Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Practical classes for students of advanced training courses

      On May 30, 2019, associate professor of the Department of Power supply and energy management Dudnikov Serhii conducted for students of advanced training courses, employees of regional power companies, practical classes at the demonstration site of the solar power plant of the company “Atmosphere”.


About the department

The department was established in 2000 and trains specialists in the following specialties:


The cooperation of teachers and students from five countries came together in a business game

Learning to do business by doing business in a global environment is the main principle of an online business simulation course offered by the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Science (Germany) and in which, thanks to the cooperation between KhNTUA and the Rhine-Wales University of Applied Sciences for three months (November 2020 – January 2021) were attended by students of the Institute of Business and Management specialties 051 – Economics, 071 – Accounting and Taxation, 072 – Finance, Banking and Insurance, 074 – Management. A unique educational project that brings together teachers and students from five countries. As a basis for the business simulation course, German teachers proposed a simulation game TOPSIM – Startup, which uses interactive methods of teaching and learning based on complex, computer business modeling. At the first stage, students from 6 universities from different countries, united in teams (a total of 29 business teams were created), carried out in a virtual environment the development of business models and strategic business plans, compare options for raising capital, determining demand potential, target groups and competitive advantages of the startup. In the following stages, students made management decisions regarding: – hiring resources and wages, – choice of technologies and production volumes, – pricing and advertising policy, – sources and conditions of financing. At the same time, the skills of filling out financial reporting forms and interpreting accounting data for corporate governance were practiced. Subsequently, the decisions were adjusted by changes in the market situation and the actions of competitors. The training was conducted in English. Frankly speaking, at first most of the decisions made by students did not ensure business profitability, but in the process of business modeling, students were able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their company, threats, and opportunities, pay attention not to individual factors affecting business profitability, but to all aggregate, adjust their strategies and thus achieve business profitability in a changing global environment. At the same time, participation in this course allowed students to once again practice the skills of teamwork, in practice to feel the pitfalls and benefits of such work. The team of KhNTUA consisting of students Ilyin Oleksandra, Likhopud Oleksandra, Gatsko Darya, Simchenko Valeria was recognized as the best according to the results of business modeling. Vitalina Strenadko, a student majoring in 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance”, shares her impressions of participating in this course: showed how the company works from the inside, the dependence of business success on management decisions. On the plus side, there are a variety of tasks that can be solved using a simulation within the training center. From learning specific knowledge in the field of business understanding: working with financial information, pricing, utilization of production capacity and ending with the choice of company strategy and the development of team influence skills. The undoubted important advantage of the business game was the emotional experience for the result – our teams were happy, taking first place in the market, grieving, losing profits, suffering from poorly predicted sales and aggressive actions of competitors. Sincere admiration and a variety of often unexpected feelings created a high level of involvement and acquisition of knowledge. This level is difficult to achieve in other forms of classes – seminars or training. With all the tension of emotions, according to the participants of this game from my team, they were pleased with the safety of the decisions made. Some even wrote that they were able to “bully and try a series of absolutely absurd actions.” This aspect is the advantage of business simulation, as participants can try the most incredible management scenario of the company, test their hypotheses in action, and the worst that can happen to them – the realization of the erroneousness of their decisions. In my opinion, the main advantages of this game were: • the ability to quickly “immerse” in the business situation and understanding of business processes; • independence of conclusions and decision-making, obtaining their own experience, which is then much easier and faster to implement in reality. • the ability to systematically analyze the situation, the development of the ability to see and take into account the system of interrelated factors influencing the result; • a high degree of freedom and the ability to be flexible in choosing tools and approaches to solving problems; • constant monitoring of the activity and scheme of the game “Solution – Result – Analysis -; • teamwork and competitive moments, exchange of best practices. Much time and effort have been devoted to the preparation and implementation of this project by Dr. Dietrich Darr, Professor of Agribusiness (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany). On behalf of the KhNTUA, the curators in this project were V. Onegina, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Marketing. and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Production Organization and Management Kalinichenko S. However, plans for future cooperation between universities are being discussed, which, under favorable conditions for victory over the pandemic, provide even greater prospects for students of the KhNTUA.

Співпраця викладачів та студентів з п’яти країн поєдналася в бізнес-грі

Historical background

The Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology was established by the Decision of the Academic Council of KhNTUSG in August 2017, but the birthday of the department can be considered 1930 when the Kharkiv Institute of Agricultural Mechanization established two biological departments: soil science and agrochemistry (head – prof. Muravsianskyi S.) and agriculture and crop production (head prof. – Suprunenko O.) In 1937, the departments were merged into one – agriculture and crop production, whose professor, and later head, became Professor Kovalov M .. Kovalov M. was one of the developers of the method of local application of mineral and organo-mineral fertilizers during sowing of crops, seedling cultivation of sugar beet seeds, and the introduction into the production of corn. Together with the staff of the department, he published some important monographs, textbooks, textbooks “Culture of Chumiz” (1950), “Granular Fertilizers”, “New in Fertilizing Fields” (1961), “Fundamentals of Agriculture and Crop Production” (1963 ), “Fundamentals of Agronomy” (1968). From 1974 to 1980, the department was headed by Associate Professor Atroshenko M. He edited the textbook “Fundamentals of Agronomy”. From 1980 to 2005 the department was headed by University Professor Soloshenko O. In 2005, according to the decision of the Academic Council of the University, 2 departments were established: agronomy and ecology, headed by prof. Soloshenko O, General, and Biological Chemistry, headed by prof. Vasiliev S. In 2009, according to the decision of the Academic Council of the University, the Department of Chemistry, Agronomy, and Ecology was established, headed by Prof. Vasiliev S. In 2011-2013, the section of agronomy and ecology was introduced under the guidance of Professor Spolnik O. The Industrial Training Section was established in 1991 to improve the practical training of students. The section has been headed by Kyrychenko V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, since its inception. Since 2012, the section was headed by Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine Horbanov A. In connection with the reorganization of the structure of KhNTUA in May 2013, the section of agronomy and the section of industrial training became structural subdivisions of the department of optimization of technological systems named after T. Yevsiukov of the Institute of MSM.



