Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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February 4, this year The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the second reading and in general the bill №4051, which regulates the remote work of Ukrainians. The document was supported by 322 people’s deputies. The bill classifies work into two types: remote and home. In both cases, when concluding an employment contract, employers will have the right to obtain information about the place of residence or other places where the specialists will work.


Attention entrants and their parents!

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine continues to publish a series of video explanations on the most common issues of concern to prospective students and their parents. The fifth series deals with the priority of applications. Priority indicates the order of consideration of applications for admission submitted by a person. When submitting applications, they should be placed in the order of interest, wherein the first place will be the application submitted for the most desirable bid. The next statement is with lower priority. It is not possible to change the priority after applying.

До уваги вступників та їхніх батьків!

Grain processing apparatuses have passed advanced training courses

According to the order of the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka from 12 to 21 May 2021 based on the Institute of Postgraduate Education in distance learning courses were conducted under the program: “Methods of drying grain and new designs of grain dryers.” Employees of PSP Chervonyi Mayak (Chernihiv Region) and Tradex Agri LLC (Rivne Region) took part in the work.

Апаратники обробки зерна пройшли курси з підвищення кваліфікації

We invite you to participate in the Youth Round Table

To support the creative youth of Vovchansky district on the initiative of the Student Council of the College, the administration of VSP “Vovchansky Vocational College KhNTUSG” sincerely invites creative and enterprising school youth (grades 8-11) to participate in the Youth Round Table “YEAR OF DISTANCE LEARNING: LEARNING will be held on May 15, 2021, at 10:00 online on the Google Meet platform (message will be additional).

Запрошуємо до участі у Молодіжному круглому столі

About the department

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism was established in 1991. In the system of higher education institutions of Ukraine the department was and remains unique.


Video report on awarding lecturers and staff of KhNTUA

Dear friends! An updated video report on the awarding of teachers and staff of the university on the occasion of its 90th anniversary has appeared on our Youtube channel. The Student Education Department and the creative team that worked on this video report wish you a pleasant viewing.

Історія ХНТУСГ

Practice of students of the ESI MMS, educational program “Agronomy”

On February 15, 2021, first-year students of KhNTUA of ESI of Mechanotronics and Management Systems of the educational program “Agronomy” specialty 201 “Agronomy”, in the framework of educational and introductory practice (head of practice Ph.D., associate professor Valentyna Bezpalko) with the participation of the director Mechanotronics and Management Systems ”Ph.D., Professor Vlasovets Vitaliy visited the NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CENTER «INSTITUTE FOR SOIL SCIENCE AND AGROCHEMISTRY RESEARCH NAMED AFTER O.N. SOKOLOVSKY» where they received practical work skills. The internship was conducted by the head of the laboratory of the Department of Soil Resources, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher Vadim Solovey and Senior Researcher Olga Nazarenko. During the tour, students acquired practical skills in determining the profiles of soil zones of Ukraine. We visited the laboratory of instrumental methods of soil research, metrology, and standardization. This laboratory conducts a chemical and analytical analysis of soils, determines macro and microelements, organic matter, mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium according to Chirikov. Students participated in determining the pH of the salt composition of the aqueous extract and hydrolytic acidity of the soil.

Практика студентів ННІ МСМ, освітньої програми «Агрономія»