Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Events and activities

18.11.20 SPECIAL PROJECT. FOR THE EUROPEAN GREEN COURSE On November 13, 2020, at the initiative of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology of KhNTUA, the All-Ukrainian practical online conference for graduates-ecologists of leading universities was held on the topic “For the European green course: science + practice. How to synchronize knowledge and time requirements“.


Scientific schools and developments of the department

FOUNDER OF NEW SCIENTIFIC DIRECTIONS Based on the department of technological systems of repair production more than 70 dissertations were prepared and successfully defended, the partial list of which is given below


About the department




Marenych T. awarded the Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Council for conscientious work, high professionalism, training of highly qualified specialists, significant contribution to the development of education and science and on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the founding of KhNTUA (2015).


Current Information

On June 1, 2021, the final of the youth competition for the best excursion “Let’s open Kharkiv region” took place. 1st and 2nd year students specialty in Tourism: Drazhevska Ksenia, Khomytska Darya, Kobzar Maksym, Shilo Daniil presented to the jury a tour “Film, film, film in Kharkov”. The boys and girls told interesting facts about Kharkiv cinema and conducted a cognitive quiz. So we wish our finalists victory and inspiration in further tourism activities.



It was started in 1930. The country has begun reforming higher and special higher education due to an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel. The Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic adopted a Resolution on the reorganization of universities and colleges and their transfer to the relevant People’s Commissariats on 12th June. The section “Agricultural sector” provided for the establishment of the Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture in Kharkiv on the basis of mechanization departments of Kharkiv and Poltava Agricultural Institutes.


About the department

The department was founded in 1966 by order of the Ministry of Higher and Special Education of the USSR. The founder of the department was Mykhailo Yevseyev – the rector of the then KIMEA. From 1967 to 1983 the department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Boris Petrovich Shabelnyk. From 1983 to 2005 the department worked under the guidance of Professor, Ph.D. tech. Sciences Boyko Ivan Grigorovich. From December 2016 to May 2017 the department was headed by Boyko IG and Nagorny SA Since 2005, the department is headed by Professor, Ph.D. tech. Naumenko O.