Practice occupies an important place in the training of highly qualified personnel. Students’ practice is an integral part of the training of specialists at the Petro Vasylenko Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture. It is aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge acquired by students during their studies, acquisition, and improvement of practical skills and abilities defined by the educational-professional training program for the relevant educational program.



Education 1983 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, majoring in mechanization of agricultural production, received a qualification of mechanical engineer. 12.1986 – 12.1989 post-graduate student of Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture Career 11.1983 – 12.1986 Assistant of the Department of Mechanization of Livestock Farms of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture 01.1990 – 05.1994 Assistant of the Department of Mechanization of Livestock Farms of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (since 10.05.1994 Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture) 05.1994 – 08.1994 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanization of Livestock Farms, Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture 08.1994 – 01.2006 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Correspondence Education of Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture (since 20.10.2004 Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture) 01.2006 – 01.2010 Dean of the Faculty of Correspondence Education of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture 01.2010 – 06.2013 Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Distance and Distance Learning of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture 06.2013 – 01.2014 Professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture 01.2014 – 10.2016 PhD student of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture 01.2014 – 10.2016 Professor of the the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture 10.2016 – currently rector of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture 10.2016 – currently Professor of the Department of technical systems and technologies of animal husbandry named after B. Shabelnyk of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture (on an hourly basis) Awards Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration and Kharkiv Regional Council, 2005; Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers, 2006; labor award “Badge of Honor”, 2009; Diploma of the Main Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, 2012; Diploma of the Association of Trade Unions of Kharkiv region, 2015; Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Branch of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, 2016; Diploma of the Kharkiv Regional Branch of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, 2016; Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2019

Нанка Олександр Володимирович

Vambol Sergij

Education • 1994 – graduated with honors from the Kharkiv Aviation Institute. NE Zhukovsky (specialty propulsion and power plants of spacecraft, qualification of mechanical engineer). • 2003 – defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic “Vibrations and stability of cylindrical shells with an ideal fluid flow”, specialty 01.02.04 – mechanics of a deformable solid. • 2006 – the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics. • 2013 – defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the topic “Scientific foundations of the use of dispersed systems in environmental safety management under the influence of factors of various genesis” in the specialty 21.06.01 – environmental safety. • 2015 – academic title of Professor of the Department of Applied Mechanics. Career • 1997 – 2004 Junior Research Fellow, Assistant of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics of the National Aerospace University named after N. Zhukovsky “KhAI”. • 2004 – 2019. Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine. • From 2019 to the present, Professor of the Department of Life Safety and Law, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Educational activities • From 2017 to the present, Member of Subcommittee 183 “Technologies for Environmental Protection” of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Participation in the development of standards for the higher education of the first (bachelor’s), second (master’s), and third (Ph.D.) levels in specialty 183 “Technologies of environmental protection”. • Since 2018, a member of the accreditation commissions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on specialty 183 “Technologies of environmental protection”. Scientific work • Since 2015, a member of specialized academic councils for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses, (NU “Lviv Polytechnic”, 2015 – 2017; NUTSU 2017 – 2019; M. Ostrogradskiy KrNU, 2015 – 2020) • Since 2015. The official opponent of 5 doctoral and 10 master’s theses. • 2006 – 2019. Head of 10 research projects in the direction of technogenic and environmental safety. • Since 2015. Member of editorial boards and collegiums of 3 scientific and technical journals (professional). • Published in co-authorship over 10 scientific monographs and 2 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science. • Has more 20 patents. Number of publications • More than 250 publications. Awards • 2018 – Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Vambol Sergij

What does dual education provide?

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed and submitted for public discussion project Regulations on the dual form of higher and professional higher education. The purpose of drafting the Regulation is to create a legal basis for training specialists in higher and professional higher education in the dual form of education and conditions for the full implementation of the dual form of higher and professional higher education.

Що дає дуальна освіта?

Results of the student youth forum – 2021

On March 25-26, 2021, our university hosted the annual 17-th International Youth Forum “Youth and Agricultural Machinery in the XXI Century”. At the plenary session, the rector of KhNTUA O. Nanka greeted the participants of the forum and made an introductory speech, emphasizing that the main purpose of this educational event is to expand the scientific and technical horizons of young farmers and encourage them to participate in innovative work.

Підсумки форуму студентської молоді – 2021

Sport life

Calendar of games of the Ukrainian Rugby 15 Championship 2020 among the teams of the Premier League
