Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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071 Accounting and taxation


The latest development of university scientists

Researchers of the Institute of Processing and Food Production and representatives of production are constantly looking for ways to improve the processes of post-harvest processing of grain. The latest development of the team is a sieve with holes in the shape of an oval Cassini. The use of sieves with holes of this shape, instead of the classic round holes, allows you to increase the capacity of the sieve. Also reduces the “clogging” of the sieves, due to the larger living cross-section.

Новітня  розробка науковців університету

Material base

There is everything for the highest quality presentation of material for students, such as classrooms:


Ensuring the quality of education

The Sector for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture was established to provide consulting, coordination, and internal control over the quality of education at the university in cooperation with the Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching, Educational and Methodological department, student self-government bodies and other structural subdivisions.


Volokitina Viktoriia

1988 – 1994 – Secretary – Driver of the Dean’s Office for Work with Foreign Students of the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture; 1994 – 2007 – Secretary – Printer of the Dean’s Office for Work with Foreign Students of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; 2007 – 2012 category I specialist in working with foreign students; 2012 – 2018 – a leading specialist of the dean’s office for work with foreign citizens; Since 2018 – laboratory assistant of the department of organization of production, business, and management.

Волокітіна Вікторія Віталіївна

Practical training of students at the Department of Accounting and Auditing

Practical training of students is a mandatory component of the educational and professional program for obtaining any degree of higher education. The purpose of practical training of students at our university is to summarize the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, professional skills, and abilities that form specialists with higher education of the appropriate degree and improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists.

Практична підготовка студентів на кафедрі обліку та аудиту

Youth wins

On the eve of the Youth Day in the Novobavarsky district of Kharkiv, the winners and laureates of the district stage of the city competition “Young Man of the Year” were awarded. This title is awarded for significant achievements in various spheres of public life and was fought for by young people aged 14 to 35 who live, study, and work in the Novobavarsky district of Kharkiv.

Молодість перемагає


To interact and coordinate the activities of KNTUA and the Research Institute of NAAS of Kharkiv region on mutual assistance and get a positive result aimed at implementing research in the practical work of the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine, during 2018-2019 cooperation agreements were concluded.


Working meeting with the rector

Today in the assembly hall of KhNTUSG a working meeting of the rector of the university O. Nanka with the directors of educational and scientific institutes, heads of separate departments and divisions responsible for certain areas of work took place.

Робоча нарада у ректора 10.02.2021