Cherenkov A. awarded a diploma of III degree, and he was awarded the title of “Laureate of Competition 97”. Kosulina N. awarded a diploma of the third degree for scientific work “The use of electromagnetic radiation of animal tissues for remote diagnosis of their condition” in 2000. Cherenkov A. awarded a diploma for many years of conscientious work, for significant personal contribution to educational and scientific work in the training of highly qualified specialists for agricultural production and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of KNTUA Kosulina N. awarded a diploma for many years of conscientious work, for significant personal contribution to educational and scientific work in the training of highly qualified specialists for agricultural production and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of KNTUA Kosulina N. awarded a diploma for significant achievements in science in 2003. Diakova T. awarded for many years of work, conscientious attitude to official duties, high labor performance and on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the university. Kosulina N. awarded a diploma for participation in the district festival “Woman of the Year – 2007” in the category of woman – a worker of education and science. Kosulina N. awarded a diploma for significant contribution to the development of education and science, training of highly qualified specialists, high professionalism, for quality training and holding of the International scientific-practical and scientific-methodical conference “Energy saving and electric drive in agriculture” in 2008. Kosulina N. awarded a diploma for significant contribution to the development of agricultural education and science, high professionalism and on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of KNTUA Cherenkov A. awarded a diploma of the Main Department of Education and Science of HODA for many years of scientific and pedagogical activities aimed at training highly qualified specialists in 2010. Lyashenko H. Gratitude were expressed for assistance in the preparation of scientific work for the XV city competition of scientific student works and education of young scientists in 2010. Cherenkov A. awarded a diploma of the participant of the XIII regional competition “Higher school of Kharkiv region – the best names” in the nomination “Teacher of professionally-oriented disciplines” in 2011. Cherenkov A. awarded as the winner of the competition “The best scientific and pedagogical employee of the university for 2010-2011”. Shcherbakov O. awarded diplomas for the organization and active participation in the international scientific-practical conference “Energy and energy efficient technologies” in Belgorod in 2011 and 2012. Cherenkov A. awarded a diploma for the organization and active participation in the international scientific-practical conference “Energy and energy efficient technologies” in Belgorod in 2012. Cherenkov A. awarded a diploma of a scholarship holder in the field of science named after O. Sokolovsky (in agrarian sciences) in 2012. Chorna M. awarded a diploma for involving students in scientific work in the competition “Curator of the Year 2012”. Moroz S. awarded a diploma for participation in “Scientific Picnics” in 2014. Kravchenko P. awarded a diploma for assistance in conducting the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Electrical Engineering at NTU “KhPI” in 2015. Chorna M. awarded a Certificate of Honor for active participation in the education of students and high personal professional achievements in 2015. Cherevyshchenko S. awarded a diploma for the best work in the competition of creative student works of the All-Ukrainian student scientific-practical conference of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Energy and Computer Technologies in 2015. Kosulina N. awarded a diploma for creating a creative atmosphere at the department and involving students in the development of devices that promote the development of electrical engineering. Cherenkov A.. Gratitude were expressed for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism, significant contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex and on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petro Vasylenko (2015). Kosulina N. Gratitude for conscientious work, great professionalism, training of highly qualified specialists, significant personal contribution to the development of education and science and on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Petro Vasilenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture (2015). Saprytsia O. expressed gratitude for the high professionalism of the introduction of innovative energy-saving technologies and for a significant contribution to the development of scientific, technical and educational potential of the region signed by the Chairman of the Northeast Research Center of NAS and MES of Ukraine Academician VP Seminozhenko (2015 р.). Kravchenko P. awarded a diploma for assistance in the Olympiads of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2015 in electrical engineering. Kravchenko P. awarded a diploma for a significant contribution to the training of specialists for agricultural production in Ukraine and on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the university (2015). Moroz S.. Gratitude were expressed for participation and assistance in 3 Ukrainian-Polish scientific picnics (May 2015). Diakova T. awarded a diploma for many years of fruitful work, high professionalism, conscientious attitude to their official duties and on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the university (2015). Kravchenko P. awarded a diploma for participation in the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Electrical Engineering (2017)./li> Chorna M. awarded a diploma for participation in the jury of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in TOE 2017). The staff of the BMITE department was awarded a diploma for participation in the “Scientific Picnics” (2017). Cherenkov A. awarded a diploma for active scientific, teaching and public work and on the occasion of Energy Day (2017). Diakova T. awarded a diploma for a significant labor contribution to the training of highly qualified professionals, active community service and on the occasion of Energy Day (2017). Kosulina N. Gratitude were expressed for many years of conscientious work, significant personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities (2018). Cherenkov A.awarded a diploma for conscientious work, exemplary use of official duties, high scientific achievements and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity (2018). Chorna M. Gratitude were expressed for many years of conscientious and fruitful work, great professionalism, significant contribution to the development of education and science of Kharkiv and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the educational and scientific institute of energy and computer technology of Petro Vasilenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. (2018). Kravchenko P. awarded a diploma for conscientious work, exemplary use of official duties, high scientific achievements and fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity (2018). Diakova T. awarded a diploma for active scientific and public activities and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the educational and scientific institute of energy and computer technology (2018). Lyashenko H. awarded a diploma for many years of fruitful work, high professionalism, conscientious performance of their duties and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Energy and Computer Technology of Petro Vasilenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture (2018). Polyanova N. was awarded a diploma for many years of fruitful work, high professionalism, conscientious performance of his duties and on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the educational and scientific institute of energy and computer technology of Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. Petra Vasilenko (2018).


About department

The Department of Physics and Theoretical Mechanics is a part of the educational and scientific institute of processing and food productions.


Developments of the department

The Department of Materials Technology of the Institute of Technical Service employs qualified specialists in the field of materials science, engineering technology, metal forming. In addition to the educational process at the department following the specialization of teachers researched these areas.


To the 90th anniversary of Kharkiv Tractor Plant

In October this year, the Kharkiv Tractor Plant, which has long been a leader in the tractor industry in Ukraine and a kind of business card of industrial Kharkiv, will celebrate its 90th anniversary. In this regard, we would like to remind you of the history of this tractor-building giant, which consists of several important stages of development and formation.

До 90-річчя ХТЗ