Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Batiuk Larysa

Associate Professor of Economics and Marketing Department of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture with more than 25 years of experience in teaching economics. She has got an eight-year practice at senior-level management positions in International and National entities of the banking and financial sectors.

Батюк Лариса Андріївна

The scientific-practical conference has begun

On April 5, 2021, the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists “Market Technologies and Business Analytics”, organized by the Department of Marketing and Media Communications of the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture, started at our university. The conference was co-organized by Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Council of Young Scientists at Kharkiv Regional State Administration, NGO “Association of Marketers of Ukraine”, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic”, Sumy National Agrarian University, Poltava State Agrarian University, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav.

Розпочалася науково-практична конференція

Historical background

The Department of Mechatronics and Machine Parts was established in 2017 following the order of the Rector of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko № 01-08 / 249 dated 19.07.2017 by uniting specialists in the field of mechatronics, machine parts, and quality management systems based on the department of machine parts.


Students celebrated Shrovetide

Today, in compliance with all quarantine recommendations, students of our university held a traditional Shrovetide holiday, which symbolizes the farewell of winter and the meeting of spring. In the courtyard of the university, they created an interesting photo area with a stuffed Shrovetide, as well as treated everyone to pancakes and various delicacies. Each educational and scientific institute and faculty of TSL prepared their culinary masterpieces and presentations for this holiday, which were evaluated by an authoritative jury of representatives of the administration. The celebration itself was accompanied by merry songs and dances, which gave everyone a good mood.

Студенти святкували Масницю

Video to the 90th anniversary of KNTUA

This year the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture celebrates its 90th anniversary. In preparation for this significant event, the unit for the organization of educational work of students of KhNTUSG consisting of the artistic director M. Kiriukhina, leading specialists O. Skrypka, S. Ventsus, A. Horishna, and the director of the student club I. Triukhan prepared an original video dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the university. Presenting this creative product, we are very grateful to all those who participated in its creation, including activists, members of creative teams, and other assistants who provided technical support during the production of the video.

Відеоролик до 90-річчя ХНТУСГ

A meeting of the acting Rector of SBTU Ruslan Tikhonchenko with the representative of agricultural enterprises of Bavaria Ernst Baumeister

A meeting of the Acting Rector of the State Biotechnology University, Chairman of the Commission for the Reorganization of KhNTUA Tikhonchenko Ruslan with a representative of Bavarian agricultural enterprises, President of the Bavarian Farmers’ Union Agroimpulse-Bavaria with the support of the Bavarian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Forestry.

Відбулася зустріч в.о. ректора ДБТУ Руслана Тихонченка з представником сільськогосподарських підприємств Баварії Ернстом Баумайстером

Tihonov Oleksandr

Education 1978 – graduated with honors from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. From 1982 to 1985 he studied at the graduate school of the Kharkiv Petrо Vasilenko National Technical University of Agriculture In 2001 he defended his dissertation for the title of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the topic “Restoration of cam couplings by electro-contact welding of filler material with simultaneous forming deposition” Career From 1978 to 1995 he was an assistant at the Department of Machine Repair, the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture• • • • Since 2018, Professor of KhNTUA Since 1995 – senior lecturer. Since 2001 he has been an associate professor of the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production From 2001-2006 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Technical Service Since 2018, Professor of the Kharkiv Petrо Vasilenko National Technical University of Agriculture Educational activities Teaches disciplines: – Technological systems of repair production – Basics of designing technological equipment – Metals and welding in construction – Energy and material saving technologies and equipment – Fundamentals of tribology Research activities Research interests: “Development and implementation of technological processes of restoration and strengthening of worn parts this year. machines that provide after repair the durability of parts not lower than the level of new parts and reduce the cost of material resources by up to 20% “ He has more than -150 scientific and methodical publications Textbooks -5 Textbooks-14 Monographs-1 Copyright certificates -8 Patents- 7 International activities Member of the organizing committee of the International Youth Forum “Youth and Agricultural Machinery in the 21st Century” since 2004 Social activities Head of the student rugby team of RK TECH-AS Member of the Kharkiv Regional Rugby Federation Awards awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2003); awarded the badge “Excellence in Technical Service” (2004); awarded the badge “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” (2005); awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine (2006); awarded a diploma for first place in the Ukrainian Premier League rugby championship (2009); awarded the badge “Bohdan Khmelnytsky Distinction” of the Ukrainian Renaissance Foundation (2010); awarded the badge “Little Andrew’s Cross” of the Ukrainian Renaissance Foundation (2011).

Тіхонов Олександр Всеволодович

Rybalko Ivan

Education 2004-2009 – Master, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Faculty of Technical Service; Specialty: machines and equipment of agricultural production 2014 – Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Specialty 05.02.01 – Materials Science

Рибалко Іван Миколайович

Leaders of publishing activity of KhNTUA according to Scopus

On April 26, 2021, the website published another rating of Ukrainian free economic zones, compiled in accordance with the results of scientometric monitoring of the subjects of scientific and publishing activities of the country according to the Scopus database. In the ranking table, Ukrainian universities are ranked according to the Hirsch index – a quantitative indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations.

Лідери публікаційної активності ХНТУСГ за даними Scopus

Tymchuk Serhii

Education 1978 – Diploma of mechanical engineer in the specialty “Flight Dynamics and Control”, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Engineering Physics. 1984 – 1987 – full-time postgraduate studies at the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. 1988 – defended his dissertation on specialty 05.07.10 – electric rocket engines and power plants of aircraft. 2002 – received a certificate of associate professor. 2010 – 2013 – recipient of the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, full-time doctorate of KhNTUA. 2015 – defended his doctoral dissertation on “Methods and algorithmic support for decision support to optimize the structure of the power supply control system in conditions of uncertainty” in the specialty 05.13.03 – control systems and processes. Specialized Academic Council D 64.050.14 at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Career 1978 -1980 – served in the military. 1980 – 1991 – worked as an engineer, senior engineer, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher of the research part of the Department of Aircraft Power Plants of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. 1991 – 1994 – co-owner of a research and production company, where he held the position of senior researcher. since 1994 he has held the positions of Senior Lecturer of the Department of Cybernetics, Associate Professor, Professor and Head of the Department of ACIT KNTUA Educational activities Teaches the following disciplines: research methodology, basics of fuzzy logic control, neural networks and systems, theory of digital automata, identification and modeling of technological processes; Management of master’s qualification works; Scientific guidance of two graduate students. Research activities Research interests: intelligent decision support systems for large technical systems in conditions of information uncertainty. He has more than 100 scientific articles, 6 monographs, 4 textbooks, 7 copyright certificates and 2 patents. International activities Foreign internships: 2019 – Varna Free University. Blacksmith Brave, Varna, Bulgaria Social activities Full member of the Public Organization “Ukrainian Scientific and Educational IT Society”. Awards and prizes Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2008

Тимчук Сергій Олександрович

The IV International Educational School on Sustainable Mobility has started

On April 21, 2021, the IV Spring School on Sustainable Mobility “The Impact of the Pandemic on Mobility” began its work. This event, not for the first time, was attended by students majoring in 275 “Transport Technology” and teachers of the Department of Transport Technology and Logistics, Faculty of Technological Systems and Logistics: prof. Shramenko N., docent Berezhna N., Assoc. Gorodetskaya T. and Senior teacher Kutya O. as well as representatives of other free economic zones and transport specialists.

Стартувала IV Міжнародна освітня школа зі сталої мобільності