Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Scientific schools and developments

Scientific schools and developments of the department reliability, durability and technical service of machines named after V. Anilovych School “Problems of reliability of machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production”



Prize-winning students of International Student Olympiads and conferences


Scientific circles

Civil Security Section (the head Kiriienko M.) Section of Environmental Protection Technologies (the head Vambol S.) Student clubs Civil protection (the head Cherepnov I.) Protection labor (the head Zadorozhnia V.) Security of technological processes (the head Liashenko S.) Security of road movement (the head Vynokurov M.) Technologies of protection environment (the head Vambol S.) Engineering ecology(the head Fesenko A.) List of students 1 Bludova A. Ovcharenko Ye. Kis O. Kaliuzhna H. Lytovchenko A. Kryvovyd Vlada 2 Kalashnyk N. Vodianytskyi M. Ivanov A. Kalashnik N. Baliuk Andrii 3 Lepekhyn  D. Zubko V. Lemishko D. Mikla Ihor 4 Marenych O. Kurylko Yu. Voloshyna A. Mishnov Denys 5 Koliesnichenko V. Kulish V. Sokol O.S Butova Yeva 6 Lytvynenko V. Baieva D. Lyskonoh A. Beketska 7 Burlaka V. Makhomiet Daria 8 Usychenko D. Prashcheruk Mariia 9 Pylypenko R. Morozov Mykyta  


About the Department

Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities is special and unique among the Departments of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. It occupies a worthy place among the Departments of UNESCO in Ukraine. The Department was founded in May 1996, as a result of the signing of an agreement between the Director-General of UNESCO and the Rector of Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (now – KNTUA). In 2008, as a result of merging with the Departments of Philosophy and History of Ukraine, the Department of UNESCO “Philosophy of Human Communication”, Social Sciences and Humanities was renamed.


About the ESI MMS

The institute cooperates with the heads of well-known domestic and foreign companies, concerns and holdings involved in the preparation and implementation of training programs, reorientation of curricula to increase the share of the practical component, large-scale implementation of internship programs with further employment in companies such as CASE, John Deere, Lemken, SOLLY +, Zeppelin, UPEC industrial group, PJSC Elvorti, agro-industrial company KERNEL, HTZ, Ukragrozapchastyna LLC, Privat Bank, and many others.


About the Department

Level of educational services provided at the Department of Transport Technologies and Logistics (Click)  


About the department

The Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management was founded in 1948 as the Department of Economics and Organization of Agricultural Production to provide organizational and economic training of specialists for agriculture under the leadership of Associate Professor Pavel Lukyanov, who headed the department until 1965.


About the department

Sorokin Maksym is the Head of department № office of the Head is 207 Tel. (057) 712-50-56 Е-mail of department:


About the department

The Head of the department: Miroshnyk Oleksandr,doctor of technical sciences Science, Professor Adress: Kharkiv, Rizdviana street, 19, room. 310. Тel: (057) 712-52-45


Registration for the single entrance exam starts on May 11

From 9:00 on May 11 to 18:00 on June 3, the registration of entrants who plan to take the single entrance exam in a foreign language and the single professional entrance exam (EPI) for admission to study for a master’s degree will continue. This was reported by the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

11 травня стартує реєстрація на складання єдиного вступного іспиту

About the department

The Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange Activities were founded in 2016 as part of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Mechatronics and Management Systems. Doctor of Economics Levkina Ruslana has been appointed the head of the department.


The procedure for land auctions

According to Article 14 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Article 1 of the Land Code of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Land Code of Ukraine) land is the main national wealth, which is under the special protection of the state. Land ownership is guaranteed.

Порядок проведення земельних торгів

His life is a feat!

Every year on the eve of May 9 at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture remembers and honors his former employees who were participants in the Great Patriotic War (and now – World War II) and their military exploits brought Victory closer. Both the dead and the living are remembered. Recently, as we have already written, Mykhailo Turchenko celebrated his 99th birthday.

Його життя -  подвиг!

All-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works and Olympiads in the specialty

2019 рік All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline “Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurements” From April 24 to 26, 2019 based on the Faculty of Engineering and Energy of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline “Interchangeability, Standardization and Technical Measurements” took place among higher education institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation.


Program of professional entrance exams

Programs of entrance examinations (interview) for obtaining OS “Bachelor” on the basis of complete general secondary education Ukrainian language and literature Math History of Ukraine Physics Chemistry Biology Foreign Language Programs of professional entrance tests for obtaining the Bachelor’s degree  
