Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture
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Riasnianska Alona

Education Graduated from Kharkiv National Agrarian Universitynamed after V.V. Dokuchaev, majoring in Land Management and Cadastre (2013); “Accounting and Auditing” (2014). 2014 – 2016 – a graduate student at the Land Resources Management and Cadastre Department, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaev. 2016 – Ph.D. thesis in Economics and Management of Enterprises (by type of economic activity) – 08.00.04. Career 2017 – 2020 – Assistant at the Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities Department, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; 2020 till now Senior Lecturer at the Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities Department. Educational activities Disciplines: – Exchanges and exchange activities; – Exchange analysis; – Stock commodity and stock market; – Methodology and organization of scientific research; – Basics of trade and exchange activities; – Evaluation activities; – Commodity innovation policy; – Business competitiveness management. Curator of the academic group. Research activities Research interests: – business economics; – property relations in agricultural enterprises; – development of land relations in Ukraine; – exchange activity; – evaluation activities. 2016-2017 – Member of the organizing committee of the international scientific-practical conference of young scientists “Youth and technical progress in AIP”; 2017-2018 – Member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works “Innovative developments in the agricultural sector”; She has more than 30 publications. International activities International scientific and pedagogical internship at the University of Applied Sciences (Nysa, Poland)

Ряснянська Альона Миколаївна

Lysenko Serhey

Education 1978 – 1982 – Okhtyrska Technical School of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty – “Mechanization of Agriculture”, qualification – mechanical technician. 1985 – 1990 – Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specialty – “Mechanization of Agriculture”, qualification – mechanical engineer. Certificate of additional training in the organization and management of agricultural production in the agro-industrial complex. Qualification – organizer of agricultural enterprises. 2007 – 2011 – postgraduate studies at the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Career 1982 – 1984 service in the border troops. 1991 – OJSC “Peresichanske RTP”, engineer – technologist. 1999 – Head of the Technological Department, OJSC “Peresichanske RTP”. 2006 – senior lecturer. Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. 2015 – Certification training. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Qualification – an innovative direction of pedagogical activity. Educational activities Educational, teaching activities: Teaches disciplines: Technology of construction materials. Technological bases of mechanical engineering. Technology of manufacturing of working bodies of agricultural machinery. Training practice in materials processing. Research activities Has more than 40 scientific publications, author of methodical instructions. Research interests: mechanical engineering, metalworking.

Лисенко Сергій Володимирович

Romanchenko Volodymyr

Education From 1995 to 2000 he studied at the Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture. During his studies at the university, he had an internship in Great Britain in 1999. In 2000 he was enrolled in the graduate school of CDTUSG at the department “Technical operation of machinery and equipment”. From 2001 until 2002 he had an internship in Denmark. In 2003 he graduated from graduate school. In 2008 he defended his dissertation on the specialty “050511 machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production” and received the degree of candidate of technical sciences. In 2011 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor. Career Since 2001 he worked as an assistant at the department “Strength and reliability of machines. V.Ya. Anilovich ”. From September 2008 to October 2017 worked as an associate professor of the Department of Strength and Reliability of Machines named after V. Anilovich In October 2017, he was transferred to the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production. From September 2017 to May 2020 held the position of Deputy Director of the Institute of Vehicles. From June to the present he holds the position of the head of the department of technological systems of repair production named after O. Sidashenko. Educational activities Teaches the following disciplines: – Design of production processes and enterprises – Automated design of technological processes of repair production – Car repair – Repair of machinery and equipment. Research activities He has more than 30 publications in professional publications of Ukraine

Романченко Володимир Миколайович

Olga Chalaya

Education 2004 – graduated from Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy, for specialty «Zooengineering» 2014 – defended her PhD (Agricultural Sciences) thesis in specialty 03.00.16. – Ecology Career 2010 – Assistant of the Department of applied ecology named after O.A. Kolesov of Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy 2014 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of applied ecology named after O.A. Kolesov of Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy Since 2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of Agrotechnology and Ecology of Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture Research activities The field of research is the studying the influence of anthropogenic factors on the quality of crop and animal production 2014 – she defended her PhD thesis on the topic «Ecological and biological features of pork production at the excess of heavy metals in the ration» has over 45 scientific papers, including 1 patents International action 2019 – had international internship on “Innovative methods and technologies in higher education in the context of the global world” (Varna University of Management, Bulgaria, 2019) (4 ECTS credits) Foreign publications Chalaya O. Influence of some heavy metals on the organism of young pigs / Chalaya O., Pankova O., Sirovitskiy K., Bezpalko V., Gorbanov A. // ТЕКА. Commission of motorization and energetics in agriculture – 2018. Vol. 18, № 4. P. 13-18. Paliy A., Paliy A., Nanka O., Chalaya O., Chalyi A. Establishment of the efficiency of animal breeding premises disinfection by modern disinfectants // «EUREKA: Life Sciences». – № 4 (2019), – с. 3-8.

