Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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About department

About the Department of Language Training

The Department of Language Training was founded on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages, which was established in 1938. The main activity of the department is the training of highly qualified specialists in all specialties of the university with a high level of knowledge of foreign languages.

Since September 2017, the department has been headed by Poliakova Tetiana Leonidivna. Currently, 1 doctor of pedagogical sciences, 3 candidates of philological sciences and 2 candidates of pedagogical sciences work at the department.

The department provides teaching of English, German, French, Ukrainian and Latin for students of I-VI years of all specialties, as well as classes for undergraduates. Classes are also held at the preparatory department for foreign students.

The department is in charge of the entrance tests and examinations. Applicants to the University take exams (to enter Bachelor’s, Master’s and post graduate levels).

The teachers use innovative approaches and methods of teaching foreign languages. The emphasis is shifted to the development of students’ communication skills in academic and professional environment. In order to improve the professional communication skills of students and undergraduates, optional classes in English, German and French are organized using interactive methods and modern technologies.

The teachers of the department are members of the public organization ‘Association of English Language Teachers – TESOL-Ukraine’ and the ‘Association of Ukrainian Germanists’.

The staff constantly undergoes foreign internships in leading foreign institutions of higher education (in France, Poland, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, etc.).

Under the guidance of teachers of the department, students and graduate students annually take an active part in many International and All-Ukrainian student scientific conferences, competitions and contests.

The department annually holds the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of scientists, graduate students, students and young scientists of higher educational institutions ‘Science, Education, Innovations’ (‘Science, education, innovation (in foreign languages)’.