our university Svitlana Zaika celebrate her birthday. Young, beautiful, successful… And of course, dedicated to her work. After all, Svitlana is a graduate of our University, with which her whole conscious life is connected. Friends and colleagues respect her as a serious economist and scientist, Ph.D. in economics.


Interaction with stakeholders

Stakeholders University stakeholders are stakeholders, individuals and legal entities that have a legitimate interest in the educational activities of the university, ie to some extent depend on it or can influence it. In particular, the university’s stakeholders include: employers; applicants for higher education (students, graduate students, doctoral students), future entrants and their parents; research and teaching staff and teaching and support staff of the university; etc.. Development, review and updating of educational programs As part of this process, we invite stakeholders (stakeholders) to express their suggestions and comments on existing educational programs and those being developed. Development, revision and updating of regulations of the university As part of this process, we invite stakeholders (stakeholders) to express their suggestions and comments on existing documents (regulations of the university), which regulate the rights and responsibilities of participants in the educational process, and those that are being developed..  



Every year meetings of graduates of different years take place in the walls of our university. But this happened for the first time. Today, graduates of the former KhIMEA 1971 met in the walls of the Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems, who remembered their classmates, teachers and unforgettable years of student life.


A scientific-practical conference was held

October 26, this year The Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication” and socio-humanitarian disciplines in a remote format held the VI All-Ukrainian interdisciplinary scientific-practical conference “Topical issues of modern socio-humanitarian knowledge”, which was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of our university.

Відбулася науково-практична конференція

Youth and agricultural machinery in the XXI century

On the basis of our department there were sections: “Wheeled and tracked vehicles and transport technologies in the agro-industrial complex” (head of the department, Ph.D., Professor Victor Voitov) and “Use of fuel and lubricants in terms of energy savings” ( head Ph.D., associate professor Kravtsov Andrey Grigorovich).