Olga Chalaya

Kolpachenko Nadia

Education In 2004 she graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Agriculture and received a master’s degree in “Organizational Management” and qualified as a manager-economist. 2017 – defended her dissertation on the specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Business Management (by type of economic activity), PhD 2019 – received a master’s degree with honors from the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture in the specialty “Industrial Engineering” Career 2004 – 2009 – Assistant of the Department of Organization of Production, Business, and Management, Faculty of Management. 2009 – 2018 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Organization of Production, Business, and Management of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Business and Management. Since 2018 – Associate Professor of Technological Systems of Repair Production of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Technical Service Since September 2018 – Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Scientific Research Institute Since 2019 – Head of the Directorate of the Institute of Technical Education for educational and methodological work From November 2019 – an expert on accreditation of educational thresholds of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education From May 2020 – Deputy Director of the ESI TS Since August 2020 – a specialist in quality assurance of higher education of the educational and methodical department of KhNTUSG September 2020 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production named after O. Sidashenko Educational activities • Teaches the following disciplines: – Business Economics; – Production logistics of mechanical engineering processes and restoration of parts; – Project management in mechanical engineering; – Substantiation of engineering and economic decisions in animal husbandry • Management of qualification works of applicants of the second (master’s) level of higher education Research activities • Research interests: business economics, management, industrial engineering • He has about 40 educational and methodical and scientific works, including 3 textbooks and manuals International activities • She passed a scientific and pedagogical internship at WSB University, Poland • Participated in conferences in EU countries (Poland, France, Slovakia)

Колпаченко Надія Миколаївна

Martynenko Oleksandr

Education • In 1983 he graduated from the Slavic Agricultural College. • in 1985 entered the Melitopol Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. • in 1990 graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. • From 1991 to 1994 studied in full-time graduate school. • 2003 after the defense of the candidate’s dissertation Martynenko O. awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences. • 2005 awarded the academic title of associate professor of repair of tractors, cars and agricultural machinery. Career • From 1983 to 1985 he served in the Soviet Army • From 1990 to 1991 he worked as a researcher • since 1994 assistant professor of car repair • since 2000 – senior lecturer • since 2004 as an associate professor Educational activities • Teaches the following disciplines: “Installation, diagnosis and repair of processing and food production equipment”, “Repair of machines”, “Repair of machines and equipment”, “Design of production processes and technical service enterprises”, “Examination of the technical condition of equipment” Research activities • Repair of machines and equipment. Laser and electro spark technologies for machine parts restoration. • He has more than 110 publications and more than 10 patents International activities • Executive Secretary of the International Youth Forum “Youth and Agricultural Machinery in the XXI Century” Social activities • Member of the trade union committee of the university. • Chairman of the trade union bureau of the institute. • Curator of the group. Awards • “Diploma” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine • the award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine – the badge “Excellence in Education”.

Мартиненко Олександр Дмитрович

Manilo Vadim

Education • 2004 – Diploma of KhSTUA in the field of “Mechanical Engineering” and received a bachelor’s degree in engineering mechanics. • 2005 – Diploma of KhNTUA in the specialty “Equipment of processing and food production”, and qualified as a mechanical engineer. • 2007-2010 – postgraduate studies. Career • 2005 – laboratory assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production. • 2007 – Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production. • 2007 – Assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production. • 2011 – Assistant of the Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production. • 2014 – Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Technological Systems of Repair Production named after O. Sidashenko.

Маніло Вадим Леонідович


The unit is a center for organizing university events such as the traditional event “Dedication to Freshmen”, “Debut of a freshman”, “Mechanics Day” held by the Institute of MSM, “Olympic Lesson” organized in conjunction with the Department of Physical Education and Sports, traditional competitions curator “and” Best Student of the Year “in collaboration with the department. UNESCO. The unit for the organization of educational work of students launched the holiday “Maslenitsa”. With the participation of the Division, sponsorship concerts are created in the Kharkiv region, career guidance events, honoring veterans of our university, and participation in international, national, and city creative events and competitions.


Dmytro Mazorenko is 80 years old!

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the famous scientist in the field of agricultural mechanization, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, a full member of the NAAS of Ukraine, a member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education Dmytro Mazorenko.

Дмитру Івановичу Мазоренку – 80!

Kozii Oleksandr

Education and career 1982 – graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with honors in “Mechanization of Agriculture”; 1982 – graduate student of the Department of Agricultural Machinery; 1986 – researcher at the laboratory of vibrating seed cleaning machines; 1999 – present – Associate Professor of Agricultural Machinery, the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Research activities 1998 – defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on the topic: “Substantiation of the parameters of the technological process of cleaning and sorting of grain seeds on a vibrating seed cleaning machine.” Scientific publications, patents, grants Author and co-author of about 300 scientific papers 50 patents for inventions for utility models. Awards Diplomas, diplomas and thanks from the university administration.

Kozii Oleksandr

Zhyla Viktor

Education and career In 1982 he graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, specializing in electrical engineer; In 2000 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences; 2001- to 2017 – Associate Professor, Department of Integrated Electrical Technologies and Processes; 2001-2004 – Head of the educational department of the Kharkov State Technical University of Agriculture (former KhSTUA); 2005–2017 – Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of the Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture; From 07/01/2017 to present – Professor, Department of Automated Electromechanical Systems. Educational activities Teaches such disciplines: “Designing”, “Control and protection devices”, “Methodology and organization of scientific research”, “Energy saving in technological processes”, “Research of efficiency of electromechanical systems” Research activities Participates in researches in relation to development of low-energy laser technologies in agriculture, in particular, treatments of milk by means of semiconductor lasers. Works are conducted jointly with Institute of Animal Science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine He has 85 scientific and methodological publications and he has 4 patents. International activities / participation in international projects Participates in work of international professional conferences Social activities Member of Scientific Advice and trade-union committee ofuniversity Awards and prizes He awarded 2 diplomas for years of conscientious work, high professionalism, conscientious performance of their duties.

Цибух Андрій Володимирович

We improve the language training of teachers and students

On April 13, 2021, the Department of Language Training held the III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students, and young scientists “Science, Education, Innovations” (in foreign languages). The conference was held online on the Google-Meet platform and aroused considerable interest among participants.

Вдосконалюємо мовну підготовку викладачів і студентів